Chapter 37: The Beginning of the Confrontation

It had been a few hours since we first set off and we were currently cruising through the forest at a very fast pace. It wasn’t as fast as I could manage with super speed but it was definitely past 60km/h. At the rate we were travelling we would get to the lizardmen around the evening. 1

I was currently riding on my nightmare, Shuna beside me on a similar mount to mine but with pink flames. I found that she could actually use the same magic I did, due to our connection… This opened many possibilities for me as I could massively increase her power, my own and share my cultivation with her. Apparently she had also started to gain some control over Wind and Lightning, her own spells sometimes flickering with either element’s power. ‘I need to get water control, fire control and then earth control’ I had an odd feeling that something awesome would happen if I got those skills. Shaking my head at the things flickering through my mind I started to concentrate on the forest around me, connecting to the web of life permeating the entirety of the Forest of Jura.

Birds, Insects, Trees and plants transmitted the view of the forest to my eyes as numerous scenes of Orcs eating creatures were conveyed to the life of the forest. One such scene was a Treant piercing several Orcs with a protruding spike of gnarled wood. Whilst we were travelling the Orcs were attacking enmasse across the forest surrounding the swamp of the Lizardmen. ‘Rip-off, how far away are we from the Lizardmen?’

|At your current pace it would take 9 hours… Current speed is 70km/h… Total distance = 630KMs|

‘What is the speed of Sound?’

| 1,236 km/h , It would take less than half an hour to fully reach the intended destination |

‘How the fuck did Souei get there within a day?’

|Shadow teleporting, he can teleport to shadows he sees.|

‘Tricky fucker… If i use that how long will it take me?’

| Time of day becomes a factor, amount of shadows also gets added…|

| Currently it would take forty minutes to reach the intended destination. |

‘Our current pace is too slow and I can’t take on all of the Orcs by myself.’

My mind started to pick up on scenes of undead working alongside the Orcs and marching over the top of the swamp, liches creating compacted dirt paths above the water. This was bad, Ainz was working with the Orcs in a minor sense now, ‘Who knows what his reaction might be if we annihilate his forces…’ I grimaced and halted, the entire party of our town halting a few metres ahead of me.

“Silviana-san, what is wrong?” Rimuru jumped off of Ranga’s back, Shizu following him as the rest of our party gathered around me. ‘We have no time, we have to get there now and make quick decisions.’

“Our ‘friends’ are aiding the Orcs…” Rimuru became very serious, his aura spiking a little as Shizu also followed suit, intense flame crackling around the edges of her mask. Apparently Rimuru had explained Nazerick and these characters to her.1

“There are undead, liches and Orcs currently surrounding the swamp outside of the Lizardmen tribe’s village.” Shuna stepped up beside me and patted me on the shoulders, her face looking very kind and determined. Benimaru and Hakuro were looking at me with complete and utter trust and faith, understanding that I wouldn’t say this for no reason.

Rimuru looked thoughtful as he started to calm his aura down. “It would take us 9 hours at our current pace to get to the Lizardmen… I do not see any way to get there in a short time…” I grimaced after his words and started to stretch my neck.

“I have a way, but I will most likely be out of commission for ten to twenty minutes.” Rimuru’s eyes flashed a little as he nodded at me. He then looked to Benimaru.

“Shuna and Benimaru will guard you after we reach the battlefield.” flexing my hands I stepped out into the middle of the party and began to pulse my magicules. My Dantian started to spin constantly inside of me, working to gather more Magicules from the space around me to do my spell.

I held out my right hand as my eyes started to glow a bright blue, my eyes forming the centre of blue fires as blue energy swirls gathered around me. Geometric shapes began to imprint themselves over the entire surface below our party as I stared at my pinched right index finger and thumb. A small flower began to form above my pinched fingers.

“Step in…” My voice came out in a deeper and more verbose tone as the blue lights flashed and began to turn into a spherical amalgam of geometric shapes that surrounded all of us. All of my companions were weary but quickly followed my command, my mount and Shuna’s becoming unsummoned. The wolves followed closely behind their riders, waiting for my spell to finish. As quickly as they all entered I slammed my right hand down and clapped it against the ground, all of us winking out of space at our previous location. 4

My ears rang as the spell completed. Squishing noises and the screams of combat sundered into the area around us. I slumped to the packed dirt that we were now standing upon, I was drained almost completely, the amount of power needed for what I just did being immense.

|MP: 0/8,530|

|HP: 26,800/ 28,890|

‘Fuck… Owww…”

Shuna ran over to me, tears starting to collect in her eyes as she saw me cough up some blood. I groaned as she dropped into me, her hugs being really nice but also hurtful as many of my internals were strained by my use of Magicules. Ignoring my surroundings I began to cultivate, my Dantian greedily sucking in all of the Magicules around me, and I meant all of them.

|Dantian will convert these magicules into usable magicules to fill up your MP bar. HP will regenerate over the next ten minutes.|

|Spell Teleport has been gained|

‘Thanks rip-off…’

I focussed on regenerating my MP as the sounds of battle were conveyed to me. ‘I hope nothing crazy happens whilst I’m out of it…’

(Rimuru’s Perspective)

Silviana-san had tired her magicules out and exhausted herself to bring us here in an instant. Honestly she was always so useful and perceptive that it made me wonder if I was a good leader. I threw that thought to the side of my mind as I observed the chaos that surrounded us.

