Chapter 32: Hehe Magic go BRRRR, A message

After spending most of my morning training i was very tired. Thirty laps around the village was rather exhausting after I reached the 15 mark. The old man has measured my physical abilities and no doubt tied my current training to my limits. He was a tiring old man with very little sympathy for laziness, he made me do the laps and then train in his sword stance. It was rather easy because of my eidetic memory but it was still torturous to withstand his physical hits. He had told me that I must not just rely on my memory or the skill itself but how it may be applied… The fucker was right and it still annoyed me until this moment.


I looked at my stats with a deep sigh. I would say that the gains are very large since I first came here but then I would be getting too arrogant. Rimuru was still a lot more powerful than me. Given time I would get stronger, correct, but he could get that much more powerful in quick succession if he used Predator properly…

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer|

HP: 21,090

MP: 2890 

STR- 334

CON- 354

DEX- 360

CHA- 316

INT- 334

WIS- 334


Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation’s Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility \ Avatar \ Immortality

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) \ Dancing \ 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature’s Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ 

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Shuna Solaris- Nightshade Kijin


Souei- Shadow Kijin


Just looking at the lack of speed I had with gaining stats I grimaced. Even Benimaru and Hakuro were more powerful than me now. Benimaru could blow up way more area than one of my fireballs and even then, it was of a flame that was almost impossible to just snuff out, he had to turn it off. 

‘Its time to break the fuck out of my magic… No more pussy shit!’

I cracked my fingers and looked out at the training yard I was still within. Hakuro had left not long ago, the space dead silent and open for me to do what I wanted. Gazing at the array of dummies and various other implements for testing power on I raised my right hand and pointed my finger outwards from me, in a relaxed position.

I coalesced my imagination on a spell that was rather powerful in Harry Potter, one that wasn’t a curse but could cause a lot of damage. Then, as if a lightning crack of thought launched me my fingers tensed hard. 

“Bombarda!” A creepy cracking sound ushered out after I spoke the word, the space around one of the dummies sizzling until it exploded into a ball of flames, the entire dummy being imploded and exploded over and over until I stopped supplying the magicules to it.

|Spell Bombarda has been gained|

Following that I thought of the larger scale version of that spell, Bombarda Maxima. Entering the same posture as previously I focussed on the opposite side of the field.

“Bombarda Maxima!” 

As if the previous explosion was mere child’s play the entirety of the opposite side of the field erupted into explosions of varying size and temperature. All of the dummies were destroyed and this also included the numerous logs that Hakuro had put in place for solitary sword training.

‘Holy shit… That’s getting me somewhere!’

|Spell Bombarda Maxima has been gained, merging Bombarda and Bombarda Maxima into the spell, Maxima Ultima Bombarda|

‘Awesome! Time to try some more out!’

“Repairo!” The entire field began to put itself back together as my itch to learn more magic flashed inside my heart. It was like a big red button, you know you shouldn’t press it but, god damnit you were!

The field was now repaired and I began by using some more spells.

“Cascading Jinx!” A rather compacted but impactful explosion rocked the ground near several dummies and incinerated them, the fire going on to spread into the other dummies.

|Spell Cascading Jinx has been gained, merging spell with Maxima Ultima Bombarda…|

“Diffindo!” A sharp and precise cut emerged on a piece of hanging wood, the entire trunk being split in two as a crackle of energy still lingered around the edges of the cut.3

|Spell Diffindo has been gained|

“Engorgio Skullus!” The ‘head’ of one of the dummies swelled to double or triple its size before popping like a balloon. I remembered most of these spells from Harry Potter games i had played when I was alone or bored at a young age. This spell was very dark and seemed perfect for matching the power of some spells from Yggdrasil.

|Spell Engorgio Skullus has been gained|

‘Wait… Yggdrasil spells…’ 

I pointed my right index finger at the dummies, I Hesitated for only a second before committing to my attempt and saying the words.

