Chapter 50: A Fun Thing To See

Release Time: 2024-05-22 15:02:13

"Fine," Lux muttered after an intense internal struggle. "So be it. I choose you, Item Transmutation!" 6


< Skill Evolution [EX] detected a new Skill. >

< Since the Skill is learned from your Body Constitution Upgrade and not from a Beast Core, evolution requirements will be waived. >

< Item Transmutation [EX] >

– Transfer up to two skills, or weapon attributes, from one item to another. Once the skills or attributes have been successfully transferred, the sacrificed item will immediately be destroyed. 11


< Immortal Conqueror's Legacy >

Rating: E

Progress: (0/200) 1

Conquest is not all about claiming lands, and expanding your Domain. True conquest is conquering the hearts of people. Once you gain their loyalty, the path to Dominion will open its doors for you. 1

Upgrade Rewards: +1000 Health Points, Item Transmutation [EX] 2

Bonus Reward: +1 Summon Skeleton Skill 6

– You will be able to summon two more skeletons to fight for you. 7

Note: Upgrading your special constitution will allow you to unlock its abilities.


"Yes!" Lux raised his hand in excitement after seeing the bonuses that he got after upgrading his body constitution. "This is so freaking awesome!" 1

He already expected that the Item Transmutation skill could evolve to its next form, but the thing that he didn't expect was that he would get a bonus reward for his summoning skill.

Before, he could only summon one Skeleton Warrior, but now he could summon three. Counting Diablo and his other Skeleton Warriors, he now had a total of four summons he could use to fight along his side. This greatly increased his manpower in one fell swoop. 1

"Twenty Four Beast Core Remaining." Lux eyed the Beast Cores in his possession.

Twenty of those Beast Cores were from Rank 1 Monsters, while four were from Rank 2 Monsters.

Lux opened up Diablo's page in the Soul Book to check the points he needed to upgrade his trusted partner.


< Diablo > 1

– Named Skeleton

– Skeleton Fighter

– Rating: D

– Mana: 10

– Progress ( 40 / 100)


Diablo had the title Firstborn.

As Lux's first Named Creature Diablo had gained the special ability to increase the number of skill points he would get when upgraded by a Beast Core.


A Rank 1 Beast Core would give 10 Skill Points. 1

A Rank 2 Beast Core would give 20 Skill Points.

But if Lux were to use a Rank 1 Beast Core on Diable, the latter would gain 15 points. With a Rank 2 Core, the latter would gain 30 points. 2

Without batting an eye, Lux used two Rank 2 Beast Cores to upgrade his Named Creature, raising Diablo's overall performance.


< Diablo >

"Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be Legendary!" 2

– Named Skeleton

– Skeleton Fighter

– Rating: D+ 1

– Mana: 10 1

– Progress ( 0 / 300) 1

Health: 1,275 / 1,275

Mana: 840 / 840

Attack: 70 - 95 (+20 Damage from Tranquility)

Attack Type: Ethereal Damage.

Strength: 43 (+1)

Intelligence: 42

Vitality: 41 (+2)

Agility: 42 (+2)

Dexterity: 42 (+2)

Defense: 75 (+100 Defense) (New!)

Title: Firstborn, Squad Captain (New!) 1

Active Skills: Slash, Heavy Slash (New!), Bone Spear (New!) 18

Passive Skills: Parry, Tactician, Improved Dodge 2

Note: This Skeleton is going to be the next Pirate King! 27


Lux nodded his head in satisfaction. With the upgrade, Diablo's strength had officially broken through the Apostle Grade, which was equivalent to a Rank 1 Monster.

Not only that, Lux's Named Creature also acquired several bonuses like increased defense, a new title, two active skills, and one passive skill.


< Squad Captain >

– Increases the attack and defense of any unit under the Named Creature's Command by 20% 2


< Bone Spear > 1

Mana: 10

– Throws a spear made of bones at a target.

– Deals +100 Damage to target

– Has a medium chance to deal Critical Damage

– Skill Cooldown: 30 Seconds


< Improved Dodge > 2

– Enhances the chance to dodge any attack during battle.


"The title, Squad Captain, came at the right time," Lux said as he rubbed his chin. "Without War Cry, I have no way of increasing the damage of my Undead Summons. This skill will have to do for the time being. Now, it's time to upgrade my Skeleton Warriors."

Lux preferred quality over quantity, but since his Body Cultivation had given him additional manpower free of charge, he would use it to his full advantage.

Lux consumed ten Rank 1 Beast Cores, bringing his stash of cores to twelve.


< Choose which path of Evolution you wish to take. >

Option 1: Summon Four Skeleton Warriors to fight for you instead of three.

Option 2: Upgrade Summon Skeleton Skill to Summon Skeleton Fighter.


"Um? Skeleton Fighters? Isn't this Diablo's current class?" Lux muttered as he looked at the two options available to him. "I need to make them stronger, so Skeleton Fighter it is!"


< Summon Skeleton Fighter >

Rating: E+

Mana: 5

Max Summons: (0/3) 2

– Summons one Skeleton Fighter to fight for you

– Summon duration: 1 hour 1

Progress ( 0 / 100)


After upgrading the Skeleton Warrior to Skeleton Fighter, it had also gained the Passive Skill Parry, which allowed it to deflect attacks then follow up with a counter attack.

Lux used ten more Beast Cores to upgrade his Skeleton Fighters one more time, bringing his stockpile of Beast Cores down to two.


< Choose which path of Evolution you wish to take. >

Option 1: Summon Four Skeleton Fighters to fight for you instead of three.

Option 2: Allow Skeleton Fighters to use Basic Tactical Formations in battle, allowing them to effectively fight as a team. 7


"Option two it is." Lux chose the second option without batting an eye. Teamwork was important in any battle. The Half-Elf understood this concept. With Diablo as the Squad Captain of the group, they would be able to launch effective attacks against their enemies, and use their numbers as an advantage.


< Summon Skeleton Fighter >

Rating: D

Mana: 5

Max Summons: (0/3) 2

Progress ( 0 / 200)

– Summons one Skeleton Fighter to fight for you

– Summon duration: 1 hour

Health Points: 250

Attack: 20 - 35

Active Skills: Slash 1

Passive Skills: Parry

Note: Your Skeleton Fighters will gain great improvements on their next upgrade. 6


Lux sighed after looking at his Soul Book. He already knew that being a necromancer would require him to use many resources. 3

Unlike most of the other Job Classes which only required others to strengthen themselves, Lux needed to constantly upgrade his skills which allowed his minions to become stronger separately. He knew that this path would be a difficult road to travel, but he had already made up his mind to go through with it until the end. 1

"Perhaps a month or two from now, I will have enough Skeleton Warriors to challenge the Hell Mode of the Bronze Crypt even if I am alone." Lux pondered. "When that happens, I will be able to constantly farm Rank 2 Beast Cores without needing to share them with anyone." 4

Lux chuckled as an ingenious idea appeared in his mind. "I wonder how Colette will react if I manage to break her Big Sister's record in the Bronze Crypt? That will be a fun thing to see."

The Half-Elf grinned while thinking of the not so distant future. Now that he and his Summons had undergone an upgrade, he would be able to farm more Beast Cores in the Figaro Gardens, while waiting for his Dwarf friends to return from their escort mission.

He was sure that the next time they saw him, they would be surprised at how much he improved while they were away. 5

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