Chapter 20: Saving the Ogres

Quickly sprinting through the forest, slinking from shadow to shadow in quick succession, we made our way towards the home of the Ogres. The forest itself was whistling in the wind as animals chirped and mewled as we passed. My senses were keyed into the forest and I was distantly maintaining sight on the situation of the village.

The entire village was on fire, the embers of buildings cracking and popping as acrid smoke poured into the sky above. Children hid with their mothers as their father attempted to fight back against the invading forces. The Daimyo’s mansion or gathering place was crackling in bright orange and yellow flames as screams emerged from within, people being eaten alive by the Orcs. My ‘vision’ of events started to blur somewhat as the nearby tree caught fire also, the last thing I was capable of seeing being Shuna and Benimaru escaping with Shion, Souei, Kurobe and Hakuro. Nodding to myself my senses returned back to my surroundings, my body bouncing up and down lightly as I rode on the back of Ranga, Rimuru and Shizu snuggling up at the front.

I rolled my eyes at the newly formed couple. It seems Rimuru was way more of a go getter than I realised. Feeling a sting at the fact that he lost his V card before I did, i happily ignored them, staring at our path ahead as Ranga rapidly sped through the forest, ten of his kin following us closely, riderless. We had brought them as a quick mount for any survivors we find.1

Minutes quickly passed as we got closer to the Ogre Village, smoke visible on the horizon as the cackling and crying of Orc and Ogre radiated outwards into the late afternoon breeze. My senses were unable to pick out anything fully defined as the surrounding forest had entered a panicked state from the presence of fire. In desperation for information I pulled on some memories of a spell called Locate Creature, the spell still coming from DND as it was my major source of fantasy knowledge. The magicules within me stirred and attempted to complete the spell I had requested, I was then met with a small input box on my status screen. 



|Searching Commencing|

My magicules were used by the new spell, as if I was someone in a completely pitch black room and only a cane with which to find someone in the room. Then, suddenly, the cane became a flashlight with a high lumen output. My head whipped up from my almost meditating position on Ranga, they were right in front of us.

“Rimuru, Ranga, there are some survivors in front of us, 100 metres. “

Within moments Ranga had expanded to an even greater size as Rimuru and Shizu placed their masks on, the other wolves getting into a tighter formation around their pack leader. Wind whipped into my face as we sped up, the metres passing by very quickly until we were right upon the surviving Ogres. The clanging of cold steel on cold steel echoed in front of us as several orcs fought with the young princeling of the Ogres and his people. Shion smashed a tree in half as an orc retreated backwards somewhat, an arrow coming towards her only to be cut in half mid flight from Souei. Kurobe with his massive hammer smacked it into the face of a larger Orc, the face of said orc dripping blood after falling backwards. The group was having trouble because of the presence of an Orc General.

|You gained the spell: Locate Creature|

Ignoring the update to my status sheet I leapt off of Ranga, his speed slowly coming to a stop as Rimuru and Shizu fired off some blasts in the faces of the Orcs, Shizu using her flame ability to melt an Orc’s entire body. Rimuru used black lightning, somehow, in some way i didn’t understand, he couldn’t have gotten Degenerate… ‘Unless… You horny fuckers…’ I was flabbergasted at the two of them as I soared through the air, landing before Shuna who was close to being wounded by an Orc Officer. She pulsed out her magic, attempting to strike at the officer, only to have it bounce off an enchantment of his armour.3

Raising his massive meat-cleaver sword he dropped it with extreme alacrity as I appeared in front of her, my Umbral Assault formed around me. In an instant I had a massive aegis around my body in the form of intricate black chainmail mixed with plate. Raising my hand upwards as if gripping a sword an intricate dark purple blade apparated from my palms, forming a large bastard sword that met equally with the cleaver. My feet sunk into the dirt as if it was mud as I bared my teeth at the beastly form of the Orc, his cleaver sparking off of my shadowy blade.1

“Not today!” With a yell of force I pushed upwards against the downwards force, stepping to the side very quickly and pulling the sword behind my head, dropping it from its raised position in a chopping motion. In but a moment my sword sliced off both arms of my opponent, its pig-like face screeching and oinking in pain as blood pissed out of its stumps. Deciding to have no mercy for these maddened creatures i pivoted on my feet and position myself for a wide slash, using the momentum from my movements to power my next strike. In an instant the officer was cut in half, his mind going into unconsciousness soon after.

Crisp sounds of body parts being sliced resounded around me as I noticed the fangs and magic of Shizu and Rimuru massacring the remaining Orcs. The Ogres were vigilant and very suspicious, gathering near each other for safety. Shuna was the only exception as she stood behind me looking on in intense concentration, as if she were marking down all of my features for recollection at a later time. I pulled my hair to the side a little as my armour gleamed in a dull light, purple being the colour of the reflections. 

The sound of cracking wood and the smell of smoke filled the entire glade as the screams of the villagers died out. In surprise at the sudden change I decided to try and use a new magic. 

‘Detect life! Please work!’

In but a moment that flashlight from earlier turned into a huge spotlight that could be used to light up an entire sky. My magicules drained rapidly as my magic swept through the town of the ogres. No Ogres were alive, none were left alive… Women, Men, Children, all dead. I had no tears for the death, I had spent all of them in my past life. Turning back towards the Ogres, i saw Shuna look at me with sadness in her eyes as the question was unasked but present in her expression.

I merely shook my head and walked up to them.

“I am sorry. Your brethren are all dead. Let us retreat from this place.” My words were short and precise as Shion and Shuna lightly cried. Benimaru looked downtrodden with Hakuro and Kurobe patting his back, their own sadness obviously hidden. 

Like that we retreated back towards the village, the distant sounds of fire crackling bringing a gloom over the Ogres and our small party. The Orcs had declared war on the forest of Jura and with Nazerick possibly eyeing the land, it would not be a simple feat to fully conquer the land…

‘I need to get more spells and check-ins…’1


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