Chapter 46: Chapter: 46

Release Time: 2024-05-16 14:03:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Chapter: 46

It had been a week since the crazy excursion to AIM. I hadn’t heard much from anyone since. Tony and SHIELD had gone radio silent. To be honest, that was perfectly fine by me. I could let them deal with the remnants of that fiasco. I had more important things to do myself. Mainly, I was finally in the process of finally getting my own place! Even if it was a bit slow going…1


“So what do you think about this abode? Isn’t it just…grand?” My realtor asked me hesitantly as she spread her arms wide and gestured all around the apartment. It was large, I’d give her that at least. It also looked like it was infested with fleas and may have been a meth lab at one point as well. This was definitely another no from me though. I was starting to lose faith in the competency of my realtor. She was clearly fresh out of whatever made-up little college realtors went to because she was doing a terrible job. She was cute though, which is mainly why I picked her. 

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