Chapter 35: A cuddle, Cultivation Meditation

Dinner was rather calm and enjoyable as we both spoke about the others and what we wanted to do tomorrow. Shuna had sat next to me and was eating in a rather reserved manner, her eyes darting to me every now and again as her her hands sometimes playfully wrapped around her chop sticks. 

Her actions were beyond cute and became even more chaotic as the evening began to fully collapse into night. The others didn’t seem to be coming back any time soon and her nerves were getting the best of her. To be completely honest she wasn’t the only one as I also was getting more worried about what we would do tonight. I talked a big game but I was a virgin in my past life…

‘Don’t make it awkward! Just, ask… her…’ I felt embarrassed over my own thoughts, my hand shakily stabbing at a piece of sliced meat, bring it to my mouth when I finally managed. We continued on like this until both of our plates were clean. She looked at me and I looked at her, our nerves being conveyed to each other. This stare continued for a few seconds more before Shuna started to laugh a little. Following her in her laughter I had to wipe tears from my eyes.2

“Why were we so worried? We don’t have to do that yet…” Shuna smiled whilst tilting her head, her beauty flashing through my eyes and being forever etched into my mind. I am glad I had Eidetic memory now, I never wanted to forget her.

“Mmm, do you want to cuddle, at least…?” Her smile froze over for a second as her hands started to fiddle a bit on her kimono. Her expression was the same but the energy had changed and she seemed stunned.

‘O-oh, i shouldn’t have asked that! Stupid me!’


“Sure! I’d love to, Tsuma…” Her smile was replaced by a shy blush and an attempt at covering her face with her right hand. ‘She’s way too fucking cute!’ I slowly rose my right hand and placed my hand on her right thigh. Her skin was soft and delicate, as if made of clouds and fog. Her teeth were as white as pearls and her eyes as pink as a sunset. Her hair was flowing as if it was a celestial river and not hair. She was perfect in every way, for me. 1

Seeing my state she stood and walked over to the stairway, beckoning me towards her with a small movement of her left hand.

“Come, let’s sleep.” I shook myself out of my stupor and stood as well, my dress turning into a light set of night briefs, almost completely see-through except for the breasts and privates. It was Shuna’s turn to be stunned by me as I ascended the stair in front of her. With a gentle smiled I beckoned her now, eventually both of us making it to the master bedroom where a large queen-sized bed dominated the room. The bed itself was like a medieval version with soft drapes and silks flowing all over.

To the side of the room were bookshelves and a single desk placed up against the window on my side of the bed. Close to where the door to the stairwell was there was the bathroom door that was currently closed. Shuna smiled at the bed, as if remembering the moments she woke up in it a few days ago.

I sat down on my side of the bed and slowly watched Shuna get to the opposite side. She gulped before setting down softly onto the sheets, crinkles appearing in her clothes and the sheets. She settled back into the pillows as I levitated some blankets from one of the drawers, the blanket being a mink. I like warmth and comfort, what could i say…

Arranging the bed for sleep perfectly, Shuna slipped under the blanket and softly wriggled over to me, grasping my mid-riff as her eyes stared at mine. I didn’t even need magic to tell that she loved me to death already. I couldn’t even resist my own feelings as I was too infatuated with the woman. I hugged her back and scooped her deeper into my body. The funny thing was that she was slightly smaller than me so i almost enveloped her entirely. I layed my head above hers, in between her horns, and gave her some small kisses on her forehead.

“Go to sleep my little wife…”

“Mmmn” Shuna slowly drifted off into sleep as my own meditation soon came. This meditation would be different however as I now had something to do other than just process the day I had had. Breathing deeply and slowly I began to remember some of the Chinese Novels I had read about Cultivation. My mind immediately jumped to dual cultivation but I decided to leave those thoughts for the future, the presence of Shuna on the bed never went away from my senses from that stage onwards. There was body training/tempering and then Qi gathering. A lot of cultivations focussed on converting elemental qi into spiritual qi, or, moulding the wild qi into a specific type. I thought on the black magicules I had seen and the countless other colours. I wondered what my element should be or if I should try and focus on just one element.2

I could focus on an element but from what I could remember from those Novels this method was usually the one with the least potential as it limited your option too much. ‘Maybe I am just gathering Magicules of a neutral nature, the least common ones…’ 

This stray fragment of idea lead me off exotic thought processes as I started to comprehend that maybe I should instead focus on a concept and use elements that were close to that. This train of thought was close but felt lacking in something… It felt too, small. 1

‘WAIT! The Dantian… What if i formed a core from all of the energy types and infused these elements into my own veins? Is this crazy…?’ The idea of changing my body forcefully through magic was intriguing but held many dangers.1

‘Create a Dantian first and then work on the rest afterwards?’ Throwing caution ot the wind a minute later I began to imagine all of the Magicules I had seen and continued to see with my Dragon-eye amulet. Going through the same process of imaginative formation I quickly began to imagine a core in the middle of my being, connected to my entire body and sharing the power equally amongst the different segments that gave stats. The image was complex and very intuitive, my own brain sort of filling the gaps and my eidetic memory aiding me in remembering various Cultivation body diagrams.

Energy and power flushed through my physical body and the one I held within my mind, the two in synch to a ridiculous degree. The energy was made up of hundreds of different patterns and colours. It was beautiful but also lethally dangerous. Adrenaline ran through my body as my ears quivered lightly, the entire experience becoming exhilarating, I hadn’t felt like this since I had killed someone in my last life. Ignoring the slight deviation in thought I hurried on in the process, enhancing the draining of magicules around me; specifically excluding Shuna’s which I felt clearly. 1

Hours passed in this exact manner as the Dantian slowly coalesced, becoming more solid and 3D by the second as small lightning surges and various other affects spattered along the inner segments of the core. In the fourth and final hour my ‘sleep’ cycle was starting to finish just as the final iota of energy finally accumulated in the centre of my being.

A sound that wasn’t a sound transmitted to my mind. Shattering glass and splattering blood rushed into my ears, followed by an intense drain on energy. The entire room darkened and submerged into darker shadows. Sconces flickered in the anomaly, my own senses focussing inward. 

|Congratulations for creating a Dantian!|

|Title Received: Chaotic Cultivator|

| All Stats + 500 |


HP: 26,090

MP: 8,080 

STR- 854

CON- 869

DEX- 860

CHA- 816

INT- 853

WIS- 834




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