Chapter 33: Lux’s Job Class [Part 1]

Release Time: 2024-05-22 14:51:52

"A Job Class change? Certainly," the guild receptionist said with a smile. "Please follow me, Lux. We need to go to the back of the Guild where the shrine is." 2


"Thank you Miss Amelia," Lux replied. 2

After walking for a few minutes, Amelia led Lux to a small shrine where a white crystal ball the size of a basketball ball was placed on a pedestal. 1

On their short walk towards their destination, the guild receptionist gave Lux some tips when it came to choosing a Job Class.

Lux had already asked his Grandma about changing professions in Elysium, so he already knew most of what Amelia was telling him. Even so, he appreciated the gesture because it meant that the receptionist cared for his well being. 4

"Just place your hand on the crystal ball, Lux," Amelia said. "Make sure to think carefully before you choose your profession."

Lux nodded. "I will. Thank you, Miss Amelia."

After taking a deep breath, Lux placed his palm over the crystal ball. 1

A few seconds later, it glowed and a projection appeared in front of him. 2


Name: Lux Von Kaiser

Age: 16

Race: Half-Elf

Rank: (None)

< Compatible Job Classes >

Swordsman 1

Magic Knight - (Rare) 2

Magician - 1

Battle Mage - (Rare) 2

Summoner - (Unique) 1

Necromancer - (Hidden Class) 24


Lux blinked once then twice after seeing the Job Class options that were available to him.

He had already expected the Necromancer Class to appear in his choices, but he didn't expect that it was categorized as Hidden Class.

In Elysium, there were several classes that people could choose from. They are further divided into different types.

The first type was the Basic Job Classes, which were available to everyone. Examples of the Basic Job Classes were Swordsman, Thief, Brawler, Magician, Archer, Fighter, and Healer. 1

Then there were the Rare Job Classes. These classes were usually a hybrid of the Basic Job Classes. If a person was good in swordsmanship and capable of wielding magic then he could become a Magic Knight.

Same with magicians who preferred to learn both close combat and magic spells. The option to become a Battle Mage would be allowed to them.

As for Unique Classes, these were professions that were relatively hard to find. Just like the Hidden Class, Unique Classes could only be obtained through fortuitous encounters. These rare events, which would only happen out of the blue, usually blessed people to learn Job Classes that were not available to everyone. 2

Hidden Classes were similar to Unique Classes. Only lucky or very unlucky people could bump into professions that no one usually had access to.

An example of this was Lux's Necromancer Class. If he didn't acquire the Necromancy Skill Book during his Gacha Pull, then there was no way that he would have access to the Summoner and Necromancer Job Classes from the get go.

Of course, there were instances when people stumbled upon these hidden classes as they journeyed through the world of Elysium. If this happened, they could visit the Adventurer's Guilds, Temples, or Shrines, to change their professions and start from scratch.

Thankfully, however, only the skills of the previous Job Class would be erased from the person's Soul Book. Their stat points would remain the same. 1

After thinking for a while, Lux finally decided on the Necromancer Job Class. Since he had already intended to strengthen Diablo, picking this choice would be the optimal choice for his future progress in Elysium. 5


< You have chosen the Necromancer Job Class > 1

< Is this your final answer? >

< Yes / No >


Lux chose yes.

After making his choice, the crystal ball glowed and enveloped Lux in a white light. This only happened for a brief moment, and yet, Lux felt a new kind of power start to flow inside his body. 1


< Necromancer > 7

"Say hello to my Little Friends!" 27

– the Necromancer specializes in the practice of Black Magic, which is sometimes called Death Magic, that allows them to communicate with and summon the dead. 3

They are also capable of casting curses to weaken their enemies and allow their Undead Minions to deal them the final blow.

< You already have learned the Necromancy Skills for this Job Class > 1

< Calculating Job Class Change Bonus as compensation >

< Job Class Change Bonus > 4

100% Mana Regeneration 3

+500 to Health

+1 to all Stats 1

+1 to all Summoning Skills 2


"Wow!" Lux wasn't able to stop himself from voicing out his excitement after seeing the Job Class Bonus that he received. 1

Usually, people who changed their professions wouldn't get the same kind of Bonus that Lux got. However, since he did not need to learn the Necromancer Skills, he was given a Job Class Change Bonus as compensation. 2

Seeing Lux's expression, Amelia thought that he had been blessed by a Rare Job Class.

She had witnessed this event happen many times in the past, so she just smiled and proceeded to do her job as the Guild's receptionist. 1

"Have you already chosen a Job Class?" Amelia asked.

Lux nodded. "Yes, Miss Amelia."

"Then, please, give me your Guild Card. we will need to update your current information."

"Ah! I almost forgot."

Lux presented his guild card to Amelia, and the receptionist asked the Half-Elf for a drop of his blood in order to upgrade his current information.

The red-headed boy complied and the information on his guild card was updated..


< Guild Card >

Name: Lux Von Kaizer

Age: 16

Race: Half-Elf

Rank: (None)

Job Class: Necromancer

Registered in Leaf Village


"N-Necromancer?!" Amelia almost dropped the guild card in her hand after seeing Lux's current Job Class. "Isn't this a Hidden Class? How did you get this?!" 6

Lux blinked as the gears in his head started to turn in overdrive as he thought of an excuse to explain how he gained this profession. 8

Usually, Hidden Classes weren't that easy to obtain. Any individual who acquired a Hidden Job Class would receive special attention from the Adventurer's Guild.

They could also gain access to information that was exclusive to the Adventurer's Guild like current news in the neighboring kingdoms, or any monster sightings that required strong adventurers to exterminate. 1

"D-During the Monster Outbreak, I kind of felt a connection with the Undead after almost dying," Lux replied. "When I was attacked by the Draugr, I thought I was going to die. The thought of death might have unlocked something inside me, and allowed me to grasp the power of Necromancy." 13

Amalie listened to Lux's explanation with a serious expression on her face.

"This is a possibility." Amelia nodded. "There are certain people in history who have unlocked Hidden Classes during life and death situations. This information has been in the Adventurer's Guild Compendium. You're very lucky, Lux. Not many are able to get a Hidden Class. I'm happy for you!"

"T-Thank you," Lux replied. He was feeling a bit guilty for lying to Amelia, but he had no other choice. He couldn't possibly explain that he acquired the Necromancy Job Class through using a golden ticket for a Gacha Pull. 8

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