Chapter 23: The Naming of the Ogres, Kijin?

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Waking from my sleep after have enough drinks to submerge a dwarf twice over I yawned as the sunlight lightly billowed into my room. In sitting up a felt a warmth next to me, on top of the blankets. Slowly inching my eyes down towards the figure I found Shuna curled up beside me, saying my name in her sleep as her pink-white robes pooled around her.


‘I didn’t… did I? No, i wouldn’t have, and seeing as how she is just laying there fully clothed, it was very unlikely.’

I wiped my forehead a little as I transitioned to shadow, standing before my bathroom mirror right now. Flushed a little from the experience of waking up with Shuna in bed I turned on the tap and splashed my face with water, the enchantments on my house coming to use once again. Rimuru was still very happy that I had found the people I had in Dwargon, the production of the village had increased tenfold just with their help alone. The village had even started construction of aqueducts that traversed from the nearby mountains to the cistern in the village. Yeah, we were going full Roman in this shit!1

Feeling refreshed from a proper sleep today, my meditation being replaced by the drunken coma I put myself in, I walked back into my bedroom. Shuna was still fast asleep and was currently murmuring my name with a smile on her face. She was too cute and I couldn’t help myself but poke her cheek lightly. Squirming a little she tossed over, her horns lightly piercing into the pillows. Knowing that any more would wake her I took some spare pieces of paper that I had been given and wrote down a short message. I told her where the food is, how to get water and that I’d be out and about for a time this morning. Leaving the message beside her on the bedside table I silently walked over to the door, opening it and walking down the hallway until i met the stair, going down soon after reaching it. 

Downstairs was fairly active as Benimaru and Hakuro were sitting with tea, resisting to look in the direction of Shion who was attempting to cook. Benimaru looked at me in desperation as Hakuro removed his presence from the entire house, appearing to not be there. Shaking my head at their antics I walked up beside Shion and inspected her food. The food itself was unprepared and wildly undercooked, the sauce being a sloppy and slimy mess.

“What do you think Silviana-san?”

“Wrong way to cook it.”

Benimaru choked on his tea as Hakuro looked at me with immense regret and also a hint of respect. I ignored the buffoons and looked straight at Shion in the eyes.

“…I knew it… U-um, could I get your help in cooking then?” She seemed angry, but not at me, more at herself. Benimaru was looking on as if he was a guppy fish, Hakuro taking a deep sip of his tea as he watched on in stunned enlightenment.

“Sure, first, you have to peel the carrots and cut them up into small pieces…” After I started she absorbed each move I made and quickly followed in suit. It was kind of fun watching someone who wasn’t good at cooking trying hard to learn. I moved onto the meat and showed her different ways of cutting it and preparing it. One such piece of meat i dusted with some small herbs that our gatherers had harvested from the wild.

“This is called seasoning. Some seasoning require you to put it on before, during or after cooking. This one is called Rosemary, this one i would suggest putting on before cooking. It will cook alongside the meat and create a unique taste alongside the meat.” Shion nodded in understanding as we continued the lesson. After twenty minutes the dishes were all prepared, my dish that was for myself and her dishes that were made for Benimaru and Hakuro.

“Old man, Prince, stop worrying and dig in.” Hakuro looked at me as if I had betrayed him whilst Benimaru looked on ubiquitously in mild worry. Shion looked super happy to be taught properly as she offered her food to them. Her cooking wasn’t the best and wouldn’t even be considered basic but it was at least edible… 

‘Sorry honey, this is the most i can do for you… Just wait until you get your food cooking skill after Rimuru’s ascension.’

Eating my food quickly, watching in hilarity as all of the Ogres played around, I soon left. My destination was Iralia’s Bar, I needed my hit of coffee and i wouldn’t get it from home. Walking around the town was just building the expectation for me as I noticed several new businesses and houses being built or even operating. A general goods store had opened near the middle of the village and had started to sell some basic farm implements, their stocks coming from the Blacksmiths guild run by one of the Blacksmiths that had joined due to my efforts. The General store also had some basic food items and basic building materials, these things being the best to sell during the expansion of the village.

Walking past said store i received many greetings and was offered many free foods, food stalls and restaurants sprinkling the path i was travelling. Children ran past as they played games of tag, adult Hobgoblins and Dwarves talked with each other as they moved from one build sight to another. Carts were being pulled through the dirt road as boxes were being moved into buildings by staff. It was a hub of activity and one could easily feel the pulse of society within the village.

‘I see now why Rimuru likes doing this… Its, very gratifying.’

I greeted some children that passed me, the little rascals jumping over boxes and crates as adults yelled at them to stop. Smiling whilst shaking my head I turned back to my travels, i was close to Iralia’s now and I could tell by the wafting smell of tea and coffee. Iralia had been able to find some coffee in Dwargon and bought around two tonnes of the stuff, the barrels being transported via the aid of several Tempest Wolves who were hired. I was very happy about this!

Stepping up to the front of the building I watched as people entered and exited the ‘bar’, happy smiles adorning their faces. The building itself was a three story building, the first floor was a ‘bar’ and Café in one and had various outside porches and area for seating. Lines of bottles adorned the bar as in the Café section there were similar devices to the one she had used back in Dwargon. Twenty tables spanned the entire bottom floor as several waiters moved in between tables and orders, posting the tickets on a wall next to the bar or Café respectfully. Many of the kids from Dwargon had taken up work in the building and served as cleaners and coat catchers for the establishment.

