Chapter 34: Etiquette Lessons

Release Time: 2024-05-16 04:49:33
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Years kept passing; Wuyi was ten this year, but he actually looked 13. He was growing faster than any kids in the fort. People believed it was his bloodline, but Wuyi knew with certainty that the cause of his development was his cheat, specifically the statue of valor, which actively supported Wuyi during his exercises, helping him develop muscles. He was just more physically developed than other kids. To keep up with the growth, he ate a lot too. The good thing was now that he lived in the fort, he could go to the kitchen and eat anytime and as many times as he liked. Even as a bastard, he was considered noble, so no one hassled him about his eating habits. Still, he made sure not to show this trait of his in front of Boluo, or he would have been chided by Boluo for being a glutton.1

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