Chapter 4: Miracle

Release Time: 2024-05-25 14:22:28

"D-Doctor, you... you said I'm pregnant!?" Bella asked, needing confirmation that she hadn't misheard.

The Doctor's frown deepened as he noticed how pale and frightened Bella looked.

'Why does she look scared?' The Doctor muttered, glancing at the diamond ring wrapped around her finger. 'She is a married woman. She should be happy with her pregnancy, right?'

"Yes, Ma'am... You are pregnant," he confirmed again, attempting to hide his suspicion that this woman might not want this pregnancy.

He continued, "I already asked the nurse to schedule you to meet a gynecologist tomorrow morning. You need to consult with the gynecologist immediately, Ms. Donovan. I'm worried your emotional condition now will impact your pregnancy."1

This was the only advice he could offer. He didn't want to see this young woman resort to having an abortion, a situation he had unfortunately witnessed too often.1


Bella was too shocked to pay attention to the Doctor's words. When he finally left, she could only nod and thank him.

Only a nurse remained with her, but she didn't say anything as she was lost in her own thoughts about the sudden news of her pregnancy.

In recent years, she has tried various methods to get pregnant. However, all her attempts had failed; even a few months ago, she underwent her third IVF* (In vitro fertilization), but with the same disappointing results.

Yet, the Doctor had just confirmed she was pregnant. How could she get pregnant naturally? It was difficult for her to believe. It seemed like a miracle.

"Do you still want to leave the hospital tonight, Ms. Donovan? I'll help you with the paperwork..." the nurse asked, breaking Bella's deep thoughts.

Bella shook her head in response to the nurse. Her plans had changed upon learning about her pregnancy. She needed to stay in this hospital and think about her next plan.

"Nurse, can I move to a private room? I have to stay here tonight. Also, please arrange for me to see a gynecologist tomorrow morning..."

"Sure, ma'am. I will arrange it for you," the nurse answered.

"Do you need my ID card or something to register?" Bella asked while trying to find her bag. She couldn't spot her belongings; even now, she was wearing a hospital patient gown — light blue pajamas.

"No need, ma'am. Your administration is already completed. But I need to check if a patient room is still available..." The nurse paused, gazing at Bella silently while thinking about something. After a few more seconds, she asked, "Ma'am, would you prefer a VIP or shared room?"1

"The best room in this hospital doesn't matter. Money is no problem for me," Bella replied with a smile.

Bella noticed the nurse seemed concerned, as if worried she couldn't afford the VIP ward.

"Yes, ma'am," the nurse nodded and excused herself. However, she stopped when Bella called her.

"Nurse, have you seen my bag?"

"When you arrived here, all your things were soaked, ma'am. We try to dry it for you; I'll bring it to you immediately..." The nurse explained.

"Thank you, Nurse..." 

Bella remembered walking in the rain before losing consciousness. Her Birkin bag didn't matter to her; she only needed her cell phone. She had to call her Aunty Noora because she wouldn't go home today.

Before long, the nurse returned. Bella noticed her Birkin bag looked dull.

'Gosh! Looks like this bag doesn't want me either...' She wanted to laugh because this was the only expensive bag Tristan had ever given her.3

After thanking the nurse, she immediately searched for her cell phone.

Bella felt like crying because the phone wouldn't turn on. She didn't know whether the battery had run out or if it was damaged due to exposure to water.

"Tsk, tsk, Bells... Looks like today was not your day, huh!" She silently talked to herself, taking another deep breath, feeling utterly exhausted.

She lay back on the bed while touching her still-flat stomach.2

A faint smile formed on her lips as she felt like her pregnancy wasn't real because she didn't feel anything growing inside her. However, she couldn't suppress the happy smile that slowly emerged from the corners of her lips.

Even though Bella felt hurt that Tristan decided to divorce her without prior discussion, she was willing to forgive him solely for the sake of their child.5

At least saving her marriage to Tristan could bring happiness to her family.

"Bella, you still have a chance..." Hope rose in her heart, imagining Tristan paying more attention to her and perhaps loving her more. It was something she had always dreamed of after marrying him.

However, she needed to confirm her pregnancy before reaching out to him. She couldn't face Tristan until she was sure; she needed proof to talk to him.

After a few minutes, the nurse returned, "Ms. Donovan, your room is ready. I will take you to your room."

"Thank you," Bella smiled at the nurse and followed her after grabbing her pitiful Birkin bag.

As they walked through the patient room corridor, Bella remained silent, busy with thoughts about her plan to contact Tristan. He had blocked her number.

What's even sadder is that she doesn't have Tristan's personal assistant and driver's phone number. She was utterly clueless about him.

'It looks like I have to visit him at his office. Did he return from his business trip?' she wondered.

Lost in her thoughts, Bella was suddenly distracted by the conversation of a few women in the corner. She glanced in their direction and saw three nurses seated inside the nurse station not far from her.

She turned her gaze back to the corridor leading to her VIP room, ignoring the nurses.

But she was utterly shocked when she heard their conversation before passing them.

"Hey, I have a HOT news!! Tristan Sinclair dating Laura Kiels!?"4



*IVF = In vitro fertilization is a process where egg cells are combined with sperm in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating the patient's ovulation process, removing the egg or egg cells from her ovaries, and allowing sperm to fertilize them in a culture medium in the laboratory.

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