My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire!

My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire!

Author: Status: Completed Popularity: 103

Chapter List: Chapter 15: Going to the Horton Residence Update: 2024-05-22 14:32:01

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Keira Olsen got married, but she didn't know that her husband-out-of-the-blue turned out to be the richest man! She's an illegitimate daughter who can't be recognized. She's been clawing and scrambling her way up, struggling to survive since childhood. He's the child of destiny, standing high and mighty. The two are worlds apart in status. Everyone was waiting for Keira to be swept out the door, but all they got was a post from the richest man on his social media account: "My dear wife, can we not divorce?" Everyone was confused. [Strong Female Lead, Undercover, Dominator, Powerful Confrontation, 1V1]

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Chapter 15: Going to the Horton Residence

House One Manor of Oceanion was quite legendary.1

It sat halfway up a hill with the whole community sprawling across three thousand acres, and Horton's old house bathed in over two thousand acres.1

The rest were a few dozen small villas that dotted around the Horton property.

It was the most famous rich district in Oceanion.1

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