Chapter 7: Trip to Dwargon

A few days after our discussion Rimuru had learned that the Goblins were not good at building or production in most senses. This wasn’t their fault as they were uneducated in the ways of manual labour, construction, architecture, etc… Now we were preparing to go to Dwargon.

Ranga had spent some time with Rimuru and had explained why the other wolves evolved and this had lead into him receiving a more in-depth explanation of the efforts of the village over the three days he was out. This naturally lead into the discussion of getting clothing and other stuff from Dwargon, maybe even getting some skilled teachers or people for the village. Basically it was time for Kaijin, Garm, Dold and Myrd to join us. I was also looking forwards to this trip due to the elves I’d meet and the fact that I could possibly pick up some more man-power for the early build up of the village.

“Silviana-san, are you ready to go?” The cute little slime known as Rimuru came up beside me and looked up to me, his slime turning lightly pink as he stared at me. There was no doubt he was having a sneak peek but I didn’t mind, currently i knew he wasn’t really wanting any action so it was harmless admiring.

“Yes Rimuru, i am ready.” He nodded before jumping onto Ranga’s back, the previously normal sized Dire wolf body becoming an intimidating size as a horn was attempting to pierce out into the sky from the star pattern on his head.

“Silviana-san must you really forget to use honorifics?”

“Rimuru has allowed me to do it?” There was a mild silence between us before he just sighed, his musty breath escaping into the wind and dragging backwards towards the village. We were on the edge of the forest in the direction of Dwargon.

“It’s fine Ranga! She’s very helpful so it is fine, plus i didn’t ask you to refer to me as sama…” Ranga seemed a little shook by my lack of care for honorifics but hurriedly regained his bearing as Rimuru began to converse with Rigurd and his son.

Finally after several minutes of waiting we finally set off, my ride for the journey being one of the Dire Wolves who was left over from the merge. She was a rather tame and conservative Dire Wolf that spoke rarely, I liked her attitude and we go together well as friends. The journey would take a day thanks to the Dire Wolves.

Half way through the day we reached some precarious cliffsides and it slowed us down somewhat. Other than that we took a break near a river where people had some small conversations and then moved on. From there we set down for the night. Once again i spent four hours ‘sleeping’ before waking and starting my turn at patrolling. There weren’t any issues with the night and only very little signs of animals nearby. 

I spent the next four hours patrolling before the rest of the party started to awake. It seemed as if this day would be a long one. ‘I miss 8 hour sleeps…’

Meanwhile in a tomb in the middle of a desert…

“Momonga-Sama all Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazerick have gathered before you to repledge our allegiance.” The soft soothing voice of Albedo resounded through the coliseum floor of Nazerick as five other floor guardians knelt near to her.

Shalltear, a rather pale, girl? Woman? Vampire, with grey-sliver hair and blood-red eyes. She was dressed in a medieval or renaissance noble lady’s dress with a black and red pattern across it. In her hand was a small parasol that you would see within noble drama shows about the 1700’s. As she smiled four fangs showed obviously from her other normal-looking teeth.

To her left was Demiurge, a man dressed in a bright orange and white business suit. It was perfectly pressed and ironed so as to present the greatness of the Great Ones, the guardian’s makers. A metallic tail lightly stirred from behind him as on his face sat a pair of slim circular glasses that gleamed every time he used his finger to push them up the bridge of his nose.

Alongside Demiurge and the rest were twin Dark Elves. Mare, a young eighty year old Dark Elf with cute features and Heterochromatic eyes; green and blue. Her outfit was a masculine white sports vest covering a rather stylish dragon-skin shirt that was completely red, golden jewellery and lining making her entire presence pop with uniqueness. Mare, her brother, was dressed in a Japanese school uniform, almost, but a female one. He was dressed in a short skirt and rather diminutive overcoat that were coloured white and blue, a staff being held by both of his hands as he too gazed upwards at Momonga with blue and green Heterochromatic eyes.

Cocytus was a giant creature of 6-7 foot height with ice practically oozing cold chilly air into his surroundings at all times. He was rather nondescript in comparison to the others as he did not have many flashy parts about him.

‘Ehhhh… That’s all of them alright… What should I do!? I wonder how my friends would take all of this…’

A dark aura started to appear from Momonga as the surrounding guardians lowered their heads more, Shalltear biting her lips lightly under the pressure as Albedo had a smile creep onto her pale but beautiful face.

‘Aaaaa, i should really stop projecting this depressing aura…’

“I am glad you could all make it!” The deep voice of his character exited his mouth as he still felt slightly unconfident in his words. The Guardians, in response to his words all stayed bowed except for Albedo who stayed the same and began to speak.

“It is the ultimate honour for us Guardians to be of use and service to the Great Ones! Especially the leader amongst them!” This was seconded by every Guardian in attendance as they all nodded, hummed or smiled in response to her words.

‘Wow… They really are fanatical aren’t they?’


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