Chapter 35: Low-Mid-Tier Monster

Release Time: 2024-05-22 13:36:46

Their group had ten people in total. Besides Hazel and Rachel, who were a summoner and a mage respectively, the rest of the team was a classical formation. There was a long-range attacker, two tankers to defend the mages and healers, two healers, two swordsmen, and another mage.

This medium-size team was overkill, but Erin wanted them to gain the plant at all costs. The mana core was secondary as they couldn't consume it, but the plant was priceless.


However, the team was a mess. These people had only just met, and they had to work together. The guys kept throwing dirty jokes around, and the girls kept ridiculing them. The team divided further as they weren't from the same family, merely working together in a temporary alliance.

After an hour of walking, they finally reached the swamp as the scout has described. It was a dark-green waterbody that stretched as far as their eyes could see.  1

The swamp's ground was muddy, and plants and greasy substances filled the water. If they wanted to cross it, they would have to find a way to do so. Luckily, that was the reason Rachel and the other mage were here.

With a twist of her hand, the water split apart, and a muddy ground appeared. Some weird-looking fishes flipped around, struggling at the sudden loss of their water. The other mage came forward as he used his ability to harden the soil so they could walk.  6

The group then started walking through the swamp in this manner, with Rachel keeping the water away from the group and the other mage hardening the soil.

Rachel kept her ability active only as far as her magic reached, so the water went back to normal after they passed. As they kept walking forward, the water level began to decrease. 

After a while, they reached a low ground where a giant tree stood in place. The tree's branches were slowly moving and flickering as a human-like face was groaning on its trunk.

"This is it, everyone. Be ready to engage. Spread out and remember, this is a low-mid-tier monster. Even a peak primitive tier can be killed by one blow from it. Long-range attackers should fall back, stay safe." Their Leader, Marco, instructed.  5

He was a fully-armored and honest-looking man with freckles on his face. However, unlike his timid appearance, he was a mighty warrior that could kite the monsters while protecting the non-combatant.2

Hazel would have a better impression of their team leader if he didn't keep stealing glances at the girls' bodies. Everyone was aware of it, but he didn't do anything more, so they let him off the hook; for this reason and him being one of Erin's henchmen, they still respected him in the camp. She decided to let it go since he was just a man being a man.14

The group spread out in a circular formation with a tank protecting the mages, healers, and the summoner. The long-range attacker took out a shotgun that had runes all over it. It was one of the latest models crafted by the combination of firearms and mana.  13

Since he used a shotgun, he was also fully armored and prepared for close-range battles. The two swordsmen and the tanker also started advancing.1

The group was now in the formation, and the mages started using their spells. Hazel also summoned her three ghosts, who then combined into one giant Ogre holding a battle ax. 

The mere height of the thing was well over 3 meters, and it had a massive build. However, it was still an undead ethereal ghost that had a significant weakness and a significant strength.

The swordsmen took out their swords. One of them was able to alter gravity in a certain radius, and the other could coat his sword with lightning.

As they were in its attack range, the tree noticed them and issued a high-pitched scream. The sound waves almost injured their ears, but they were able to endure it through mana. Hazel felt an ill omen as only its scream was able to disturb their mana flow. However, the group kept advancing.1

The branches moved like tentacles as they flapped about in anger. When the mages and Hazel were close enough to attack, the tanker, the swordsmen, and the gunman rushed forward, closing in on the tree.  1

The latter three waited for Marco to use his Skill [Intent] that was an ordinary skill among tankers. In an unprovoked state, the monster would focus on Marco because of his threatening aura. This allowed Marco to defend the rest while they started attacking.6

As he saw the branches wiggle and dart toward him like arrows, Marco lifted his shield before using his ability, Reflect. The branches kept bouncing off his shield in agony as his ability reflected a part of the damage. Some of the weaker ones cracked, but most of them were unaffected.

Marco's ability was perfect for a tanker. He would inflict damage as he defended others, and that made the monsters see him as even more threatening. Using him as a cover, the swordsmen and the gunman started their attacks. At the same time, The Ghost Ogre and the spells arrived to aid them.

After being damaged by their attacks, the tree issued another scream as flowers bloomed on its body. Then they started releasing toxic fumes that spread on the battlefield.

"Healers!" Marco shouted with urgency as he held his breath. Even by merely coming into contact with his skin, the fumes were able to weaken his mana flow. 

The two healers were ready and used their abilities and skills. Light shined upon the team, detoxifying the toxic fumes for now. However, as this was an active skill that required a constant drain of mana, the team had no time to dwell.

Hazel's heart was the heaviest as she controlled the Ghost Ogre in battle. The fumes the tree just released were deadlier than its tier. She just hoped this was its ultimate skill, and nothing more would come out of it.

Fortunately, the sound waves, branches, and toxic fumes seemed like the only attacks this tree had. Considering it was a low-mid-tier, its strength was not that uncommon. The group began to push the creature back as they surrounded it. 

Hazel sighed in relief that nothing happened. The monster was slowly weakening, and the fumes started to dissipate. As they were ready for the final blow, they heard a wolf's howl from a distance. The group turned around in fright at the unexpected appearance of another monster.

To their horror, they saw a giant wolf almost fifty meters away. It appeared so suddenly that the group didn't see it coming. Before they could do anything, the wolf's maw opened, and a pillar of flame flew in their direction. The fire reached them in an instant and split the group from the tree.

"Look, on top of the wolf!" The gunman, who had better eyesight, shouted in shock. The group tried to make sense of his words when they saw a figure standing on top of the wolf. Wearing leathered armor of different colors and a helmet with a cross in its center, the man stood on top of the wolf as he flung his hand away.

Marco, the team leader, gritted his teeth in hatred. This man was telling them to go away to reap the benefits for himself. They wouldn't go back empty-handed after wasting so much time and energy on this. That's why Marco had a different plan in mind to save his team and accomplish his goal.

"Mages and healers, aide me to stall those two for some time. The rest of you should focus on finishing the tree and taking the plant away! Move!" He shouted the last bit with hysterical urgency making the rest of the team dash toward the tree.

"Fools!" The man in armor roared as the wolf sprinted forward. When Marco saw this, he readied his shield and dashed to meet the newly-arrived enemy.

Hazel, who was watching this, was frustrated at the sudden chaos. However, she decided to follow her orders and focus on attacking the tree to finish it off. She made the Ghost Ogre follow the swordsmen and the gunman as the three closed in on the tree.

In its weakest state, all the monster did was issue a scream and wiggle. This was their chance to end it and finish their task. As she looked at the back of the trio, she felt the earth slightly shift underneath her foot. She looked down as she witnessed the whole field starting to rise and fall from different places like it was bubbling.

"Marco!" She shouted, but there was no use as he was facing the wolf right now. It was then that wooden roots, far thicker than the branches from earlier, sprung out from the ground. Hazel watched with horror as the whole field turned into a landmine. It was then that a giant root flew in her direction.2

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