Chapter 16: Ifrit and Shizu, Their Path

It had been three days since I had started my magical research… My results were promising. I didn’t gain many new spells, only ones relating to defence or day to day chores. Prestidigitation was one of these spells with Thaumaturgy being the second spell. I could now do a multitude of different things just with these two spells. Closing and opening windows? Easy. Closing doors and opening them? Easy. Floating stuff across the room? I gotcha. Washing the dishes? Heh, never again.


Needless to say, i was enjoying my new powers immensely. These last three days I hadn’t forgotten to check-in…

\Flash Back/

Closing my palm as the fiery embers of the Fireball spell left my hand I heard a small dinging noise as my stat sheet rose before my eyes. The fireball exploded against the dummies and made them scatter into pieces once more, for the seventh time this day.

Ignoring the consequences of my spell I watched once more as the check-in began, the dice rolling on the ‘floating table’ in my mind.

|⚁ You have rolled a 2… You will be given an Item|

The second roll started, the dice tumbling around the table before eventually coming to a standstill in the middle of the table.

|CONGRATULATIONS! ⚅ You have rolled a 6! You will be given an Over-powered Item|

|Host has gained the Celestial Ring: Shadowstar (Sealed).|1

“Holy shit!” I shouted loudly into the cool morning wind as the sun slowly rose over the horizon. My heart was beating heavily within my chest as the sheer connotation of have a celestial item made me shudder. ‘What if someone found out about it?’

|The Item is a ring, it is soul-bound to the Host and can be used by no one else. Current effects of the ring in its sealed state include: Shadow Magic Skill, Cloak of Endless Shadows, Mask of Many Faces. Other Abilities exist but need to be unsealed.|2

“Holy fuck!”

My next check-in went well as well…

|⚂ You have rolled a 3…You will be given a power|

Once again the second round started and finished, the entire process taking seconds as I sat at the new ‘leader’ table of the village, Rimuru giving out some orders to contact other villages and persuade them to join the village.

|⚄ You have rolled a 5… You will be given a Greater power|

|Host has gained the power of Elemental Manipulation… Detecting Magical Skills tied to newly gained power… Merging both elements into a Unique Skill.|

|Host has now gained the Unique Skill- Avatar|1

‘Did i just become fucking Ang!?’ I had a mild panic attack after that, my expression staying completely the same thanks to Mask of Many faces from my newly acquired ring, worn on my right hand. I’d been in this world for a week or so by now and I had already become a force to be reckoned with, sort of…

‘My life is fucking chaos…’

The next day I was sitting down in the new Coffee shop of Iralia, several servers and waiter running around with green tea and other forms of tea, tea being the only thing that the village had at its current stage. Then, just as I brought the tea to my mouth the check-in started.

|⚄ You have rolled a 5… You will receive a Spell|

It rolled once more.

|⚁ You have rolled a 2… You will receive a Mediocre Spell|

|You have gained the spell: Illusory Veil|

I was a little bummed that it wasn’t somethign really cool but I still was happy. Getting things for just checking in is crazy helpful in a world like this… I could even be able to live a happy life if I tried hard enough.

‘Alright! Let’s start on the grind to have a peaceful life!’

(Author: I am not joking, as I was writing this I had the Coffin Dance song play on my You.Tube… I am dying rn 😂)2

That was earlier this morning and boy was I raising a flag back then… In front of me now was Shizu and her party. They were beaten and bloody, except Shizu, and were in no state to fight. Rimuru was acting oddly for his usual self as he looked at Shizu with intrigue. I only shook my head as I now recalled that he was given a prophetic reading by one of the ladies within that beautiful establishment.

‘Destined one, huh… All well, I’ll find someone, no doubt.’ A shiver ran down my body as anticipation of that moment ran through my mind. I had never had a family before, I still wondered what it would be like.

As the four adventurers were put up for the night my new Unique Skill called out to me and told me that Shizu was close to exploding. Ifrit was fighting her and she was not accepting him, she needed to find the Tao… Their path. That was all my ability and I realised that I may have just gained some of the ideas of Taoism from it. The ability to save her was in my hands, the question was, would I save her? The answer was obviously yes… why the fuck would i sit back and watch her destroy the village, herself and Rimuru’s hopes of finally becoming a man.1

I sighed aloud as I walked over. Everyone in the surroundings widened their eyes as they saw me actively trying to meet someone, something I did very little of. Rimuru was even surprised as he watched me come over, my eyes trained on Shizu. The woman moved backwards slightly, her stance showing that she was prepared for combat despite the way she actually looked on the outside.

Getting closer the other adventurers noticed that things were weird and they started to get ready for a fight if need be. Rimuru bounced forwards and was about to say something but I ignored him and started speaking.

“Mask-lady, you are dangerous… Currently you are on the verge of a major imbalance. If this continues, you will die and take many with you.” Everything turned silent as Shizu took a step backwards, the mask twitching slightly. The funny thing is that mask hides a lot of things but only of Shizu, not Ifrit.

“Shizu, that is my name. Can we speak in private?” Her words seemed stable at first but it was easy to understand she was worried and pained. Rimuru was stunned as we both walked into the meeting hall, his small form following after us as he looked at me in bafflement. 

Walking through the hall we finally stopped in a small room off to the side. Inside was a small table with a vase and some small decorations. Turning back to me her mask met my eyes. Rimuru followed me and her in as Shizu began to take her mask off, her expression serious. We stared at one another for a minute straight as the silence became deafening for Rimuru, who was very awkward at this moment and seemed almost fed up with the lack of talking.

“Elf-san, how long do I have left?”

I cocked my head to the side and consulted my abilities. I was getting a sense that If i did not fix it in the next hour the cataclysmic downfall of her mind’s shields would commence and her life force would be siphoned away at an astonishing rate.

“An hour until the problem is unfixable. A day or maybe two before Ifrit frees himself and you end up succumbing to the lack of life force in your body.” her pace paled and her eyes became beady, her entire expression collapsing into a macabre grimace.

“I see…”

“Silviana-san! Is there a way to fix it!?” Rimuru was naturally very worried about his future lover and was also not wanting to see her die in front of his eyes. Looking down at the small slime that was possibly my first best friend I smiled a little.

“Naturally Rimuru. It is why i brought it up.”

Shizu snapped out of her depressed thoughts, looking up to me in hope. I almost cringed at the trust they both placed in me but I held on and simply smiled. From there things went by in a whirlwind and I found myself standing above Shizu who was lying down on a bed; She was fully clothed.2

‘Fuck… This is a step into the unknown…’


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