Chapter 27: The Gift

Finishing up with my training session Shuna and I separated. She was super happy with the progress we had made today and it was obvious in the way she almost skipped out of the training field. I was confused about our relationship but it was certainly unique. Watching as she left my eyeline I felt a small void of warmth in my heart, as if something or someone had just taken the heat from my blood.

‘Concentrate Silviana…’

Shaking my head I turned back to the training field. I was wanting more magic but I was getting close to the end of my MP capability. Deciding to end it there I walked back through the village. The day was a few hours from ending, the sun threatening to dip slightly below the tree line within half an hour. Of course, now that I had finished my training and suddenly had nothing to do, I was greeted by Rigurd who was slightly out of breath.2

“Silviana-sama, there are representatives from the Lizard-men near the outskirts of the village…” I sighed as my right hand came to my forehead, I was already sick of dealing with my own stupidity, let alone some lizard’s. 

“Take me there, I suppose.” Rigurd turned and began to run off once more, his speed somewhat impressive for his lack of combat capability. I rubbed my eyes as I watched him get further away.1

‘Always when I can’t be fucked caring…’

I snapped my fingers and my body turned hazy once more, my speed altering into a higher throttle as within seconds I crossed the distance between me and Rigurd. He was utterly stunned by the speed at which I moved but he just continued to run, his speed allowing me to straighten out his hair and his clothes whilst we made our way. By the time we reached the destination he looked like he had spent several minutes straightening his clothes out and styling his hair.

Turning off haste I felt my body clench momentarily as my muscles strained from the use. I had used it twice today and it was pretty exhausting for my body to hold the vibrating Magicules whilst kinetic force sundered through my legs at a pace that the body was not necessarily ready for. Ignoring the sensations that I knew would fade in a few seconds I noticed Gabiru currently facing off against Gobta, the small Hob Goblin entering into a rage that was similar to Dragon Ball. It seemed me and Shuna had missed a decent bit, Shuna appearing on the other side of Rimuru. We were all standing there watching the show go down as Gabiru’s followers shouted out in celebration despite the fight not even having started. 

“Gabiru-sama Kakoi!”

“Gabiru-sama, You got this!!”

The scene was fucking hilarious, the mirrors they were holding being an extra touch as sunlight outlined Gabiru’s form. It was like a skit from a comedy or something. I let a small cough of a chuckle out, attracting the attention of Rimuru and the rest, their eyebrows rising slightly. I could tell they were surprised that I had a sense of humour. I held back my laughter at the Lizard people’s antics and observed the two opponents.

Gabiru was posing with his spear as Gobta was powering up. Then, as if that was all but an illusion they leapt at one another. Gabiru thrust out with his spear as his green scaled glimmered in the sunlight reflecting from the mirrors his group had brought with them. As if his effort was all a waste however Gobta dropped into the shadows and reappeared behind Gabiru, kicking him in the head with the force of a horse’s kick. Slight cracking noises resounded as following it came the over dramatic cries of Gabiru who fell to the dirt in seconds, his body extended out like he was a loony-toons character.

‘This guy could be a good entertainer…’ Ranga, Shizu, Hakuro and Shion all nodded and stepped up to the small Hob Goblin. He was celebrated for his victory and Hakuro decided to accept his apprenticeship, deciding to teach the small Hob Goblin. Shion decided to cook for him whilst Ranga decided to offer him a cow-deer the next time he goes hunting. Rimuru was stunned at how easily everyone accepted the talent of the young goblin, he even looked at me. I just shrugged and stepped forwards.

“Good job Gobta, I’ll make a magic scroll for you, you can maybe learn a spell.” His eyes glowed in happiness from the amount of things he was going to get, he was even excited for Shion’s cooking, he hadn’t eaten it in this time line… Apparently he was offered a custom weapon or he’d be left with doing all of the cleaning of the Sewers. To be honest it was a rather equivalent punishment, ‘Sorry Shion…’ Shion looked at me with a frown before stepping back behind Rimuru, her eyes flicking to the form of Rimuru.

