Chapter 8: Recruiting in Dwargon

Later in the morning Rimuru assembled the party and began to organise the rest of the journey. I was rather energized with the energy around me as my stats had increased by another eight. I could now pass a dagger between each of my fingers with extreme ease, as if I was a master rogue or something from Dungeons and Dragons. My movements weren’t as practiced but they were fluid, making me feel that I needed to learn some skills from someone.

It would come soon, i knew that, but it was still a little ways away and it concerned me that I was slowly gaining power in a world like this. Demon Lords, Demons, Angels, Monsters, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Spirits, Ghosts, Dragons, True Dragons and a multitude of various other species existed and they were only the basic species, if it was an AU who knows what could be a part of it…

The wind tickled my skin a little as the water from the river somewhat calmed me. Rimuru was still speaking with the others, organising Gobta to come with him as he was the most experienced with Dwargon within the party. Whilst this went on I slowly played with my magic again, drawing on the river for support in the water magic i was summoning. Several moments passed as my magicules exuded from my palm until, with a steady pace, the water from the river lightly flowed up the banks and floated up to my hand like a reverse waterfall. A ball of water now sitting above my hand, swirling violently as the kinetic energy of the River’s current was maintained within the small ball.

|You have gained the Skill: Water Manipulation|

I blinked lightly as the pull of the water increased and the size of the water ball increased until it was the size of my fist. My ears twitched as I looked over towards Rimuru and co, finding them staring at me in mild interest. Ceasing the use of my magicules the water dropped onto my palm before pouring out of my palm down onto the ground. The wind tickled the wet skin and created a cool sensation to flow through my veins as I turned towards the group.

“I’m coming into Dwargon with you.” As i spoke some of the goblins flinched as Rimuru just nodded lightly, his mind obviously preoccupied with talking to his own Skill. Gobta had stars in his eyes as he looked at my hands and started to fidget beside Rimuru. The only reason he hadn’t leapt over to me to nag at me to learn the magic was because of Rimuru’s position and presence within our troupe. 

“Mhm! More the merrier!” Rimuru was as upbeat as ever and just turned back to the group before calling on Ranga from his shadow. The massive Dire Wolf looked at me again with a smile on its rather noble-looking face before turning back to Rimuru and listening for instructions. This lead into a mass packing of and exodus of the camp site. Within minutes we were back on the road, the journey only being half an hour at best before the ‘delegation’ broke off from the rest and headed to the entrance.

We crested a hill not but half an hour later and soon saw the entrance to the legendary mountain kingdom. Its gate was a typical medieval style keep gate with many arrow loops, crenulations and a moderate Barbican for soldiers to use in case of warfare. In front of said gate were hundreds of travellers, some dressed as adventurers and others as travelling merchants. It was a perplexing and colourful sight as many different ethnicities of people and species gathered to trade and take shelter within the mountain halls of the Dwarven kingdom.

Not wanting to alert anyone or cause any sort of misunderstanding Rimuru decided to leave Ranga behind and go on ‘foot’ with Gobta and myself. I decided to keep my wolf within my shadow. Gobta was nervous and was sending off a lot of red flags but i knew that ultimately this would lead to good things. But, i was not wanting to go with Rimuru or Gobta, they needed to do things on their own.

“Rimuru, I will get into the city separately. I will try to find skilled personnel and gather some information.” He seemed a bit hesitant at first but quickly resigned himself to my nature, agreeing within moments as I slowed down and waited for him and Gobta to get ahead.

From there on it went the same way as in the anime. Rimuru and Gobta ran into a typical DND party and defeated them handily before getting apprehended. Everything was going to plan. I got through the front gates of the city with very little fuss thanks to my species being Elf and I soon found myself in a large Dwarven Kingdom, electrical lighting and an intense wafting of smells and foods creating an eclectic atmosphere. I was overwhelmed slightly by the sheer voraciousness of the sounds, smells and sensations before me. My growth ability was going wild with numerous new and foreign concepts and powers flowing into my body with every meter i moved in the city.

I couldn’t tell exactly what they were but there was a lot of them and some of them were considerably powerful. Dwarves served humans, elves and various other species beer as ruckuses and minor fights broke out in nearby taverns. On the streets squads of military guards patrolled the streets diligently, their polearms and spears clacking and clanking against their various sets of half-plate. It was civilisation, something I hadn’t seen for a long time, even back in my past home world.

I continued to walk as several drunken men and women hit on me as I passed, my movements continuing despite some of the more open requests i was receiving. Finally, after a hot minute of searching I reached a rather small looking café, or something similar. It was a rather indistinct location with unnoticeable colours and a very sombre mood to it. The only reason i knew it was a café was because it had a menu beside the front entrance.

