Chapter 4: Supreme Predator System

Release Time: 2024-05-25 13:10:24

Chapter 4: Supreme Predator System

"Huff, huff," the wolf pup wheezed weakly, struggling to draw breath. It appeared that some of the water had entered its respiratory tract, but thankfully, the system was able to remove it.

The little wolf pup of the white wolves was soaked to the bone, and its tiny body shuddered uncontrollably in the frigid night air. Its fur, usually so soft and fluffy, was matted and plastered to its skin.




[Initiating synthesis of thermoregulatory hormones]


-> 0/6 of the required hormones have been synthesized.

-> Estimated Time: 00:00:30:00 [30 minutes]


The synthesis of thermoregulatory hormones, particularly those responsible for raising the body's internal temperature, had commenced.

The newborn pup who was barely 4-5 days couldn't possibly handle the chillness.

The fragility of its young body demanded careful attention, yet fate was cruel, subjecting the wolf pup to both extremes of temperature - scorching heat and bone-chilling cold.

The little one lay there, barely breathing, its tiny body unconscious yet still alive. This was a recipe for disaster in the treacherous forest, where dangerous predators roamed free. It was no wonder that this forest was renowned as one of the deadliest on the entire continent.

Given the recent wildfire in the vicinity, most creatures have retreated to safer grounds leaving less potential danger around the location where the small cub had collapsed.


[Thermoregulation has been boosted.]


-> Internal heat is being restored.


The system appeared to function flawlessly as the pup's thermoregulation kicked in, and its body began warming up.

The process had seemingly reached completion when suddenly, a notification appeared, offering him a valuable gift.

A gift that would stay with him for life, an invaluable asset that promised to pave the way for his success and help him scale new heights.



[New Skills Gained]

1] Heat Resistance [Lv.1]

-> Passive Skill

-> Host will be resistant to extreme heat conditions.

2] Cold Resistance [Lv.1]

-> Passive Skill

-> Host will be resistant to extreme cold conditions.


Little did the wolf pup know that it had just acquired a set of essential skills that would be crucial for its survival in the wild. 

As it slept soundly, unaware of the transformation taking place within its body, it was only a matter of time before it woke up and discovered its newfound abilities. 


A fierce howl echoed through the forest as the white wolf, the leader of the pack, rallied the others.

"Run!" he commanded, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

"Escape now, at all costs!"

Groups of white wolves sprang into action, forming tight ranks and swiftly escaping into the woods. 

His gaze darted around frantically as he watched the white wolves evacuate, leaving him behind. 

"They've all gone," he muttered to himself, feeling a surge of adrenaline.

"It's my turn now." And with that, he took off, his muscles tensing and flexing as he sprinted through the forest.

Despite the forest fire's distant glow, the night's darkness enveloped the wolf as it sprinted through the woods with all its might. The wolf was determined to rejoin its pack, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

'Huh? What's that light?' The wolf was startled by the sudden brightness emanating from the edge of the forest.

However, its sixth sense kicked in, warning the wolf of imminent danger. 

Steeling itself, the wolf emerged from the forest. The sight that greeted it sent shivers down its spine, and the wolf trembled with fear.

All the members of its pack who had fled to escape the cruelty of humans lay dead before it, their heads savagely hacked off. 

The wolf's heart sank as it surveyed the carnage, only a few of the stronger wolves still clinging to life, their heads miraculously intact. 

"No....," The tribe leader didn't want to believe it.

"I won't forgive you!!"


With a gut-wrenching howl, the wolf charged towards the humans who stood callously amidst the remains of its pack. However, its brave act was in vain, as an adventurer swiftly ended its life with a single, effortless stroke. 

The humans stood unfazed, mocking the wolf and its failed attempt at vengeance. 

"Tsk, that was the leader?" one of them sneered, his tone dripping with disdain. "It was pretty weak," they jeered, laughing cruelly as the forest fell silent once more.

As one of the elder wolves took its last breath, its final words hung heavy in the air.

"Only he..." it whispered, its voice barely audible.

"Only he can bring us true salvation. I hope you will be blessed by our Gods..."

