Chapter 3: A Goblin Village?

Staring at the fires from a distance I noticed figures of small stature and chubby bodies. They were dancing around the fire as a slime sat upon a small podium. The slime, which I assumed was Rimiru, based upon the fact that I was gaining Unique Traits similarly styled to those in Reincarnated as a Slime and the fact that the scene was somewhat familiar to me, or a least I had watched episodes with very familiar vibes.

This changed a lot. Now that i knew for certain that I was stuck within the world of Tensura I could base my future plans off of my knowledge. My senses were alight with the various transmitted life signatures within the forest of Jura. These life signatures also came from the Goblins however and especially from Rimiru, who was bouncing lightly side to side in excitement as he watched his ‘people’ dance, enjoying themselves. I thought on the possible consequences of meeting him and possibly effecting his storyline, his progression and whether this would draw the ire of his future self. Taking it into account I took a summary of my situation.

I had no food or water, shelter or comfort… My clothes were barely going to last more than a week at best, a few days at worst. My physical condition seemed to be superb but I had no clue if there were bandits or other dangers lingering, i didn’t feel arrogant over my skills, like most things in life, numbers have a quality all their own. My ears twitched as the sound of yahooing and celebrating continued into the night.

‘Mmm, better to risk tricky situations down the line than to sacrifice my own life, comfort or survivability.’ Slowly i approached the camp, sentries nodding off to sleep as they fell to their own sense of relaxation. Rimiru had apparently made them all feel secure despite the fact that they could be attacked at any moment.

‘That’s not good goblin-sans…’ At the thought I cringed slightly, I tried it out in my mind so I could possibly better interact with Rimiru but it seemed the phrases or phrasing was to my tastes. ‘No more ‘san’ or ‘senpai’… Purely names… If they don’t have one I’ll just point.’ Getting to the outer ‘palisades’, these palisades being very little more than make-shift fences and watch towers, I began to walk into camp.

Within a few short moments I felt a gaze pass over me and a small intrusive scan from outside my body. My skills wanted to jump in reflex, especially Umbral Assault but i held it at bay. Rimiru had spotted me and was obviously on guard, not only was he new to the world at this stage but he was also expecting the Dire Wolves to attack at any moment. His scan didn’t last long however, as he plopped down off of his perch; the goblins ceasing their partying as they noticed me.

I stopped halfway towards the campfires, noticing very small and badly constructed huts or tents that served as domiciles for the goblins and now Rimiru. Switching my focus from the details around me, I concentrated on Rimiru. His form was much as described and shown in the anime, it was light blue with small shades of dark blue. In reality his form looked much more like jelly than anything else though.

“Nice to meet you! I’m Rimiru the Slime…! I’m not a bad slime!” A smile came to my face as I remembered countless moments throughout the anime where he would say this line. It was a cute greeting and honestly did help me adapt to the situation more, my mind clearing a little from the stress as i made an obviously good decision.

“I am Silviana Solaris, I do not know my species directly but i would assume I am an elf.” Although i realised that my words could be misconstrued or easily read into as mistrust, something that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad sig to show, not the best either. When I looked towards Rimiru I found that he had gone into la-la land, his own mind no doubt conjuring images of the elves on his PC, the one he had asked his friend to deal with.

*Cough* A small coughing noise was made by the goblin who would be named Rigurd in the future, the old goblin slowly hobbling towards the side of Rimiru. Many of the goblin men looked at me with shy expressions and small glances but i didn’t mind… I could teach any one of them who tried to do something untoward, although i knew they wouldn’t. Rimiru finally snapped out of it at this time and switched to a more questioning stance.

“Silviana-san, what are you doing out and about at night?” I could tell he was having an inner monologue, dragging his Sage ability through the often hasty thoughts of his mind. 

“I awoke within the forest. I have no memory of my time here in this forest prior to waking up.” Technically it wasn’t a lie, i had no recollection of this body’s past happenstances and actions within the forest… Perhaps it was bending the truth and omitting information but it was still the truth nonetheless.

“O-oh…” His presence shifted into one of concentration and thought, my Unique Skill, Growth, allowing me to feel the basic natural shifts and changes around me. I continued to look around at the goblins, their appearances that of children as rugged and worn clothing kept private parts barely covered.

“Would you like to stay the night… Its warm near the campfires.” His attempt to garner help obvious but also somewhat helpful for my predicament. Warmth, food and shelter sounded nice, especially for a woman such as myself who comes from the 21st century.

Regrouping my sights on his form I nodded delicately, my own senses making me feel light and almost dizzy with the sheer amount of Magicules, no doubt because of Veldora. “Yes, i would appreciate it if i could spend the night here.” The atmosphere changed again, my senses barely being able to sense the shift. It seemed he was happy, perhaps a little attracted but ultimately, mostly, excited. 

‘Elves are his weakness huh?’

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

HP: 160

MP: 210

STR- 16

CON- 16

DEX- 16

CHA- 16

INT- 21

WIS- 21


Unique Skill- Eidetic Total Memory

Unique Skill- Semblance: Umbral Assault

Unique Skill- Reincarnation’s Blessing

Unique Skill- Growth

Unique Skill- Magicule Infinatatum Potentia


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