Chapter 17: Shizu’s Survival

Standing above her as she layed down my unique skill Avatar started to sizzle within my mind. My eyes started to see the entire forest for a split second before narrowing down on this specific room. Circles of various elements spun in place within the room, explaining the reason behind the coolness in the room, the heat near the door, the perspiration from Shizu and ultimately my own bodies biology.

Above the lithe body of Shizu, a Tao symbol lightly hovered. The black had overtaken the white and the grey had disappeared, it was as if a mystical clock. The white was slowly losing ground as the grey was all but consumed, surviving only along the edges of the yin and yang symbol. My own abilities were starting to reach out towards the symbol. 

Deciding to control the process instead of letting my abilities do all the work I gritted my teeth and began to project my magicules outwards. As if a flashbang had gone off in the room my magic soon flowed through the air, creating a light blue haze within the room. Rimuru bounced lightly up and down as he watched closely, his Great Sage ability no doubt feeding him information.

The Tao symbol began to lightly vibrate on the visual spectrum as the black froze in place, as if suspended in time. My magicules soon began to take on elemental colours as red, green, blue, yellow, brown, white, black and opal dyed the magicules. Amidst the amalgam of various colours white began to consume the others and take on a deeper and paler white, the vacancy of darkness becoming apparent as the dark was all but suppressed under its shine. Then, with a fierce thrust of energy and purpose, the white magicules thrust into the Tao symbol representing Shizu’s balance with Ifrit.

Black was consumed in large amount as very quickly it receded, as if butter stuck in a pan. Within moments the black had retreated back to the middle ground, the white being reinforced by the artificial increase thanks to my aid. A sharp hot pain fluttered into my skull as my hands started to shake. It was strenuous to hold back the white from taking the black, almost as if I was holding back an ocean of hatred. My mind strained to find a way to balance it, something to take the place as arbiter. 

Then as if by mere chance as figure flashed in my mind, a beauty of unparalleled holiness, her flowing black hair only being overshadowed by the wedding dress she wore. Then it vanished and the strain ceased. The Tao symbol was now fully restored back to what it was and the entire structure of her body was restoring, her lifespan now effectively becoming immortal. Ifrit was not caged within her anymore, no, he was part of her… Or should I say, she, was part of Shizu. In an instant the tension left my body and I fell backwards into a chair, Rimuru yelling out in surprise a little as he bounced over to me.3

“Are you okay Silviana-san?”

“I-…I am okay. Tired. Exhausted. Give me a minute and I’ll be fine.”

I drained out the sounds and noises of the space as my mind reached out for my Growth ability, hoping to gain some reprieve from the constant draining sensation that flooded my being currently. Nothing was working, even Growth was unable to fully supply me at this time. In desperation I tried creating a spell for Magicule regeneration but it was useless, in fact it worsened my condition and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. The last thing I saw was Shizu sitting up, her eyes heterochromatic. Her right eye a bright verdant red and the other a pallid opal. Rimuru was still fretting over me as I peacefully fell asleep, the chair carrying my weight as i slumped backwards.

In the remains of the past Orc Kingdom a band of hundreds of thousands of Orcs dazedly walked through the desert in a desperate search for food and water. The desert was massive, much larger than most maps showed, and was just as scarce in clean water sources and vegetation.

At the head of this group of Orcs was the leader, the so called tribe chieftain. His retainers dotted around him as he gave up one of his arms for some Orc children, the children dry sobbing as they bit into the raw flesh of their role model.

“My king… You-“

“If they can survive one more day in this disaster, I will die happy.”

The words were sombre and had a depressed air to them, only further saddened by the dryness and soreness of their throats. Weeks had they been travelling through the desert, the entire cracked landscape fighting them at every turn, now they were close within a days journey to the promise land that Gelmud had promised the king’s people.

The king would do anything for his people and now he saw hope for the future. His people could feed, drink and prosper in a better land. The Great Forest of Jura.

Suddenly a careening crack in space unfolded before their eyes. Their minds immediately made sense of this scene as desert mirage, something to trick the eyes and confound the senses. A skeletal hand clasping a golden staff emerged from the purple-black portal, followed by a massive explosion of aura from said hand. Emerging from the portal was a thing of fear and dread, a being of untold doom and despair. 

“So this is the state the Orcs find themselves in… Crawling through the sand and dirt for scraps of food…” The deep and majestic voice of Ainz echoed through the clearing, the sounds of hundreds of thousands of orcs grinding to a halt as the King halted, raising his makeshift sword towards the figure.

“Who, are you?”

“Your saviour…?”


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