Chapter 31: Dragon-Eyed Amulet, beginning of Training

Standing up from my meditation with a yawn I looked over beside me, hating the fact that Shuna didn’t fall into my grasp last night. As we had stepped into the house last night Hakuro and Benimaru were waiting, the old Kijin immediately discussing me taking over his sword arts. I attempted to stop him short but was quickly defeated when Shuna ran out of the room, poking her tongue at me.


After that I had to spend the rest of the night talking to my new ‘master’, yeah, I accepted… Who fucking wouldn’t? Anyway, I stretched and moved to the bathroom doing my morning ablutions. I put on the same dress as yesterday, cleaning it off with magic beforehand, it was truly a beautiful piece and it was currently a light purple due to the time of day. Without any warning the image of dice rolling appeared in my mind, one for yesterday and one for today. I decided to not hold back on the check-ins because I would be learning from Hakuro.

|⚅ You rolled a six, you are going to be given a Spell|

|⚃ You rolled a four, you are getting an uncommon Spell|

|You have gained the spell: Kinetic Shield|

‘That’s a nice spell! It could protect me from a lot of melee stuff… I’ll have to test it out, I don’t think it is much different from the shield spell in DND.’

The next round of dice started now and this time it was eye-opening. One by one the dice rolled and landed on their results, my mouth going a little dry as this was my third or fourth time receiving a good thing from the Check-in. 

|⚁ You have rolled a two, you are going to be given an Item|

|⚄ You have rolled a five, you are getting a Greater Item|

|You have gained the Item: Amulet of the Dragon’s Eye|

In a moment the Amulet fabricated within my hands. It was a mysterious blue coloured dragon eye, its shape circular and encased in platinum. The ‘eye’ itself was a mix of black and icy blue, the eye looking like it was from an actual dragon. I slid my fingers over the amulet and felt an instant bond as my magicules mixed with the item. A wave of intense vision consumed my eyesight as I could see and feel all of the magicules around me. It was an astounding array of perplexing and vibrant colours, all of the magicules radiating light of certain elemental affinities. Some magicules weren’t bound and simply glowed grey but these were few and far between. In fact, i could see some of these magicules being sucked towards my body and consumed, as if I was feeding off of them.3

‘Hold on… What if I am eating the grey magicules?’ I put my finger close to one of these grey magicules and watched expectantly. At first nothing happened and I felt that I had been silly, but then, the grey Magicule increased in vibrational movement and started to radiate black before my own magicules created a vacuum force towards this specific Magicule particle. 

‘Fuck… So i consume the grey particles when they turn black and start the process of bonding to an element. Crazy…!’

I snapped out of the vision and placed the amulet around my neck, the entire thing becoming a classy piece of jewellery that matched my style automatically, the platinum becoming purple to match with my dress. ‘This is very convenient!’ I felt happy with the new item and the spell, my movements copying my mood as I lightly descended the stair, my energy apparent at first glance.

“Disciple! Meet me at Training Yard three within five minutes.”

I sighed as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Shuna, Benimaru and Shion watching on in sympathy as the old man just stared at me in utter disregard for their opinions. I shrugged and moved over to the table, sitting down and eating my breakfast. All of the Kijin looked at me as if I had grown a second head, Shuna was especially surprised as she leaned over and insisted I move.

“H-honey, you better get there, he isn’t light on punishments…” I just smiled and patted her head, her eyes squinting and her mood shifting to one of uncaring apathy, apparently she had decided to leave me to my fate if I ignored her advice so openly. Shaking my head I ate another piece of bacon. Hakuro was looking at me in mock frustration as his eyes revealed that he was actually pleased with my attitude, secretly of course.

“I will move when I am finished, he gave me plenty of time to get to that training grounds.” Everyone looked at me as if I was weird, Hakuro being the only one to also sit and start eating. It had only been a minute out of the five I was given and so far I had only eaten half of my meal. Benimaru, Souei and Shion looked at me as if I was the biggest fool on the planet, their stares soon became annoying. 

Another minute passed as I finished my food, most of the second minute being devoted to cleaning my face off from the egg yolk. ‘Right, time to go then…’ I stood and watched as the rest also stood, wanting to follow me and see if I could really make it in that time. Before any of them could watch me however I was already hasted, exiting the house and ‘walking’ past the shops down the central street. Time was slowed for my perception and everything was twice as slow. I aided some people by picking up dropped plates that were still in the process of dropping when I passed. Slapping some drunken idiots upside the head was also achieved as I was now past Iralia’s bar and was within thirty seconds of the training grounds.

My sight was unique now that I had the amulet as I could even tell the Magicule types I was manipulating to actually achieve this magic. It was odd, it was a mix of wind and water but also an abstract element, Space… I wasn’t actually speeding I was more shortening the distance between each footstep and even this was an extremely simple application of it. By the end of my observation of the Magicules I was now standing in Training yard three, the entire yard filled to the brim with various dummies and training courses.

I exited Haste and dodged the strike of Hakuro who was already positioned in a tree not far away from where I stood. He sent another three compressed air slashes, the force of the strikes causing the wind to whistle and the very area between me and him to flux into a large gust of wind. As this occurred I waved my hand and dispersed the air, my manipulation of the element securing control relatively easily. My right ear twitched as a slash was taken towards my neck from behind me. 

Sweat dripped figuratively down my head as my Superb Agility kicked in and I dropped into a matrix dodge, my entire body twisting and contorting as I easily switched my direction, my front now facing where the strike came from. I closed my fists and imbued them with my lightning magic and began to throw punches at the speed of lightning. Unfortunately Hakuro had access to foresight and could easily see my strike seconds before they even happened. He dodged constantly as my lighting blasted small holes into dummies that took the blows for him. He whistled in appreciation as I took the shadows created from his position and attempted to grapple him using them. 

H saw it coming and sliced each shadow, funnily enough though, shadows were not physical until I made them that way, he sliced too early. I shot my palm open wide as my shadows suddenly became tangible and grasped his legs. My own shadow then bent and became a katana of pure purple and black energy, the ‘blade’ sundering towards his neck. I wasn’t intending to kill him, just to show that I have basic skill. My experience must have been lacking however as Hakuro disappeared, his form emerging from the shadow of the tree he had first taken the slash at me from.

Clapping resounded from the sword master as his eyes watched me carefully. I didn’t know his intention in observing me so intensely but it was no doubt some sort of martial art’s mysticism or something.

“Good, your basics are solid. You lack definition, style and direction but this can be taught to you over time… Now, run the entire village thirty times…” My right eye twitched as I looked down at my dress, huffing as it changed into the form of training garments. 

‘What type of clothing did you make Shuna???’ I huffed as I began running around the village, everyone wondering what I was doing. Ignoring all of them I simply focussed on running, I didn’t cheat either, using Haste too much would disable my ability to fight without magic.


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