Chapter 29: A constructive Discussion

“I believe we should start building actual roads so that we can establish trade with other peoples and specifically the humans. I want this to be the next big project.” Everyone around the table were considering the pros and cons.

‘Hmmm, it’s a good idea but we need to focus on some other sectors… Agriculture, logging industry, glass industry and establishing a stronger military.’ My thoughts seemed to be similar to the Dwarves as they were the first to speak up.

“Rimuru-sama, I believe we need to focus on our production and harvesting industries… Specifically Agriculture and Logging. If we don’t have these then we will not be able to do most of what we are currently capable of. A quarry would be a good next step as we would need cobblestone and other types of stone for building structures and roads. As it is we have exhausted nearby sources of stone from small deposits.” Rimuru entered into contemplation as he grasped his chin with his right hand, many of the other people in the village also agreeing with the Dwarves. This is where I stepped in.

“Before even that, we must focus on the military strength of our village. With the Orcs on the horizon, or even closer, we have a massive threat to our people and the village. We must form proper military ranks and divisions…” My words cut through the mass yes-ism of the community leaders as they started to understand what I was speaking on.

“Yes, Silviana-sama is correct. We need to ensure our combat potential… As it is we only have the Hobgoblins, Tempest Wolves and the Kijin. Of course, we could also include Silviana-sama and Rimuru-sama in such a force.” Benimaru was articulate as he sat there, his expressions being utterly serious and focused. I had never seen him like this but It was certainly an intriguing change from his usual attitude.

“So, we have found issues in the military and production… Silviana-san, do you have any ideas?” Rimuru was rather confident in tone as he asked me, no doubt he had some ideas but wanted another Reincarnator to voice themselves before he just announces his concepts.

“Hmm… Production is not hard to fix, we can offer benefits in the form of currency or housing. We could easily expand it with the current population we have. As for the Military, i believe making Benimaru the General of the army would be a good start, secondly we may want to see if Hakuro is interested in training the forces of our military. As for your plan of building roads, i believe it would be a good idea for the Military to also do this.” I looked directly at Rimuru and saw a spark of understanding flutter in the back of his eyes.

“Yes, that’s very intelligent…” Everyone else was confused at the ideas I had brought out all of a sudden. Benimaru looked at me as if analysing an enemy now, he was obviously misunderstanding my goals.

“Why must the military do it? Isn’t that the job of the civilians?” His tone was a little strained as he held back his frustration, hoping that I had a good reason.

“Think of it, the military needs discipline and isn’t always fighting… When they are not fighting they train… But, that only take a couple days for them to accomplish this training, what are they doing with the remaining days?”

“Resting, being ready for combat…?” He seemed to become even more confused.

“From our perspective we invest much effort and time into the military but they do very little to give back to our society’s infrastructure… So… What if we used two out of the three days for building roads or structures, plus, this will train them in being able to make temporary fortifications in the field and adapt them to a more versatile set of skills. This also future-proofs their skills as they can retire from the military straight into the construction industry or even high positions.”

A light of understanding flickered into Benimaru’s eyes also as he leaned forwards, considering the upsides of this new way of training and using the military. The Ogres were Japanese influenced and were very traditional in that sense but I was now introducing ideas and concepts from one of the mightiest empires of Earth, The Roman Empire. Why would you waste money on mediocre civilian labour when you can use a fully loyal, dedicated and fit force of people to do these things? It was common sense, not to mention it also made the problem of Veteran homelessness lessen significantly as they all leave the military with Building skills and maybe even engineering knowledge. It was an investment into the society we were building. I had some other ideas to communicate so I spoke up once again.1

“Besides those things, I would suggest the creation of schools in residential districts. We need to invest in education to fully be able to compound our power. The more educated the society, the more technology we have access to and the more powerful we become internationally and in economical terms, we would explode in prosperity.” Rimuru was practically gleaming in inspiration as he looked at me and gave a thumbs up. 

“Good ideas, we need to expand education… Making master and disciple relationships between military officers and young people would also make it so that a certain set of skills could be passed down from generation to generation. Silviana? Thoughts on this?”

I looked up and rolled the idea in my mind for a time, considering the Chinese Novels I had read in my past life. It wasn’t a bad Idea on the surface but the culture needed to be controlled carefully to stop arrogance and to not fester a class system.

“It makes it more likely we start to gain a class system, I would suggest that we make it less of disciple/master relationship and more of a mentor system. The young person would enter into a contract with said mentor for 5-10 years in which they will be taught the skills of said mentor. The Mentor will gain more pay from the government because they have accepted an apprentice. We make this specifically limited to the Military, so that we don’t have any issues in the general populace.”

“How’s is this different from the normal Master/Apprentice relationship?” Rigurd sounded sceptical as he asked loudly, the rest of the table also interested in understanding the full meaning of the concept I was introducing.

“With a normal Master/Apprentice relationship the Apprentice is forever connected to the Master and can easily be swayed by said Master in the case of politics or other actions. This opens the system to too much vulnerability. However, with an Apprentice/Mentor System we would still have the same effects but it would be done with older people and would have a contract, making it less of a family connection and more of an exchange.” 

All of them nodded and began to discuss separately the issue of this system, even Rimuru was locked in conversation, with Great Sage; Ciel. I began to consider the issues of several different actions we could take and soon came up with a new idea. It was bold but it could help, it may be time to start minor Industrialisation. It needed to be done slowly and with care for the environment, no demolishing everything just because it could get you profit. 1

“Whilst we are ruminating on this I would also like to introduce a technology… Electricity.”

Rimuru’s eyes widened as he looked at me. He couldn’t remember how to exactly generate electricity and it took certain processes and materials, as far as he knew, to make electricity. He hadn’t thought of electricity despite the magic in this world. 

‘How easy would it be for electricity to be easily accessible? Very! That was the answer. Lightning spells, mana gathering circles connected to ritual circles that summoned lightning and then all we would need would be some copper cabling and some cut offs for easy turning off and on. We would need rubber or some material like it, maybe we could substitute with magic… Yeah, its doable and easily achievable, fuck, I think Dwargon even had some electricity…’

The Dwarves, were a little stunned at the prospect of new technology but as I started to explain the concept they looked at each other and nodded.

“We have that in Dwargon, in the Royal District and secret laboratories.”

I smiled and nodded, showing that I knew. Kaijin looked at me, his face turning slightly pale at the idea that I could find that out with only a day or two in Dwargon. Rimuru was surprised by the revelation but smiled a few seconds later.

“You’re planning to use magic aren’t you?”

“Yes, it is extremely easy with Magic to substitute many of the processes that would be needed. We could even simplify it and just directly spin the turbine with kinetic force generated from Magic.”

“Infinite electricity?”

“Not really, the capacity would be as large as magic itself. The Magic would also be recycled into the atmosphere once it was used so, technically you could call it a perpetually renewing resource.”

His eyes widened as a large smile appeared on his face, an evil laugh emanating from him as he made a pose that Demon kings would take in manga in my past life. Shaking my head I exhaled and turned to the rest of the people in the room. They looked utterly oblivious to what we were speaking on, their minds still chugging along on the idea of the Mentor and Apprentice system.1

‘It is good that Rimuru is here, otherwise I’d go mad with the lack of culture and modern wisdom these people have…’2

The meeting continued…


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