Chapter 25: Immortality… Why does it have to be Painful?

‘What, the, fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkk…?’

My eyes widened in incredulity as blood pooled out of my mouth. I couldn’t comprehend what she just said, ‘I’m her wife?’ Looking around to the others in the room I noticed a large amount of chuckles and smiles as Shuna continued to hug me.

‘Rip-off, could you explain please?’


|Target’s Name: Shuna Solaris|

 I was speechless, i tried to recall when or why I did that and all I got was a vague moment before i slipped into unconsciousness where I decided to do that. My feelings were opened at that exact moment and I had immediately acted upon them before I could fall fully unconcious.

‘What the fuck subconscious!?’

‘Don’t speak to me bitch, its you that got close with her and that started to let her in… HMPH!’ 

‘Hold on… Did i just speak to myself…?’

|You are imagining it, you have a concussion.|

‘Oh for fuck’s sakes…’

“Tsuma? Are you okay?” Shuna’s tone was worried and her eyes damp from the tears that had dropped from their corners. Like an idiot I had named her with my own last name despite the lack of time we had spent together and now she was calling me her wife… I lightly sighed under my breath before wiping the tears from her cheeks, my hand shaking under strain as I felt my organs protesting each movement.

“Just, dandy… How, did the naming, go?” I felt the coolness of the wooden flooring below my back as I stared up at the ceiling. Looking around again I found Rimuru in a similar position to me but fully unconscious, the magicules around him fluctuating as Veldora’s Magicules aided him in fixing any issues.

“It went well Silviana-sama, we have all become Kijin… Except Shuna.” Shion was the one to answer as her considerable ‘packages’ bounced up and down. Her hair was tossed over her shoulder as she balanced her sword on her shoulder. The last part of her sentence worried me however as I felt that something different was about to hit me from an unexpected angle.1

“Tsuma, I have become a Nightshade Kijin.”

I tried to understand what the fuck that meant but it escaped me no matter how hard I attempted to stir the idea. My expression must have shown my confusion as Shuna began to lightly run her hands through my hair as she looked down softly at me.

“I advanced to a level beyond a normal Kijin. I have power of Holiness and Darkness. In a way I have become more like you… I even have a feeling that I could manipulate the shadows around me and imbue them with elements.”

‘Yeah, that’s from me alright…’

“That’s good. As long as everything turned out well…” Frustration and a small amount of anger filled Shuna’s face, the change making me nearly flinch. 

“Stupid, everything didn’t turn out well! You hurt yourself!” I was perplexed and just looking her in the eyes, seeing all of the pain my condition had seemingly put her through in the small amount of time I had been out. I didn’t know if me giving her my last name affected her emotions or anything but it was too late to puss out now.

“It went well then. As long as I am not dead then I am fine.” Shuna’s anger intensified as a red aura began to gather around her body and face especially. Benimaru, Souei, Shion and Hakuro all backed off a little bit as they seemed a bit worried for their own safety. Ignoring her act however I cupper her face with my right hand before kissing her on the forehead, all of her momentum vanishing along with it.2

“I appreciate you being worried for me, but we did only meet a day ago.” She immediately dropped her rage and fell into a near-sobbing mood, the tears collecting at the side of her eyes as she tightened her hug.

“No! You cannot take it back! You are mine…!” Her hug tightened even more as all of my body screamed into my brain its cries for mercy. Blood lightly spilled from my nose and mouth in larger amounts as my HP started to decrease a few points per second.

I tried to pat her back to make her stop but she just increased her strength. Within a few seconds I was starting to lose oxygen and my mind was beginning to slip back into unconsciousness. Words escaped my lips but they came out more as desperate gasps. Luckily, before things could become fully dangerous Shion grabbed Shuna and hauled her off of me, the beautiful Shuna crying openly whilst extending her arms out to me. Once again I fell into the comfortable embrace of a coma. 

(Shuna’s Perspective)

I was pulled off of the woman I had decided to spend the rest of my life with, the pain in my heart unbearable as I saw her fall into slumber once again. Her wounds were already very serious and I just strangled her back into it…

‘What have I done!? Have i killed her…!? Please, tell me i didn’t.’ I couldn’t help it as more tears slipped out of my eyes, the painful sensation of too much water collecting in my eyes radiating out as more and more ushered out. I weakly looked to Shion, the woman being my bodyguard and someone who I spent most of my childhood with.

“You didn’t kill her… She is hardier than that, she has merely gone into a sleep to heal the damage done to her by the naming process and your added, ‘affection’.” Relief filled me but I still felt empty by her words just before i hugged her.

“Why did she reject me…? A-am i not good enough?”

“No princess, she had just met you yesterday and now she shares her family name with you, the process all happening seconds before she went unconscious.”

 Hakuro, the Sword Master and trainer of my brother, Benimaru, stepped forwards his resolute and calm presence reassuring me despite my fluctuating emotions.

“No doubt when she gave you her family name it was her subconscious acting on her feelings. Her logical brain however still needs time to become accustomed to your union… It will take time to foster a relationship with her, do not give up hope princess-sama, I have the utmost confidence that you can woo her.” His words were direct and logical, serving to calm down my rather chaotic feelings at this moment. He was right, It was all very sudden for Tsu- Silviana and I had dove into it because of Ogre traditions…

‘Hehe, she gave me her last name…!’ Excitement bubbled near to the surface in the same amount that trepidation and worry did as well. I don’t know if this was love, but I was hooked nonetheless. 

‘Silviana… Please wake up soon so I can make you mine…!’3

(Silviana’s Perspective)

Feeling like absolute shit I awoke in my bed once again… Except, I was not as able to get up as I was the last time I woke in my own bed. I could feel the mid-day sun tickling my skin as the energy of the forest filled me once more, my condition getting a little bit better.

‘Life sucks… Never naming someone again, unless absolutely needed…’ I groaned as I moved onto my right side, the blood that previously threatened to leak from every movement nowhere to be seen.

‘Ain’t that one fucking positive in this shit show…’

My vision filled with little flecks of light and blackness for a second as searing pain followed the movement, my own internal organs protesting once more.

‘That’s the life i fucking know…! Sup bitch, how you been? Done fucking someone else’s life?’

Birds chirped on the windowsill as I tried to look at my status screen. The fucking rip-off showed up again but he was silent for now. My status showed I had healed somewhat but that I needed a little time still. My MP was back to full once more. 

‘Good! Time to get rid of this shit!’ I pulled on my magicules and cast a Cure Wounds on myself. “FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!” I felt unimaginable pain as my very organs rearranged themselves and went back to the places they were supposed to be in. Golden light flittered through my vision as I felt some sensation come over my lower body, like I had gone numb all at once. Then, as if the numbness of was an illusion, pain replaced it… Let’s just say it took me the next hour to fully heal myself as Cure Wounds wasn’t massively affective on internal struggles.

‘Sorry for having a shot at you life… I give in, please make the pain go away… Please…’ No one responded and I was left with the chilling sensation of pain vibrating down my skeleton and flesh.

|⚃ You have rolled a 4… You will be given a Power|

|⚅ Congratulations! You will be given an OP Power|

|You have gained the Power: Immortality!|

|Immortality: Eternal life without aging or susceptibility to disease, Cannot be poisoned, Immune to Aging Magic, Resistance to Instant Death Magic increases to 50%|1

‘Okay… This is your way of keeping balance… You knew I was going to get an OP bull shit ability like Immortality and decided to balance things out… Fair call’

The pain started to fade as my body returned to its normal state, my regeneration seemingly booming upwards from its previous Elf-standard. Life sucked, until it didn’t, but then it does… Life’s fucked… Let’s say that…


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