Chapter 38: Qi-Refining, Ending the Undead

The Orc General hoisted his sword upwards and began to slash into the Lizardmen. Blood and sinew sprayed in crimson beads across the entire defence line. A wicked grin sprouted onto the Orc’s blood soaked face. Following the slash there was an emission of magicules that formed several heads, the heads reaching out and biting into the various lizardmen corpses.

Souei tightened his grip on his daggers, vanishing into shadows beneath him. The Orc General lifted his sword once more and began to slash dew towards the back line of the lizardmen.

“HaHAHAAHA! DIE!” His sword arm struck downwards, energy coalescing along the blade in its hands. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, a sharp metallic sound ensued. The blade of the Orc General bounced back and his aura with it. This was then followed by a sharp buzzing sound that enhanced in volume, needles of shadow jutting into the legs and arms of the General. A roar of pain sundered out of the Orc’s copious maw, the tusks glistening in saliva. 

The devouring heads of the General’s aura flared and bit down on the shadow, consuming the very Magicules the shadows were maintained with, Souei grimacing in discomfort as he let the shadows return to normal. Without hesitation he threw out his daggers, said knives tumbling end over end until they hung from the face of the General. A flash of flame quickly began to form in the air to the side of Souei and he yanked his daggers back to his hands using the shadows. This movement was followed by several flips backwards.

Before the Orc general could even respond a spear of pure black flame exploded through the air at a rapid speed, beating the speed of an arrow easily. It’s eyes opened for just long enough to see the verdant spear plunge into its own stomach and implode.

“Grahhhhhugh…!” With a maddening squelch the General collapsed backwards, still alive but mortally wounded. On top of the mound Benimaru huffed in effort and exertion, his whole body sweating as Shuna looked after Silviana. Souei appeared beside the two, blood slowly dripping down his shoulders as his face was covered in sweat. Before he could get a word off to Benimaru the man sent off another ball of umbral fire, destroying another thousand Orcs. Hakuro also came back to Silviana, his face slightly worn out but his body untouched by wounds or cuts. Shion was the mad one, she was still on the battlefield collapsing the very earth underneath the Orc’s feet.

“Benimaru-san, can you deal with the liches?” The huffy voice of Souei resounded as the others relaxed a little. They were all tired, not because of the Orcs but because of the constant dodging and need to counter the magic of the liches. It was as if the liches never ran out of magicules.

“No, I can’t… As it is I am barely countering them each time and add that to the damage I am doing to the Orcs, it becomes many times more difficult.”

Souei sighed a little as he swore under his breath. He had tried to get behind the enemy lines once previously, attempting to strike at the undead magic users. That had failed miserably, the undead around the liches creating a barrier that disallowed all movement towards the Liches. Even if you targeted those undead the liches would then start to cast binding magic.

“I cannot get close and I am afraid that none of my spells are suited to breaking hundreds of undead soldiers.” Benimaru stopped casting and took a deep breath. The situation wasn’t totally bleak, there was still Rimuru-sama and Silviana-sama… If either one of them came to help then the tide would be turned. Rimuru’s job was to take on the Orc Lord so Benimaru instantly wiped the idea of asking for help from him. All that was left was Silviana…

‘Come on wake up! We need some help against tho-‘ A flash of blue flame emerged from the now opened eyes of Silviana. Her aura was frightening, not only did it feel like it was from a demon but also from a nature spirit at the same time. The entire back line of the Lizardmen began to glow lightly in blue Magicule waves.

“Did you all miss me?”1

(Silviana’s Perspective)

Since I had started to meditate I could feel the entire happenings of the battlefield. The Liches and Undead were proving a real danger to the Kijin. The Undead were roughly at a similar level as the current Kijin and not only that, they had unlimited stamina and a Magicule regenerating totem… I winced at that particular magical totem, it could make fighting for an extended period of time very easy for you whilst your enemies were utterly incapable of destroying it.

Magicules fluttered into my body and through it. All of my organs seemed to moan out in elation at the sensation, my eyes twitching behind my eyelids. The entirety of my body seemed to love the movement of magicules, this had gone from a dangerous situation to a chance to enhance myself.