Stepping into the establishment the stench of long brewed coffees and dropped milk hit my nostrils. I had to resist the urge to gag as I moved up to the front counter, the entire inside being lit like it was the stage for a horror movie. Unsettling the inside may be, but I was determined to get a sense of direction within the city and also possibly gain some small contacts to supply chains. Trade was important and i wished to know who supplied what. 

‘Too soon to ask that Silviana, you just need to have a coffee and ask some small questions as a new comer.’ I looked along the counter in front of me, finding a small bell-like device that was similar to those used in my past life. Tapping it as you normally would a small ringing noise resounded throughout the building.

“AH! One second!” The sound of plates dropping and clattering to the ground ensued as following it was the smashing of glass and several curses in Dwarven; which i could somehow understand.

Waiting for a minute the figure of a small dwarf woman with the stray hairs of a beard stepped out from one of the swinging doors behind the counter. Her hair was bright red and her eyes were similarly bright but with the colour green. Blinking, she rubbed her eyes and looked at me once more, her expression almost seeming as if she had seen a ghost.

“Who be ye? I ain’t seen no Elf in these parts for a mite of a second!” Her accent was thick but easily understandable for me. At first I was a little take aback by her seemingly Irish personality and accent but quickly reorganised my mind to respond.

“I’m a customer, i suppose… My name is Silviana. Yours?”

Her face alit in happiness at the mention of a customer as he happily jumped up and down a little. Her movements would have been cute if it weren’t for the rather baggy and dirty clothes she was wearing.

“Me name be Iralia! I be running this fine establishment for me pa for over a year now!” She exclaimed it as if it was something to be massively proud of and admittedly she carried the attitude so well that I even felt a little awed by her display.

“Seems like you’ve been doing very well…” The conversation turned a little cold for a moment as I said that, my eyes not being able to hold back from looking around at vacant insides of the building. Iralia didn’t seem to mind the looking and comment as she just beamed a smile, continuing on in her conversation with me.

“Oh to be sure! Me pops always said to me that if ye put in enough sweat and muscle ye can achieve even your greatest dreams! Anyway! What would ye like to wet ye old whistle?” Her pace was very hard to follow but I got the general idea of it after half a minute of processing, the woman just smiling in waiting of my answer.

“I’d like a coffee that is suitable to an elf…? If you have it?”

Her eyes lit up once more, the four leaf clovers practically becoming physical manifestations around her at this point as her feet pounded on the floor behind the counter.

“Aye! Right away!” Her work was fast as she took out rather modern looking machinery and activated several spell circles, the magic being made up of complex symbols and intricacies. My mind remembered all of the circles down to the smallest details as my skills began to copy every one of her muscle movements, assuring me that I could copy them if so required at any moment.

Leaning up against the counter and watching her work I quickly came to the conclusion that I had no money, it was a basic thing but I had forgotten. Looking at the price of the Coffees they were rather cheap actually, I calmed down and began to think on ways of earning money, that was until I saw some old coins sitting underneath a table in the far corner. I could feel my heart leap at the amount I saw but I quickly controlled myself before channelling Umbral assault to make a bag of shadow to go collect the money and bring it to me.

Luckily, a second after she finished the coins were in my hand and I could pay. It was a little over the actual price of the coffee but I considered it my luck as a beginner.

“Here ye go! That be 20 Bronze Coins.” I handed over exact change, my total amount now going down to 30 Bronze Coins. She beamed a smile as she waited for me to take a sip, my reaction obviously important for her in some way.

With a little awkwardness picked up the small coffee cup and brought the lip of the cup to my lips, my eyes staring into hers as she did the same back to me. With a small blink of my eyes I tilted the cup backwards, allowing the liquid to enter my gullet. It was like an explosion of flavour and tastiness, the unique taste of this world’s coffee and the more common flavourings within the coffee created a bizarre but exquisite phenomena on my mouth. It was not too dissimilar to how Purifying Elixirs within Chinese Mythology were discussed, it felt utterly cleansing.


“AYE! I knew i be liking ye!” She slammed her hand down on the counter, the wooden splintering and shattering under her strike as the nearby door broke off its hinges. It surprised me so much that i almost dropped my coffee.

“Shit! Not another counter…”



|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

HP: 3603

MP: 410

STR- 36

CON- 36

DEX- 36

CHA- 36

INT- 41

WIS- 41


Unique Skills:

Unique Skill- Eidetic Total Memory

Unique Skill- Semblance: Umbral Assault

Unique Skill- Reincarnation’s Blessing

Unique Skill- Growth

Unique Skill- Magicule Infinatatum Potentia

Normal Magic Skills:

Skill- Wind Control

Skill- Lightning Control

Skill- Water Manipulation4


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