As if in answer to the elder wolf's dying prayer, a miraculous event occurred. The young white pup had suddenly gained a system that was thought to only exist in the realm of manga and anime!

The truth was undeniable: the soul of a former murderer now inhabited the body of a small wolf. With all of his past knowledge and experiences intact, it was a power that could only be described as a cheat.

As the sun rose in the sky, its rays illuminated the faces of the humans who had hunted down the wolves. Their grins of triumph shone brightly, masking the darkness in their hearts. 

Little did they realize that by sparing one lone wolf, they had sealed the fate of humanity itself, for they had unleashed a force beyond their wildest imaginations.


The gentle rays of the morning sun began to heat up the puppy, driving off the lingering chill and causing it to stir awake. With a lazy yawn, the little animal rose onto its feet.

"It seems like it's already morning...", as usual, he walked towards the water source in order to wash his face.


He was shocked to see a white wolf pup staring back at him. His eyes widened with surprise and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'Wait... that's right...'

The memories of the previous night rushed back into his mind, making him even more bewildered about the sudden change in his appearance.

"The humans... the forest fire... the wolf that helped me... Could it be?" the realization hit him, and everything clicked into place.

"No, it can't be possible!"

"I-I can't believe it! I have already died and have been reborn as a wolf now! A freaking wolf!" he exclaimed, he continued to stare at his reflection in the water.

While it was easy to call himself a dog, he believed he was a wolf pup after all, he was around them, a genuine assumption.

"Are you kidding me? I'm now a freaking wolf?!" he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his widened eyes.

'Transmigration... no reincarnation?' he muttered, still trying to make sense of it all. He couldn't simply dismiss what had happened as a dream. The pain he felt earlier was too tangible.

The wolf pup took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, feeling the warmth of the sun on his fur. 

As he dipped his paw into the cool water, he shivered at the refreshing sensation that shot up his leg. All of these sensations were too real to be ignored.

But now, he slowly started to accept the situation...

'I indeed have become a pup...'

He was suddenly filled with joy as he realized that he was no longer bound by human constraints. Human logic no longer applied to him, and he was free to do as he pleased in the wild jungle.

"Yes! That's fucking awesome!"

For a former murderer who found pleasure in bloodshed, being free from human restraints was a true blessing.

But he knew that circumstances had forced him to do those things in his past life, and he couldn't change that. 

Now, however, he was determined to live his current life to the fullest and enjoy the freedom that came with being a wolf.

"I'll definitely live this life to the fullest..." his determination was suddenly interrupted by a strange rustling noise in the bushes ahead.


"Uh, don't tell me, a rabbit?" he asked himself as he gazed towards the rustling bushes. As he took a step forward, his heart skipped a beat as a feeling of unease crept up his spine. Something didn't feel right.

His body froze, feeling a primal instinct that warned him of danger.

'What's happening? Why am I not able to...'

He was about to speak, but his words were caught in his throat as a beast suddenly burst out from the bushes, causing him to hastily clamp his jaws shut.





Level: 7

Rank: E

Age: 53 days

HP: 3/50

MP: 0/18

-> An advanced forest lizard that hunts Goblins specifically.

-> May hunt other weaker monsters too.


1] Poison Jaw [Lv.2]

-> A furious bite that can inflict poison immediately.

-> Monsters with high resistance to poison will not be affected.

2] Camouflage [Lv.3]

-> Blends perfectly into the natural surroundings by changing its color.

3] Taunt [Lv.5]

->Monsters that are weaker than it will get provoked to attack it.

4] Regeneration [Lv.2]

-> Capable of regenerating specific body parts such as limbs and tails from a predefined list.

5] Thermo detection [Lv. 4]

-> Uses its tongue to detect heat around it at the range of 3 meters from its body.


'For real?', he seemed utterly perplexed by the sudden appearance of floating text, unsure of what he was witnessing for the very first time.

On top of that, the sight of the monster in front of him had already put him on edge.

'The gods must really hate me...I'm going to die...again.' he muttered under his breath, trembling with fear as he faced the monstrous creature before him.

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