Chapter 22: Malicious Men

Release Time: 2024-05-29 14:11:59


Althea looked at the Pharmacy cabinets filled with medicine, and for a moment, was very tempted to take as much as the space allowed. After all, who did not get sick?

However, she did not do so in the end, all because of an inkling: That these medicines would not have much effect on their improved bodies.1

Of course, it was still a pity not to take anything while she was here. She cleared out a little box the size of a lunchbox, took some basic medicine, a bit of everything else, and filled it to the brim.2

She then went to the herb shop in an alley not far away. This time she took all the seeds and the processed herbs with her.

Although she didn't know if the end products would have an effect on their bodies, nor if the herbs planted would even grow in that Other World, this was her specialty after all. She, at least, had to try her best.


Looking inside her space backpack, she saw that it only had a few centimeters of space left for emergencies.

She finally decided to put an end to her limited-hoarding session, and she looked around to call Fufi, only to see him munching on chocolate left on the ground.

"Don't eat that," she said, patting the Fufi's fluffy head and opening his mouth. Wasn't chocolate poisonous to dogs? She looked at the stupid dog's smiling face in worry. "You're not going to die, are you?"1



She quickly looked at the dog's status.


Name: Fufi

Age: 2

Level: 1 (505/2000)

Life: 310/400

Spirit: 320/400

Physical: 31

Agility: 26

Defense: 14

Mana: 100


Active: None

Passive: None

Elemental Affinity: Earth

Titles: None

Overall rank: A ]

Her furrowed eyebrows loosened after seeing there was no negative state, but she checked on the dog again if he felt anything odd. 

But she saw that there was really no problem, and she finally sighed in relief. 

Their improved bodies were one of the few good things that came out of all this.

After several minutes of delay, she and Fufi finally went back on the motorcycle to head to the hospital.

The next few minutes were uneventful and she traversed the car-filled roads with ease. In fact, if she wasn't pregnant, she'd have gone much faster.

But, suddenly, she felt a subtle change in the air. Something wheezed in her direction and she quickly avoided it by making a drift. 1

She cursed as she struggled to keep her balance, feeling the rubber of the tires screech against the asphalt road.

She eventually regained control, her heart beating crazily, and she turned her head to look coldly at the source.

"Heh, not bad," A slurring voice sounded. Someone even clapped his hand carelessly, and another shot the zombies attracted by the sound. 

It was three men with similar features: huge bodies, ugly beards, unsightly faces, and disgusting grins.1

They arrogantly approached her with guns pointed menacingly in her direction. Like her, they were also covered in zombie goo.

"Oh my, beautiful lady!" They all stared at her openly, lewdness seeping through their gaze, making evocative expressions that made her want to vomit more than zombie innards did.1

"Why are you running around all alone in this dangerous place?"

The oldest one smirked, showing off his silver canines, but unlike the other two, his focus was something on her back.

"You have a nice thing on your back there." He said, pointing at the huge plasma gun behind her.

He obviously thought she would give it to him without any questions.

Althea scoffed and did not bother to give them a response. Instead, she pressed on the horns of the bike, attracting more zombies to them.

Although they did not actively attack those who were covered in zombie goo, it was enough of a distraction.

Seeing the men turn their attention to the zombies, Althea quickly stepped on the gas and went in the older one's direction.

After all, a wise man once said: Kill the General first.

She turned her head to avoid a bullet, flexibly turning with the inertia, she pressed the plasma to the man's head.

[+50 experience]

It took a moment for the other two to realize what had happened. It was only after they saw the man on the ground bleeding from a hole in his head that they managed to absorb it.

They saw red.



"YOU BITTCCHHHHHHH!!!!!" The younger one screamed and waved his gun around, pointing at wherever she was at.1

Guns nowadays barely produced any sound at all, so it was not easy to avoid stray bullets.

Fortunately, there was a huge amount of meat shields surrounding her and Fufi, keeping them from injury.

Not to mention, the men were cursing her loudly, as if they wanted her (and the zombies) to pinpoint where they were.

She pressed the gas to the max to get as far as possible, aiming the plasma gun at the two roaring men, expertly aiming her gun, and exploding their heads moments later.1

[+30 experience]

[+30 experience]

She did not put down her gun though as the noise unfortunately attracted a dozen upgraded zombies, and she quickly shot continuously until the zombies nearby were wiped out, Fufi covering her rear for leaks.

A city was a city, and the upgraded zombies attracted by these jerks were several times the total she'd encountered so far.

After nearly half an hour of massacre, the zombies nearby were finally cleared.

Panting, she looked down at the plasma gun, which had now lost its luster.






She sighed regretfully and placed the now-useless gun on a surface. She parted it with a very pitiful expression on her face. "You lived well, my friend." Even Fufi looked amusingly solemn.3

Althea held back a smile as she turned back to the bodies not far from her. She wanted to ignore the new zombies that wandered, but the blood of the men flowed and it was about to attract them to eat the dead bodies.

Killing the new zombies that drifted by with normal guns from her space, she went nearer the men's bodies to check for resources and found out the guns didn't have bullets anymore.

She looked around and there was no loot.

It seemed that while killing other survivors provided a higher experience than zombies, it gave nothing else.

The contents of their space disappeared, and neither were there monetary rewards.

This may seem unfortunate at first, but this was actually a good thing. Otherwise, survivors would end up killing each other before the real enemies did.1

Shrugging, she waved at Fufi, signaling that it was time for them to go.

The dog followed her and jumped back on the motorcycle and the duo continued to their destination:2

The Hospital.

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