Chapter 40: The End of the Orc Lord

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:38:26

As i meditated my updates came all at once. 

|You have enhanced yourself to the Starting Rank of Cultivator- Qi-refinement stage|

|Due to this change all stats have increased by + 1000|

|As a result of the Magicule draining of several Demons and the being known as Demiurge, you have gained +2000 Stats... 100 Stat points will be gained for every second the targets stay within the rang of Anti-Magic zone.|2

|Alert! Beings have escaped the Anti-Magic Zone!|

My eyes opened wide as my status screen showed. My breath seizing and becoming slowed as all of my pores closed. In front of me a massive gateway stood outside of the Prismatic Wall.

'Fuck... Ainz is here...' I gulped lightly and quickly looked at my status sheet.


|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer \ Friend of Rimuru Tempest \ Ally of Ciel \ Chaotic Cultivator|

HP: 56,290

MP: 38,530 

STR- 3874

CON- 3889

DEX- 3880

CHA- 3836

INT- 3853

WIS- 3834


Cultivation Techniques:

Level of QI Cultivation: Qi Refinement

Chaos Dantian \ Basic Cultivation \ 

Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) \ Dancing \ 

Spells: Fireball \ Chained Dragon Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ Engorgio Skullus \ Diffindo \ Maxima Ultima Bombarda \ Crystal Lance \ Holy Ray \ Polar Claw \ Blackhole \ Kinetic Shield \ Teleportation \ Burn Undead \ Anti-Magic Area \ Prismatic Wall \

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Shuna Solaris- Nightshade Kijin


Souei- Shadow Kijin


With such a massive upgrade to my MP and HP I felt a little safer in a conflict. I strengthened my Shadow Armour and watched as through the gate came a skeletal hand, an aura of Death washing over the entire area. Beside him was Albedo, the succubus dressed in black and grey armour with a massive axe strung off her shoulder.

Emerging from the portal then came Aura, who I had seen previously. As they stepped through they turned and bowed, Ainz stepping out fully with his staff in hand.

|The Celestial Ring Shadowstar has detected a Direct Challenge to its power... It is unsealing the second level of power.|

From my ring a behemoth aura of pure unadulterated shadow and darkness expanded behind me. Looking like a Balrog from Lord of the Rings, its form crackled and hissed as the ground around me submerged into pure darkness. Almost as if in response Ainz's staff crackled and the snakes that made the shaft of said staff started to move and hiss. An aura almost as large as my shadow daemon formed, a Hydra being what formed behind Ainz's staff.

Albedo and Aura took a step back from me as Ainz gazed at me intently. I couldn't tell his emotion but I knew he was way over his head and didn't fully comprehend the situation. Unlike me and Rimuru he had nothing to inform him about this world. I cracked my neck and felt my Balrog intensify as I used my umbral assault. Lava-like armour formed over its incorporeal form, sparking bouts of flame and hatred striking ground only to grow into further shadows. To my side I saw the Dryads forming, watching the confrontation between me and Ainz, specifically at Ainz. I had a deal with them and was currently on their side, Ainz was not.

"Hmm, Interesting to see a creature able to stand up against me." His words were arrogant but not completely unfounded given the power he usually had at his disposal. I dispelled the anti-magic area and the prismatic wall, finding Demiurge gone and the demons extinguished. In the distance I heard the yelling of the Orc Lord as it was most likely getting consumed by Rimuru. I smiled.1

"Intriguing, the one behind the that little one there finally comes out... Do you think I should be frightened?" I glared openly at him and cracked my fingers, lightning sparking between my fingers and arching up my arms.

"YOU SCUM! YOU DARE SPEAK TO AINZ-SAMA LIKE THAT!!!!?!??!?" The Scream of Albedo bludgeoned the very atmosphere of the battlefield as many Lizardmen retreated completely, their faces ashen and fearsome. Before she could finish I slapped the air and thunderbolt cracked through the air, striking her in the face and blasting her into the forest.

"Speak, when, spoken to, whore." I enunciated every word and stared back at Ainz, his aura becoming more malicious and deadly. Yeah, i had just struck what he considered as his friend's child. I didn't care, if they didn't respect me they'd attempt to stomp all over me and our village... Give a tyrant an inch and they'll take a mile.

