Chapter 48: Skirmish Inside the Ant Nest

Release Time: 2024-05-22 15:01:02
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As soon as Lux arrived near one of the entrances leading to the colony, he could see several Ants and Mosquitoes already fighting against each other.

Dozens of Mosquitoes led by an Iron Scaled Torment Mosquito (Rank 2 Monsters), and four Obsidian Spite Mosquitoes (Rank 1 Monsters) started to clash against the defenders.

Fortunately, the Ants weren’t pushovers. Although they were pacifists, when push came to shove, they were willing to fight back against any invaders.

The Guards of the Ant Nest, which were the Horned Army Ant (Rank 1) spat formic acid at the mosquitoes that attempted to enter their domain.1

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