“Blackhole!” In but a moment the space turned a dark night-like colouration, black took up a large amount of ones’ vision. Soon this spectacle collapsed as a sound of glass shattering emerged and the dummies began to be sucked into a dot of pure darkness, the void beckoning the destruction of these helpless training dummies. Then, as if it was all but a figment of the imagination the blackhole ceased to exist and the space where all the dummies once were was spotless.

|Spell Blackhole has been gained|


|MP: 1,500/2,890|

‘Ok… So it spent around 800 Magicule Points. That makes sense. I could only use it three or four times before I would be completely unconscious.’

Knowing that I could only do this for a few more times due to my ‘mana pool’ I decided to try some cool spells out. Knowing that Yggdrasil spells were on the list of things I could do now, I began to work through some of the basic spells of Overlord.

“Crystal Lance!” A large spike of crystal quartz emerged from my magicules before spiking into a nearby tree at the speed of sound. It was incredibly powerful and pierced straight through the tree and embedding into a boulder a few hundred meters behind it. This was the spell that was used against Entoma by the mask girl in Overlord.

“Holy Ray!” A small laser beam of radiant light shot from my index finger and burned through the same tree that I had shot with the Crystal Lance. It was rather tame but was specialised against undead opponents. This would be useful against undead, especially minions summoned by Ainz.

“Dragon Lightning!” A lightning bolt emerged from my hands and soon took the form of an Eastern-style dragon, the lightning bolt moving and slithering through the air until it reach the same tree, splitting it into hundreds of pieces. Flames tickled the exterior of the tree before a thundering crack of lightning smacked into every eardrum within the village, including my own.

Before I could be stopped I did one final spell, a spell that would be high up in the tier list of Yggdrasil’s magic system. “Polar Claw!!” With the sound of metal grinding on frozen ice a mass of ice was summoned around the abused tree. Massive dragon’s claws emerged from said glacier and ripped apart the remnants of the tree, the very land around the spell becoming a waste land of life. Polar breeze and chill spread from the spell and cooled the entire surroundings by numerous degrees.

‘Holy fuck… 9th tier magic is bullshit!’

|MP: 100/2,890|

I felt really dizzy after that last spell… It seemed that it would only use what magicules I had, if I used a spell with too great of an effect. Polar Claw could have been much more powerful if I had the magicules for it.

|Spell Crystal Lance has been gained|

|Spell Holy Ray has been gained|

|Spell Dragon Lightning has merged with Chain Lightning and become Chained Dragon Lightning|

|Spell Polar Claw has been gained|


Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) \ Dancing \ 

Spells: Fireball \ Chained Dragon Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature’s Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ Engorgio Skullus \ Diffindo \ Maxima Ultima Bombarda \ Crystal Lance \ Holy Ray \ Polar Claw \ Blackhole \ 

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Rimuru emerged into the training field and saw the utter chaos I had caused and the distinct loss of several dummies. Sufficed to say that I got the scolding of a life time from the forty year old man. I was asked never to do magic of a large enough scale to scare the entire village, I accepted as I was thinking of making my own demi plane at some point that would allow me to test my spells. I now knew why wizards created their own dimension, it was to stop the whining people from stopping them doing spell craft. 

I went away from the grounds with Rimuru who had been interested in some of the spells I had learned. We decided to speak more on it at the meeting for today. It was supposed to be a chill session where we just speak on the stuff we’ve done and stuff we experienced in the last week or so.

We had some small talk as we walked, talking about the destruction potential of my magic and how we could use it against the orcs. Rimuru was particularly worried about the Orcs of late and had been having small projects done to increase the military power of the Hob Goblins, mainly just more weapons and armours. Apparently he had sent Souei out today to go meet with the Lizard Chieftain, he wanted to become allied with them so that we could have a better chance of victory.

“Send Souei a message for me…”

Rimuru cocked his head a little, confused as to where I was going with this. He still acquiesced though.

“A revolution is an idea, which has found its swords”

Rimuru looked at me for a few seconds before his eyes widened…

“Napoleon Bonaparte. You are saying that there may be a coup in the Lizardmen tribes?”

I merely nodded before walking off towards the hall. I had said what needed to be said and if Souei could understand the hidden message he would most likely be able to crush Gabiru’s stupidity and save Lizardmen lives.

‘Its up to you now Souei…’


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