Approaching the Café I was greeted by Iralia, who had intentionally positioned herself close to the area once she noticed I was here. She had a new hair style, her lacklustre appearance of dishevelled hair from previous being replaced by a stylish bob cut that maintained a mild curl to it. Her body was much cleaner and her rather dark appearance had had an overhaul, becoming close to a successful business owner’s appearance. 

“Things are looking good Iralia.”

“That be mighty fine praise comin from ye… I’ll take it.”

Her accent wasn’t the easiest to understand but I got the basic gist of what she was saying. Just as I was about to respond Iralia snapped her fingers, causing a man on the other side of the counter to come towards her.

“Yes boss?”

“Get this lady a coffee with two sugar crystals, also add one quarter milk.”

The man nodded and ran off to grab what she had asked. I was surprised by the mention of sugarcane’s main produce but I put it aside for now, i knew that Sugarcane could be used for alcohol, fuel and sugar production but that could wait.

“How has life been treating you Iralia?”

“Mighty fine now that I be settin up here. I must thank ye for bringin me out of me old den…” The coffee started to boil in the background as we continued our chat, the entire building humming with conversations of other people.

An hour later I stepped out of Iralia’s establishment, my coffee needs quenched. It was at this time that I received a mental message from Rimuru, his voice transmitting directly into my brain.

`Come to the meeting hall please.`

`Sure, sure…`

Sighing, I began my walk towards the meeting hall as the din of the village surrounded me. People who I hadn’t met that day greeted me as I went about my business, and they theirs. The trek to the hall wasn’t long and was luckily just a few roads away and past a wide open square. The square was currently unpaved and had the bare resemblance of a fountain in the middle. It was basic but served to found the vision of the future.

Once the buildings, amenities and expansions were complete I was going to suggest a wall of some kind be created around the city. It was a massive project but it could be achieved. Defence was important and considering the threats we faced, both from Tensura and Overlord.

Opening the front door of the Hall I was met by the gazes of the Ogres, including Shuna and the Rimuru/Shizu combo. The atmosphere was a very amiable as Benimaru watched me enter and step into shadow, re-appearing on my seat, seated. 

“Now that we are all here… What do you wish to speak about?” Rimuru questioned the prince as his face become sombre and resolute. Souei just stayed with the same expression he always had. The rest were just silent as they stared at their prince. I was waiting for the acceptance into the town, the Ogres had no real choice and with the sights they had seen here they knew that this was perhaps the only choice they had for revenge; especially considering my own presence and Rimuru’s. 

“I have come here to accept your offer… We wish to serve under you, under the provisory that we be able to end our service once the Orc threat is dealt with.” There was a collective inhale from the Ogres as Rimuru, myself and Shizu gazed on; Rigurd sitting beside Rimuru with a conflicted expression on his face.

Rimuru expanded his arms out with a smile adorning his human face. I couldn’t help but smile as well at the mischievousness that the expression hid. He was very happy that they weren’t trying to sacrifice themselves in the process of revenge. The Ogres seemed elated that they were being accepted.

“Of course! You are welcome to join! Welcome to our village!” Shuna hugged her brother as Souei cracked a small grin. Hakuro and Kurobe sat there comfortably as they watched the young people excitedly celebrate.

“Now that you have joined the village, I’ll name you all.” Rimuru proclaimed what he was going to do, he chest puffing outwards as if to replicate an anime pose or something. Shizu giggled a little at his ridiculousness.

“Rimuru-sama you sh-” Shuna was interrupted by Benimaru who gave her a look before shaking his head. Deciding to cut the drama as much as possible I spoke up.

“He’s being quite serious with the naming thing. He wants to name you all… Despite the effect it will have on his magicules…” Rimuru opened his eyes and looked at me as if I was speaking about something silly.

“What effect does it have on my magicules?”

I looked at him flabbergasted at his lack of knowledge despite having something as OP-bullshit as Great Sage. I rolled my eyes and huffed a little before answering.

“When you name people you expend magicules, if you expend too many magicules it drops your total Magicule density by a certain amount…”

He gawked at me as I could feel him asking Great Sage, I really understood how Great Sage felt now. ‘Sigh…’ 

“That being said, i think naming you all is a good idea… I will name a couple of you, he will name the rest.” Rimuru snapped out of his gawking and returned to his normal looks, his embarrassment obvious but held back. I just chuckled in my mind with his antics. Shizu was looking on as if this had almost nothing to do with her, despite her and Rimuru’s relations.

The Ogres were stunned by the emotional rollercoaster but eventually stood, allowing for me and Rimuru to be able to name them efficiently. I eyed Souei and Shuna specifically and walked over to the two, craning my right index finger towards Souei.

“My powers tend to be more inclined towards Shadows, nature and magic… It will aid you immensely, Souei.” A golden glow covered him as I felt a pull on my magicules, it was draining and tiring all at once. ‘Fuck, i need to really gain some more stats in Intelligence and Wisdom.’

|-1000 MP|

Holding onto my posture and body with will power and the strength Growth gave me I turned to my beautiful pink cherry blossom, her cute pink eyes glowing as her features melded into my eyes.

“My power’s connections to Nature will help you become more balanced in your powers while enhancing your holy powers, Shuna…” Once again a golden glow appeared as I felt a massive drain on my MP

|-1410 MP| 

|MP insufficient, burning HP temporarily to make up for lack of MP|

|-100 HP|

|-200 HP|

|-300 HP|

|- 1000 HP|

|Total HP Left: 810 (24 hours required to heal the 1600 HP lost)|

‘Holy, fuck…’

I slipped into unconsciousness as I spit blood out of my mouth, my subconscious speaking something aloud before falling asleep.



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