‘What if I circulate all of the Magicules in a circular pattern around my body?’ I attempted it and found that the efficiency increased but the quantity lowered. It was infuriating for me as I could tell the efficiency was very good. ‘Hold on…’ 

Instead of breathing through my nose and mouth I began to imagine my entire body breathing in the magicules. My mind started to conjure an image of my pores opening and suction force bringing in the Magicules around me even further. A flood of Magicules entered into my entire body as my Dantian started to vibrate at a higher frequency. As if an explosion had occurred in my body my Dantian began to expand and absorb the entirety of the Magicules within my body.

|MP has regenerated|

|HP has regenerated|

|Stat gain will be calculated after Combat|

My entire body hummed at the same frequency as my Dantian, the very atoms making my body vibrating and singing in tune with my Magicules. Multicoloured light began to swarm into my nervous system, my heart, mind, stomach, ovaries, legs, muscles, tendons, marrow and spirit. My mind exploded out in understanding and complexity, my very mind expanding to accommodate the new stage I had reached.

‘Qi-Refining… Is this what this is?’3

I opened my eyes and instantly understood the situation around me. Blue light slowly dissipated into the area around me as blood splattered along the defence line.

“Did you all miss me?” I said cockily, disappearing before they could respond. At the speed of sound I appeared in front of an Orc about to spear a Lizardman through. His movements were slow and inaccurate. Before it could even get close to the scales I raised my right hand and flicked a finger at the skull of the Orc. With a pop the head of the Orc exploded out, its brain matter spraying in the air as I traversed the entire battlefield towards the liches and undead.

A fireball attempted to fire at me. I used my magic to capture the flame and moulded it to my control in an instant. I sucked the fire into my mouth and redirected the flame towards a group of Orcs Cannibalising their own. Within seconds they were burned to crisps, their entire bodies uneatable. In the next second I reached the start of the barrier and was met with multiple arrows from archer undead. I waved my hand and projected my Kinetic Shield, the arrows bouncing off of the magical shield. 

I placed my right hand above my head and my left hand below my stomach, at the speed of sound moving them in an opposing circular motion to meet in the middle of my chest. 

“Burn Undead!” A tidal wave of magic flowed out around me, sticking to the disgusting undead forms of zombies and skeletons. Just as the substance stuck to them holy fire akin to sacred flames sprouted around their forms and cast them into ashes and dirt. Nothing was left of their bodies and the barrier was decimated.

|Spell, Burn Undead, has been gained|

20 liches floated out from behind the still considerable amount of undead combatants. Their spells began to churn and burn as fireballs, ice spears and lightning balls flew out from their grasp.

Narrowing my eyes and expanding my grin I began to dodge each magical spell, swiping my hand towards the undead and watching as air pressure swept them off of their feet and knocked them back into the liches. My eyes crackled with lightning as my hands started to leave smears of popping lightning in the air as my Magicules focussed in forming the spell.

“Chained Dragon Lightning!” Less than a second passed as several eastern-style dragons made of lightning sprung from each of my fingers. A massive dragon roar in the form of thunder sundered the entire battlefield, stopping combat in most other areas as Orcs and Lizardmen looked for the dragon. Naturally they saw none but they did look over at my place on the battlefield. 3

Each dragon struck one of the liches, searing it from existence and leaving a vague blue outline of where it once was. This naturally wasn’t the end of the spell either as the blue energy outline faded and reformed into another lightning dragon that struck out at another lich, or undead, one for each finger. Within less then two seconds almost all of the undead force before me was incinerated, a few skeletons being lucky and untouched. In mere instants the entire support for the Orc force was eradicated.

I could feel someone’s eyes on me and looked up to the sky, snapping my fingers as I pointed to the area. “Dispel Magic” A complex string of geometric shapes entwined with a mystical eye in the sky, unravelling it from its very magical intent.

“No one looks at me without my permission…” A crisp popping noise resounded before fading into the wind. The battle had turned and now it was almost complete, all that was needed was the slaying of Gelmud and the Orc Lord…1

‘Better go quickly Rimuru, they may bring some of their forces out to challenge us…’


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