Chapter 6: Rimuru Awakes

Walking back from the third day of me training and experimenting in the forest I couldn’t help but feel excited. Umbral Assault was one of my most useful abilities as I had found out. With it I could summon various forms of armour quickly, shielding my physical self from harm. With this I could also bring forth weaponry of every shape and size, my imagination being the only limit. Also, whilst I was hunting some stray deer-cows I found that I could shape the shadows into lashes or whips, making it possible for me to physically pull and lift the heavy beasts.

Other than Umbral Assault i got used to my Wind Control and Lightning Control powers. The Lightning was still expensive but I had found a small way of boost my speed for a moment, a possibly crucial moment in combat. My Wind control was useful for keeping myself cool amidst the day-time heat whilst simultaneously slicing apart my enemies or even disorientating them with a sudden push from an unexpected angle. It was very thrilling for someone like me who had never touched magic before or even been able to explore like this.

The sun shined through a narrow passage in the canopy above as the setting sun’s light carefully caressed the slowly darkening surface of the Jura Forest. Quickening my pace I soon emerged from the edge of the forest. In front of me was the lively scene of Goblins and Dire Wolves working together as makeshift houses attempted to be made by some of the more learned Goblins. The structures were ultimately a failure but this was fine, it would lead Rimuru to a path that would get him some good workers… I planned to go with him and see if I couldn’t get some more Dwarven help, maybe some workers and such.

Originally I hadn’t been sure if I had wanted to stay here long term but now I was sure that It was most likely the best place. The nation would become strong with time and when certain people come together, my position could be high and all together I could effect the future development. With my magic potential being so high staying in a place like this, which would gain skilled people hurriedly, wasn’t so bad. 

Walking into the village, past the centuries who were ogling at me slightly, I drew quite a ruckus as I brought with me another deer-cow, the animal’s meat being a delicacy for the Goblin Tribe that could hardly survive previously. I had started to gain some small amounts of praise for my effort and I had been tentatively named the Huntress. The nickname was rather basic but that suited me, i preferred a more stable connection to the people against a lofty unseeable position.1

“Rigurd-san, I have gotten more food.”

“Ah! Thank you! You! And You! Skin this thing.” He pointed at two goblins to the side before bowing to me a little in thanks for my support in maintaining the food supply. I just nodded and smiled before walking off towards Rimuru’s Hut where I could sense a faint disturbance as he began to wake.

‘Finally, now that he is awake I can be more secure in protection… I should speak to him about things, maybe he needs some help getting his thoughts out to someone who can actually comprehend his futuristic ideas.’

Entering the hut I saw a rather beautiful looking Goblin Woman with rather voluptuous assets making sure that Rimuru’s bed was all set up. She turned her head in my direction as Rimuru began to move a little, my attention focused on him and ignoring her.

“Rimuru, welcome back to the land of the conscious.” The Goblin Woman turned back to Rimuru before screaming in delight and running of to grab Rigurd, her ramblings saying as such as she took off.

“Mmm, what happened? How long was I out?”

“You were out for three days and you went unconscious because you ran low on Magicules.”

I couldn’t exactly tell what he was thinking because he forgot to react like he usually does but it seemed he was in communication with The Great Sage ability. Eventually he ‘looked’ back up to me feeling a little concerned.

“Is everything okay?”

It was at this moment that Rigurd came in and interrupted our conversation.

“Rimuru-sama! I am glad that you recovered!” Rimuru had a small conversation with him about the state of the Goblins and Dire Wolves, which ended with Rigurd saying that the Goblins and Dire Wolves were fine and well fed, thanks to my efforts. Rimuru looked at me with a happy expression on his slime form.

“Thanks Silviana!”

“It is no issue Rimuru. Would you like to talk about anything else?” I intentionally hinted that he could freely speak to me if he so wished. His expression turned thoughtful for a few seconds before happily nodding his head. Rigurd was still in the room so I had no doubt this was going to be directed to both of us.

“I want to make this village better, much better for everyone that lives here and that would come here… I’ve given it little thought when I first agreed to help the village but I know I want to make a place where Humans and Monsters can get along peacefully.”

Rigurd started to cry a little listening to the noble attitude of Rimuru who was, admittedly, very sincere in his words making him extremely convincing.

‘Maybe Talk-no-jutsu is a thing even here? I must have a look into it…’1

I just nodded at Rimuru’s words as he swept up the courage within himself to begin to explain his plans. A fresh bit of breeze thrust into the hut and blew my hair a little and slightly jiggled my breasts, distracting him for a few moments and making his thoughts calm.

‘Hehe, His weakness is certainly elves.’

“A-anyway, I want to build proper houses for everyone and make a proper village, or even a city… I, know it’s a lot but it is my honest feelings.”

I looked at him and smiled a little before closing my eyes. I knew that I was basically holding back my knowledge and possibly leading him into future dangerous situations but it was all necessary for his growth emotionally and power-wise. I had a feeling that i now knew how people from the future going back to the past felt like, they could change so much but if you changed too much it could completely erase the future potential of the world or person. Re-opening them I promised to myself that I would change the future once he had gotten to his Demon-lord self, from there I would become the second Demon Lord of the Federation that would form… Or something else could happen and it would make me go faster into gaining power.

I didn’t want to red flag myself so I stopped that train of thought and continued paying attention to Rimuru.4

“Well Rimuru-sama, we have already tried to make some better accommodations based on Silviana-san’s recommendations but it seems that we need some help in that department… We haven’t tried anything else yet…”

“Ahh… Okay…”

I knew this would most likely push events forwards a little but I could easily push it back a little with a suggestion to let them keep at it for another few days. A good house was also what I wanted so I was hoping that this was an AU or something and that they’d be really good, i was proven wrong.

“It isn’t that bad Rimuru, maybe give them a few more days and see how they come from there… If they make no progress we can figure something out.” He seemed to take that advice well and nodded to it, soon beginning to work out the logistics of crafting leather garments and items with Rigurd. I knew now that they would fail at this as well but I kept silent, i wanted him to go to Dwargon so that I could grab some people from there, maybe even a few of the Elven ladies from that one establishment…

‘Hehehe’ Yes, i was also a little partial to elven women.

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

HP: 280

MP: 330

STR- 28

CON- 28

DEX- 28

CHA- 28

INT- 33

WIS- 33


Unique Skills:

Unique Skill- Eidetic Total Memory

Unique Skill- Semblance: Umbral Assault

Unique Skill- Reincarnation’s Blessing

Unique Skill- Growth

Unique Skill- Magicule Infinatatum Potentia

Normal Magic Skills:

Skill- Wind Control

Skill- Lightning Control


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