Chapter 1: [Prologue]

Release Time: 2024-05-25 13:08:30

Chapter 1: [Prologue]2


Many wolves howled, causing the ground to shake with their powerful voices. Hunters fled in terror from the intimidating sight and sound of so many wolves. This spectacle left a lasting impression on all who witnessed it.1

In a rare role reversal, a pack of wolves was on the hunt for humans. And among the pack, a towering black wolf stood out, commanding the others with a fearsome presence. 

"Run for your lives! We are no match for these beasts. Retreat now!" The command came swiftly from one of the human leaders, his voice laced with fear and urgency. The looming danger was clear, and the group knew they had to move quickly if they wanted to survive.

Suddenly an immense energy field permeated the entire area, unmistakably emanating from a powerful beast's mana. Its S-Rank threat level left the humans with no choice but to flee for their lives. They knew they were no match for such raw, untamed power.

"The beast will take care of those wolves for us! Let's get out of here, fast!," one of them said, visibly relieved. Without hesitation, they all bolted away from the area, fearing for their lives.

The wolves, sensing the overwhelming mana, howled and bowed in reverence to an unknown force. Even the towering black wolf, three times the size of an average man, submitted before this overwhelming power. The reason for this humbling display remained a mystery.

A shadowy figure approached through the thick fog, its massive form unmistakable despite the obscured visibility. It was like a towering behemoth that appeared to be ten times the size of a normal human, steadily making its way towards them.

The mist abruptly dissipated, revealing the source of the ominous presence before them - A WHITE WOLF.1

Bathed in a glowing light behind him, the wolf appeared larger than life, though in reality, it was no bigger than an ordinary wolf.

"Tsk. These humans always flee at the mere sense of my aura," the white wolf spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"Your majesty," the black wolf addressed the white wolf with reverence. "We have been anxiously anticipating your arrival."

"Heh, there was no need to wait for me, Deoras. You could have easily led the pack to the West Terrain," the white wolf chuckled.

"Your confidence in me humbles me, Your Majesty. However, I fear I lack the experience required for such a task."

"Hmm, it seems you still have some growing to do. Only then can you lead the pack," the white wolf remarked sagely.

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty. I apologize for my current limitations and will strive to become stronger," the black wolf 

responded with humility.

The white wolf assumed the lead position, prompting a thunderous howl from the rest of the pack as they fell in behind him.


"Sigh. I know you may be wondering about me, but let me clear up any confusion: I was once human," the white wolf revealed with a hint of 

sadness in his voice.

"I was born into this world as a wolf, but not just any wolf. I was born with a peculiar color - white. In wolf culture, the darker the fur, the stronger the wolf."

"My fur, however, represents strength of a different kind."1

"Heh, fear not. I speak in the tongue of humans, a language which my wolf kin do not comprehend," he chuckled.

He lifted his gaze to the sky, now an expanse of twinkling stars that stretched out like a celestial canvas, filling him with awe and wonder.

As the night grew deeper, the pack of wolves settled down, each finding a comfortable spot to rest their weary bodies. Only the white wolf and his trusted companion, the black wolf Deoras, remained alert, vigilant of any potential dangers lurking in the darkness.

"Unbelievable... I've been reincarnated as a wolf, and to top it off, I have 'cheats' at my disposal.


1] Fourth wall breaking is limited to the prologue chapter only.1

2] You may continue this novel at your own risk as in the first free chaps, the plot armor is everything.

3] ** -> Represents sounds. '' -> Represent thoughts. ""-> saying out loud/murmuring.

4] I am continuously striving to improve the novel, and would appreciate any feedback regarding errors.

5] Please be advised that this novel is not without flaws, and may require a degree of suspension of disbelief. While the story is engaging, it may not adhere to strict logical conventions.

6] Let's all have fun reading new things!

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