Chapter 36: Muffu Muffu Morning

I could feel my Dantian spinning in the centre of my body, as if it was a limb that had just been found by my brain. Unique could barely describe the sensation as it was akin to having an arm within oneself… I digress. My stats had exploded up by 500 all at once and I could tell the difference as several of my senses could now pick out smaller details in the room, especially the cherry blossom smell of Shuna’s hair. Distractedly my eyes began to stir, my eyes greeting the sleeping face of Shuna who was happily cuddling into me. Her face told so much of how she was feeling, her smile expanding wider before small murmurs escaped her luscious lips.

I had to blink to snap out of looking at her. My mind tried to resist my efforts but I returned back to my cultivation efforts. ‘Follow the Dao… Okay, that is enough subconscious!’ I shook my head at the stray quote my subconscious had thrown up within my mind and went back to circulating the Magicules within me. 

The process was much smoother than previously, with every part of my body warming and cooling at the same time… It was as if I had been having a hot shower and switched to cold water only to go back to the heat again. Someone would think this to be an undesirable situation but it was the opposite. I had to cross my thighs a little as a twitch started to make me feel funny. 

‘Son of a bitch, no wonder those cultivators like this shit so much…!’ Anger flashed through my mind for a few seconds. The emotion seemed to mix with the Cultivation as I soon felt an aggressive focus on bodily strength and my constitution. 

‘Wait, Emotion influence where my stats go as well… Doesn’t that mean Dual Cultivation works because to provoke and variety of intense Emotions?’ I looked at Shuna and gulped lightly before turning back to my Dantian. I explored this feeling as I thought of Shuna and started to cultivate, my feelings for her flowing freely in my mind as I rotated the Magicules around my Dantian. 

My skin started to itch and my very bones started to feel like they were being slowly sandpapered away. The downside to this process wasn’t because of pain or anything but because it felt way too good. The feeling in itself progressed the Cultivation even more as I felt my skin start to feel better and less coagulated with different things.

‘Don’t do the black shit coming out of skin thing!’

Unfortunately for me I was unlucky and that is what started to happen. I had to whisk myself away into the shower to avoid dirtying Shuna and the bed, my shadow abilities coming in clutch. Shuna hadn’t awoken and I made certain of that as I showered, my senses and the Amulet providing me with the limited ability to see through walls. 

‘I am done with this for now. Too much bullshit for me to handle at this moment.’

| STR, CON + 20 |

| CHA, DEX + 20 | 


HP: 28,890

MP: 8,530 

STR- 874

CON- 889

DEX- 880

CHA- 836

INT- 853

WIS- 834


After having a shower and cleaning off my Dress with Prestidigitation I crawled back into bed next to Shuna. I gave her a rather powerful but soft hug as I just slowly drifted off into thought. Her presence was calming to me and apparently mine was as well, her face becoming happy once more after feeling me beside her.

Half an hour later she awoke. Her eyes fluttered open, her pink hair sprawled all over the bed. My eyes met with hers as her heart beat leapt into an even higher pace. Revelling in the beauty before me I reached forwards and gave her a kiss on the lips, breaking it off soon after and sliding off of the bed.

“Good morning sweetie. I’ll make breakfast, you wait here.” I ran off downstairs and quickly made some bacon and eggs, or what counted as it. The cooking only took ten minutes in total. I served it onto plates and stepped upstairs. Reaching the bedroom I carefully brought the food to Shuna in bed and sat down next to her, having our food together in bed.

‘I finally got to do something I’ve always wanted to do’ A small smile crept onto my face as I ate my breakfast. Shuna was oddly quiet as well as she watched me and ate, as if I was as good as a TV or something. The rest of the morning went by very fast as we both got ready for heading out against the Orcs. Shuna was slightly worried about fighting them in such number but I just told her to stay near me in combat and I’ll protect her. That answer got me a kiss on the cheek before she ran out of the house, waiting at the front door for me.

I followed her out and soon we began our trek to the square in front of the Hall, where we would all meet to set off. Rimuru would be coming with us as well, Shizu was also coming this time as she said her students can wait a few more days for her to come back. Her original goal had been to meet the demon lord who summoned her to this world but now that she had found Rimuru, well that was thrown to the wind.

It didn’t take us long to get to the square, our vision picking up the morning hubbub and the unusually present military of the village. Most of the ‘unit’ was made up of rather fast moving forces and the most powerful of the village. Tempest did not yet have the numbers or experience to make full-blown military divisions or corps yet, so this would have to do… I had no clue how Overlord could affect our coming conflict but I was ready for anything. If worst came to worst, I could teleport all of us out. 

“Good morning everyone! We set off towards the Lizardmen within the hour, make sure you have all of you equipment and ensure that you are fed and ready, including your partners.” Benimaru was speaking to the Goblin Rider and pointed to the Tempest Wolves when referring to partners. Shuna broke off from me as she went over to speak to her brother, the young man giving me a thumbs up and a smile. His attitude was getting more smackable as the days passed.

Before I could respond to the cocky bastard Rimuru walked over to me. He was in a rather badass looking black trench coat, fit to form, with a long dark blue scarf that dangled around his neck. I didn’t blame him either, the temperature had started to drop recently. ‘Winter, what fun.’

“Silviana-san, when we get to the battlefield I need you to take on any strong opponents, the Orc Lord is mine but I do not wish to expend too much of our power… Just in case our ‘friends’ turn up.” I nodded heavily as he expressed the word ‘friends’ in a rather obvious manner, he meant the Overlord Characters. 

“Sure, I can do that. I’ll see if we can detain the Orcs instead of killing them, they could be useful if the Orc Lord’s power over them fades.” Now it was his turn to nod and flash a smile, his face brightening up in happiness at the lengths I was going to for the town despite the frustrations it may cause me.

“Thanks Silviana-san, you’re help and aid is always appreciated…”

“Oh shut up… We’re friends, of course I’d help. Plus, I helped build this town from the ground up. Of course I am going to save its ass and work my behind off for it!” He gave me clap as if we were in some comedy sketch.

“Sugoi! Silviana-san Kakoi!” I grimaced as the forty-year old man in the body of a transformed slime laughed. He was just as frustrating as Benimaru sometimes…

“Are you sure its not for Shuna?” He elbowed me a little and gave a few winks, I really wanted to punch him but I withheld. ‘He’s your only friend in both lives Silviana… Practice restraint…’ I exhaled my frustrations and just gave him a dead-eyed stare. He lost all hilarity and tsked, as if I had taken a chance for comedy from him. My own magicules started to twitch, his reaction to that being a tactical withdrawal towards Shion and Shizu.

‘Just wait, at some point I’ll get back at you and it won’t be pretty… Funny? Yes. Pretty? No… Hehehe’ Shuna walked back towards me and noticed my mood, her face turning lightly concerned until she saw Rimuru and began to chuckle. I couldn’t get mad at her and just spent time getting ready with her. I would be summoning mounts for both of us… With the dress I had I could maintain it for much longer.


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