“Ah, Good job Gobta! You sure showed him! I’ll get you that custom weapon and throw in some armour whilst I’m at it.” Gobta was elated and being thrown into the air by Ranga and Benimaru. Speaking of the prince, he was now decked out in new attire, the magical capabilities of Shuna allowing for rapid creation of clothing and other materials. Apparently in the day I had been out cold she had gone to Rimuru and asked for some material to make clothes from. He naturally just created spider silk for her and now she was making clothes for the leaders of the village. I swear mine was in the works…

“Oi, Gab-whatever, go back and tell your leader that we are willing to ally ourselves with him against the Orcs but we will not subordinate ourselves.” The frozen Lizards finally moved, hastily gathering their ‘stoic’ leader and fleeing.

“W-we, won’t forget this…!” They yelled back at us as they all ran, their mounts included. It was fucking hilarious to see them flee in shame. Shaking my head I started to walk away, Rimuru and the rest also following my example as they split up and went back to what they needed to. Rimuru snuggled up to Shizu before dragging along Shion, Benimaru and Souei. The three Kijin were going to be given positions in the ‘government’ so to speak. Benimaru would no doubt be the military leader, Souei the intelligence corps leader and Shion being the manager of internal affairs; in other words, Rimuru’s secretary.

I thought I was alone until Shuna ran up behind me. “Silviana, do you have time to see some of my work? I want your opinion.” Not being able to resist the cute look she gave me alongside the twirling of her hair with her finger I nodded.


Not even hesitating she ran up beside me and clasped her hand in mine. Her hand was soft and delicate, the smoothness being almost unnatural to me as her eyes glanced in my direction, moving back to the front as she dragged me towards her workshop, a place she had created out of one of my house’s rooms, something new I had learned whilst talking with her through the training.

Entering into my own house I wasn’t even allowed to take a second to relax as I was pulled into a room close to the front door. The space was filled with the smells of waxes and various other chemicals, the loom in the middle of the room inundated with silk as various patterns of said material were laid across a table at the opposite side of the room. needles and knives were strewn along small desks and tables as cloths and bolts of linen were stacked underneath. It was chaotic in an ordered way, it was strange but also endearing. 

She detached her hand from mine, reaching towards a stack of silk which, i hadn’t realised till now, were clothes. Something about my naming must have given her some mad speed as this was all done in a day.

“You have been busy… Have you had a sleep?”

“Yes, i had a sleep, Silviana… A-anyway, here, this is what I wanted to get your opinion on.” She raised up a dark green dress with fluttery pieces, mixed with gold filigree and shapes. Certain parts were transparent and draped from solid material. It was a beautiful piece of art and looked very sturdy, magicules wafting off of it in a concentrated wave. Potential was what this clothing embodied. 1

“It is beautiful… I like how it drapes and flows seamlessly. The Gold is a nice touch. You’d look stunning in it.” She became embarrassed by my honest opinion but extended it out towards me.

“H-here, the dress was made for you…” My heart dropped and my mind stopped working. I just stood there with my mouth open a little, as if I had just had an aneurism. ‘Have I died again?’ I hadn’t and this was real. My heart started up once again, my heartbeat pumping into my ears as I watched with shock as Shuna stepped forwards and placed the dress in my arms. 2

I had never received a gift in all of my lives, both past and current. My parents weren’t around to give me any gifts and I was mostly left to scrounge for what I wanted. Tears started to leak from my eyes as I looked down at the dress on my hands, the entire thing making me feel like Shuna was an angel, someone to cherish… A gift may not be a lot to some people but to someone like me who had never truly had kindness done to them intentionally, it was, impossible to explain. 

I stepped forwards and placed the dress on a nearby chair, Shuna looked upset at my actions but was taken off guard as I hugged her deeply, my tears sliding down onto her Kimono. She didn’t move for several seconds as I just gave her the biggest hug I had given anyone.

“Th-thank you…”

I pulled back and gave her a kiss on her lips, her eyes widening as I closed mine.1


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