Chapter 41: End of The First Round

Release Time: 2024-05-22 13:40:36

Yurirl looked at the tower's final boss, the Death Knight, wearing an armor that gleamed dangerously under the blue sky since the final battle was on top of the tower. The Death Knight unsheathed his black sword, stepping toward the intruder. 2


"Come." Yurirl's ability activated, and his mana surged. He was sick and tired of this trial, taking so much time while only being the first. His mana stuck to his sword as he felt the tension rise in the air.


It was time to end this.

The Death Knight disappeared, appearing in front of Yurirl in an instant. It was clearly the work of a skill, but his ability saw right through it and his sword was already at the Death Knight's neck before it arrived.

A clinging sound was heard and blood was shed. Yurirl's strike has bent the knight's armor, but the knight has also made a strike of his own. Blocking its sword, however, was Yurirl's arm that was now covered with golden scales as a small rivulet of blood made its way downward.

The battle took a momentary pause before the two attacked again, and again, and again. Sword lights flew everywhere as the two engaged in a life or death battle, where they sacrificed flesh to get the bones.

Their speed was increasing by the second and only afterimages were left. It was then that Yurirl used his skill. As the two swords came in contact, light condensed as a huge explosion sent the Death Knight flying backward.

"This shall be the end," Riddled with injuries now, Yurirl took his stance and held his sword in the air. The Death Knight's body started enlarging as a dark aura surrounded it. It bent its legs preparing to bolt toward his enemy.

The mana on the two sides started being compressed as they clashed with each other. The air pressure alone being produced by the two sides was enough to create cracks on the trial ground. This was the strength of a genius that rose while shedding his blood and that of his enemies.

*** 3

"The cripple isn't here to save you now," Layla said, her green eyes twisting with her gloating grin.

Arthur looked at her with a despondent face, searching for means of escape. It was their rotten luck that while they were looking for their second prey, they would meet with Erin and his party. Worse yet, Layla, the crazy girl who tried to kill him was also with them.

"I thought we have already solved this." Arthur knew they had no way of defeating them, and he didn't want to drag Miko and Kira into it. 1

"You…" Out of Arthur's expectations, Erin recognized Miko. Even more, he looked at her with bloodshot eyes like he was looking at his nemesis.

The tension in the air was rising, and mana was leaking from everyone's body. They were ready for battle at any moment and Arthur had no idea why.

"We should escape," Miko stated with furrowed brows.

"What's going on?" Arthur whispered as he saw the group in front of him surround them.

"Remember when you asked how I got wounded?"


"Well, I tried to kill him." 2

"That's not nice of you." 18

"Kill her!" Erin roared at the top of his lungs and his group followed the order and started their assault. They were six in total, and each one of them was someone Arthur had no hope of currently defeating. 6

"Hold onto me!" Miko shouted as she ran toward the man and wolf grabbing them both.

Before anything else could happen, bright blue light dyed the sky as a pillar of light appeared on top of the tower. The sound of a ringing bell made the ground shake and the two groups almost lost their footing.

"The tower…" Arthur looked at the tower in puzzlement. The sound and light came from it and that has never happened before.

"The first round has ended," Erin said, and when Arthur looked at him, his face was solemn. It was devoid of the previous anger, back to his usual composure.

"I don't know who you are, but you need to get away from her. I saw you with Hazel," Erin looked at him, "They're a terrorist group. A bunch of assassins that kill for no cause and with no guilt." He pointed his sword at Miko.

The silence was suffocating and Arthur fell into a dilemma. He didn't know what to do, as he didn't want to make an enemy of Erin and befriend a possible-killer. He looked at both Miko and Erin as he felt conflicted.

"Is it true?" He asked Miko, looking for assurance. She looked at him with her poker face and chewed on her words before she spat them out.

"We have our reasons."

"Reasons, hah! It seems you're not from her group, so back down here and let us take care of her." Erin sneered at Miko and the latter frowned. 1

Arthur was truly in a tight spot here. His life was threatened, and he didn't know if he should risk it for a girl he just met. Furthermore, this girl was someone from a 'terrorist' group. If he associated himself with Miko now, he would be targeted by one of the most powerful people in his generation. 2

The choice was obvious. He wouldn't risk his life for a stranger and make enemies with someone powerful just for his sense of guilt. Furthermore, it was Miko who admitted she tried to kill Erin. 5

As Arthur was about to speak, a splitting headache assaulted him. His vision blurred as he felt his body fall to the ground. A nauseous feeling crept from his stomach bringing whatever it had toward the outside. He started vomiting what he had eaten earlier in front of the group.

His headache was getting stronger. It was then that he wondered if he was poisoned, but he was the one who prepared the food. Kira and Miko were by his side now trying to help him, worried, and they were fine after eating the same food. His head was ringing and it felt like it was splitting. He looked at Layla, the only person he could think of as a suspect, and she was shocked like the rest of them while carrying a disgusted face.

"Trust the silver."

It was then that Arthur heard it. A voice so distant yet so booming and crushing in his mind as if it wanted to break it apart. It said these three words only that sent shivers down his spine. It seems no one else heard these words as everyone didn't show any reaction.

It wasn't Jizo's voice, as he had heard it before. It belonged to someone else, but Arthur didn't know who. His gut was twisting at these thoughts and he gritted his teeth. 1

"I'm sorry, Sir Erin." Carrying a face as pale as a sheet of paper, Arthur smirked slightly. His state was pathetic, to say the least, and he was barely making the words out. "But it seems even the heavens don't favor you." 4

"Kill them all!" Erin's voice was cold and detached. He gave the dog a chance, but it bit his hand instead.

"Kira!" Miko shouted and the wolf appeared next to her in an instant. She grabbed the sick Arthur and the giant wolf by both hands and activated her ability. The attacks of the group arrived and were centimeters away from her before she was finally able to use her ability. Arthur saw various attacks come his way before the scene changed in front of them, being replaced by blackness.

It was a short moment before the world appeared in front of his eyes again. They were at the place they killed the Flesheater at. It was probably a kilometer away from Erin's group, but they would find them soon. He looked at Miko and she was on her knees panting, it seems she used too much mana to get them here.

"Kira, take us home!" Arthur used what little strength he gathered and jumped on top of the wolf with Miko in his embrace. The giant wolf sprinted at full force, running away from their pursuers.

*** 4

"What happened back there?" Miko asked when the two were at the pub, far away from their pursuers. She was referring to Arthur's vomiting episode, and he had no idea how to answer her because he didn't know what happened himself.

"It's just… I got suddenly sick." Arthur shook his head. The voice he heard wasn't something to be shared, as no one would believe him. The only reason he believed the voice himself is the strong sense of familiarity he felt toward it. It was as if he knew the person, but he had no idea who it was. 5

"Anyway, care to explain what's going on?" Arthur changed the subject, focusing on the more important matters.

"You mean with Erin?"

"Obviously." 1

Miko went silent as she looked toward the ground. After several minutes that Arthur allowed her to have, she finally started talking.

"I can't tell you much, but only that he's a bad person. My family asked us to take care of him and several others, because they're dangerous."

"Dangerous? To what?"

"Mm, the world, maybe?" She answered uncertainly. 4

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