‘Great Sage, can you tell me how many Orcs and Undead are currently in the swamp?’ 

|Notice! Composition of Enemy is as follows:

Orcs: 200,000; 200, 989 Currently within the Swamp; 11 Currently unaccounted for

Undead: 10,000 Currently within the Swamp; 20 are Liches |

‘Interesting… They are using the Orcs as cannon fodder for the undead and liches. It seems that the NPCs of Nazerick have underestimated the value of the Orcs and overestimated the power of their own force. Not that this is their full force.’

I dodged a stray arrow that was fired from an Orc. The Lizardmen had to meet the Orcs in the Swamp as there were several holes in the wall defences of their tribe. It seemed as if the Undead liches had been chipping away at the defences for a time. Looking at Hakuro and the other members of my group I smiled and extended my bat wings outwards. I wasn’t here to fight the normal Orcs, my job was to take on the Orc Lord.

Shizu took off her mask and gave me a small kiss on the side of my cheek, the action causing me to blush a little, this didn’t last long however as soon Shizu raced over towards the nearest sign of combat. She was just as her title suggested, a hero, she couldn’t help but leap into battle to aid someone.

‘Now i just have to make sure I can finish the Orc Lord before this becomes more serious.’

The entire battlefield was a muddy mess, Orcs and Lizardmen slipping in the risen mudheaps and water. Armour clanged against sharpened steel as swords glanced off of the slanted armour of the Lizardmen. Spear ground equally against plate mail of the Orcs, the two sides struggling to damage one another in any meaningful way. 

Thanks to the lack of Gabiru the Lizardmen had been able to defensively position themselves and stay in such a formation. There were very few casualties on the Lizardmen side but many on the side of the Orcs; not that they cared. Amongst those fighting with spears were those that used magic, some of the spellcasters of the lizardmen being able to participate instead of being locked up. All in all the fighting looked like it could continue for a long while… Well that would be the case if it wasn’t for the undead that were seemingly immune to the effects of the mud and were supported by liches. Many of the undead were zombies and skeletons, very few being armour and properly equipped. In the terms of Yggdrasil these mobs would be very low level; except the liches. 

Fireballs blitzed through the sky as water shot upwards wit the footsteps of thousands of Orcs. The ball of flame struck a segment of the Lizardmen line and incinerated many of them, the mages of the Lizardmen striking back with a concentrated beam of water. Unfortunately the spell was counter by a wall of flame that another separate lich casted. These types of scenes continued along the entire battlefield as Lizardmen were eaten and crushed below feet. Orcs were perforated and skewered upon tridents and spears, their corpses falling only to be eaten by their brethren the next second, making them stronger.

It was a never ending wave, like an ant colony but an ever evolving one. Souei was amongst some of the forces of the Lizardmen, shadows sprouting up into thing needles that squelched Orc brains in a constant motion. every now and then his dagger flashed and cut the throat of another Orc as a thread of pure shadow sliced many Orcs in half. 

“There are so many Souei-dono, how are we meant to fight such a force?” A rather slender female Lizardman spoke, her red armour and cloth flittering about as she struck down another Orc that was trying to gnaw on her leg.

“My Masters will appear very soon, if they have not already, once they come we will turn the tide.” He bared his teeth as a stray arrow slightly sliced across his shoulder blade, doing very little damage but causing a sting.

It was at this moment of the fighting that a bright blue light blasted into our back lines and several figures stood there. Rimuru almost immediately soaring into the sky as Silviana slumped to the ground, her pose becoming one of intense meditation. Benimaru and Shuna began to look after Silviana as the other forces of the town Souei and his kin had joined started to disperse across the battle line.

A minute passed quickly as Souei slaughtered many enemy one after another, the lizardman woman following him in his spree, her eyes glued to him when they weren’t focussing on her enemies. Hakuro appeared beside him and cut down a stray arrow, smirking at the young Kijin before hazily fading and reappearing in the midst of the Orc force. The Orcs themselves hungrily leapt towards him, ignoring the difference in power scale. There was a flash of movement, imperceptible to most people, and silence came over that part of the battlefield as Hakuro slowly sheathed his sword. 

Seconds later all of the Orcs for 100 metres were cut into small chunks that proceeded to plop to the ground and leak blood throughout the muddy terrain. Then, as if that was trivial a small bead of black and white flames whistled through the air only to detonate in an umbral ball of fire that reached hundreds of metres in size.

“You shall know the pain of watching those you love burn, pigs…” The chilling voice of the prince of the Ogres resounded, an eerie black and red glow surrounding his stalwart figure. He stood upon a small mound behind the defensive line and began to rain fire onto the enemy formations. With every fireball several hundred Orcs were erased from life.

Standing just behind him was Shuna, who dragged the form of Silviana to their location. Silviana seemed to be utterly unconscious to the world, her breaths creating sparks of blue energy that flowed from her surroundings into her nose. It had been minutes since the combat had started and now the odds of victory had been evened out. Blood spewed and spilled across blades and mud as magic fired off in quick succession, only slowing when either side needed to recover their magicules. It was war and in war nothing was ever beautiful, everything was tainted in death and agony. This was shown moments later when a massive sword slammed into the far left side of the Lizardmen’s defensive line. Hundreds were turned to pulp as an Orc General leapt towards his sword, his aura wafting a putrid smell into everyone’s faces.

“Become food for us! Consume! Eat! KILL!”


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