Chapter 19: Aura and the Ogres

As Rimuru sped through the forest with the aid of Ranga I started to feel a pit of bile in my stomach, threatening to rise up as I got closer to where ever we were headed. It felt wrong, foreign, as if it were a completely foreign beast to whatever was in Tensura. Feeling slightly worried I decided to reach out with my Growth ability. Yet again the pain flooded into me, gritting my teeth I continued on into the connection, wishing to feel what was before us.


In an instant a sense of wrongness and disgust washed over me as several words entered into my subconscious. ‘Death… Undeath… Necromancy…’ My eyes went wide as I considered that this was not Benimaru, Shuna, Shion, Hakuro or Souei. That pit in my stomach increased in acidity as I felt some small traces of bile at the back of my throat.

I didn’t have time to contemplate my situation as at this exact moment Rimuru, Ranga and appeared within a small glade within the forest, fire crackling near to a tree as a raspy voice echoed.

“Hunger…! Must Eat!” Suddenly an Orc grabbed one of its comrades and began to feast on the corpse, the Hobgoblins witnessing this backing up in utter terror. I could not blame them, it was a horrid sight and something very few people would ever contemplate actually doing. The pit of darkness in my stomach increased to the highest level it had ever been as my vision was drawn off to the side. A pair of yellow eyes, those of a beast gleamed back at me as it prepared to pounce Ranga.

Appearing from Rimuru’s Shadow I instantly pulled on my magicules and made a swiping motion with my right hand in the creature’s direction. Four bolts of greenish-black energy were summoned and blasted off automatically. The mild screeching of an animal resounded as three of the four bolts impacted on the target, leaving small black cracks across its skin. 

Exiting the forest line was a large black and gold monster, something similar to a wolf but with a lizards tail and the eyes of a tiger. The monster was familiar to me, something from the series Overlord. Instantly dread filled my mind at the idea that those monsters were also in the world alongside the dreadfulness of the other factions in Tensura. With extreme prejudice I began to cast another round of Eldritch Blasts, peppering the entire tree line in constant succession as the Orcs fought against Ranga. 

Sending off my spells Rimuru was watching in the background as he was waiting for any bigger enemy to appear. Unfortunately, I knew that this monster was most likely in the company of Aura. It wasn’t that long after I had begun fighting that Aura appeared. She was everything that the anime depicted her as being, down to the smallest detail of her clothing. Her eyes were Heterochromatic and eerily unblinking.

“Tsk, awww man… Of course I had to stop you… Ainz-sama is going to be disappointed in me.” Her words proved my speculation correct as my expression turned utterly grim. Overlord, whilst not liked by many people due to the ease at which their forces succeeded, was still a force that was at the top of the game Yggdrasil and ultimately at the level of True Demon Lord, Ainz himself could technically be considered a Reincarnator like us…7

‘Does that mean he got Reincarnation energy!?’ My mind worked at a rapid speed as I deployed an emergency spell called Shield, a spell from DND that protected from all non-area-of-effect spells. It wasn’t OP but it was certainly better than standing there. I considered using Yggdrasil magic but that would just create a bigger stir amongst the forces of Nazerick. Aura’s magic flared and caused all the wildlife within a certain radius to disperse in fear. Rimuru increased his vigilance as he stepped up beside me, the Hob Goblins working with Rang to kill the remaining Orcs.

‘Why the fuck are they here now!? Shouldn’t they be going after the Ogres? Wait… The Ogres!’

“This sucks… Anyway, it was fun playing with you but i can;t be late in reporting to Ainz-sama, have a good day!” She instantly vanished, her entire body fading into shadow and nothingness, my senses were confused by this and the darkness in my stomach spilled out into my throat.

A spear of blackish green energy flung from inside the forest, stabbing me in the ribs as a rhythmic thudding began, as if an infection had taken a hold of my body.

‘Fucking bitch!’

“Rimuru… Go, help the rest, we need to save the Ogres…” Rimuru looked somewhat confused by my statement as he was also in a daze. ‘Don’t tell me he recognised them as well…’

“Silviana-san, wasn’t that Aura from Overlord?” I was at an impasse, should I reveal my knowledge and Reincarnator status or just stay low-key. Falling to my knees as the energy spear disappeared I rubbed my eyes before gritting my teeth.

“Yes it was… It seems Nazerick is on this world now.” Rimuru flinched at me as he wasn’t expecting a response from me, his eyes becoming mildly suspicious before shrugging in complete and utter tiredness. Ranga and the Hobgoblins had all finished on their end as Rimuru walked up to them and got Ranga to go bring Rigurd back to the glade. In the mean time I began to circulate my growth ability whilst channelling magicules around my wound, imagining the Cure Wounds spell from DND. In less than a minute the wound was cured and any signs of infection cleared, my MP dropping by 100 due to the use of Cure Wounds.

|You have gained the spell: Cure Wounds|

I checked my status sheet only to find that my stats had grown to an even higher level after only one week. I was now wondering when I would get to Demon Lord level, it was probably still a while away at this stage.

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer|

HP: 2250

MP: 2250 (Current: 2150/2250)

STR- 255

CON- 255

DEX- 280

CHA- 236

INT- 255

WIS- 255


Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation’s Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility \ Avatar

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \

Growth soon began to communicate with me effectively as i saw the Ogres being attacked by Majin and the Orcs, the forces of Nazerick obviously moving strings in the background by using the Majin. 

‘Ugh, this is going to be much more confusing… Not only do we have Kazalim and Yuuki moving in the background being massive cunts, now we have Ainz, Demiurge and Albedo fucking with politics and plot. Ainz could have Reincarnation energy and be much more powerful in comparison to his canon version… This wasn’t including the NPCs of Nazerick who were all fanatical believers of the Great Ones. Fuck my life… Why can’t I just enjoy my new life…’4

I heard something plop down next to me. Turning in the direction I saw Rimuru sitting down in his human form, his eyes watching the space where Aura had disappeared. He had the same look that I thought I had at this stage, one of concern and frustration. 

“Silviana-san… I won’t ask why you didn’t tell me about being a Reincarnator, everyone has their secrets.” He took a break between words as I nodded and dazedly looked off into the distance, my Growth ability tracking the ongoing fight of the Ogres.

“You know what it means to have those monsters in this world… We will inevitably have to fight them.”

‘We could join them, but we would have to listen to everything Ainz says and they were inherently evil.’

“I know. I apologise for not saying earlier but we had only known each other for a small period of time… I wished to wait and see. I digress… We need to move out Rimuru, we need to save the Ogres, they are being attacked by the Orcs and Majin.”

He cocked his head in interest as he was no doubt conversing with The Great Sage inside his head. Getting up I dusted off my hands and breathed out. Feeling my magicules stir as I breathed I felt an urge to go an save Shuna and Shion, something about Shuna in specific attracting me to help the Ogres.2

“Wakatta, let’s get going then!” Ranga came up behind Rimuru and howled into the wind as in a distant area the Ogre village was being burned down by Orc Raiders and Majin, very few Ogres making it out of the village into a nearby fortification.


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