Aura took out her whip as I drew a sword from pure corrupted shadow, the blade oozing with black ichor. Ainz raised his staff and slammed it down, several elementals forming around him and attempting to move forwards. I smirked and drew upon my unique skill, Avatar.

"I command the, as an Avatar of Nature, Disassemble." A wave of green and blue magic shot outwards, going through several people without doing anything. This was the case until it hit the elementals. The Elementals, following my orders, unsummoned. Silence was had in the battlefield as a rather maniacal laugh sundered into it. 

"Ke-Kehahaahhaha! I see, I must make an example... And here I thought you could become a valuable member of Nazerick!" He reached out his hand and started to do the motion for grasp heart, unfortunately for him I would not let him complete his actions.

"Engorgio Skullus!" The spell instantly grasped onto Aura's Skull and started to squeeze it, the Dark Elf Girl screaming in pain as she collapsed, the spell in Ainz's hand falling apart as he saw how I had his companion in my grasp.

"Now, now... First lesson of being a mage... Never use a slow ass spell in combat... And, never show mercy. If you had any w-" My voice stopped as I noticed Ainz move forwards, my magic halted as well. His skull was blazing with a red flame poring from one eye, his aura of death projected towards me as the Hydra extended its necks upwards and looked close to latching onto my Balrog. My Balrog was pissed, more than pissed, LIVID. It started to move within the time stop, its form flickering as movement somewhat returned to its form. Ainz was slightly surprised but still walked forwards, a true death spell forming in his right hand.

"What you must realise, is that within a PVP, one must always have a Time Resistance spell..." He now stood in front of me, my heartbeat increasing rapidly as my Dantian spun rigorously, its spin unaltered by the spell. My mind was still capable of see so I focussed my magic into one my eyes, my pupils electrifying as lightning started to quickly move through the 'time stop', its movement very close to the speed of light. Ainz became immediately defensive and extended his right arm out.

"HO-HO-HO! What do we have here!?" A massive impact struck the ground behind Ainz, his cape billowing out as dust entered his form. He turned in an instant, the spell time stop ending right after he did so... The unfortunate thing about time stop? Yeah, it only had a little bit of time to do stuff within.

"Who are you?"

The lightning struck the back of Ainz's cloak and dispelled as behind him stood a figure that wasn't supposed to turn up until much later... 'Milim, hahahaha... What the fuck is this day...?'

Ainz's question naturally didn't go unanswered as the small figure of Milim pointed at him and struck a pose. "My name is Milim Nava! I am a Demon Lord!" he didn't respond to her words, causing her to frown a little, her pose crumbling a bit as she looked at the skeleton that was a massive threat to me second beforehand.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown the Ruler of the Great tomb of Nazerick... Do you wish to interfere with my conflict?" His words were not kind, it seemed he really wanted to end me there. And now that I looked I could see Albedo stumbling out of the forest, her posture completely craven and angered. I had pissed her off and bit off a bit more than I could chew. My spell over Aura dissipated as she slipped back through the portal.

"Oh...? You wish to 𝓒𝓗𝓐𝓛𝓛𝓔𝓝𝓖𝓔 me?" Her voice became deeper and more malevolent as her eyes flashed a dull blue, her draconic aura projecting over the area as the sheer amount of power coming from her was titanic. Unfortunately the small victory she had was then met by a rather strong projection of magical might from Ainz, the staff in his hands aiding him. Unluckily for him though, that shit just turned Milim into even more of a battle-hungry monster as she disappeared and reappeared in front of him, her fist smacking into his body and sending him into the sky, her form jumping after him.

I was left behind with Albedo and an open portal to Nazerick. I grimaced and pulled out my magicules, swiftly creating a prismatic wall around the portal. Albedo growled at me and began to swing her axe, halberd, thing, in circles around herself. Taking the moves that Hakuro had taught to me in the day that we had trained I pulled my katana of shadows down and placed it in front of me, my eyes shining. In but seconds we were engaged in bloodthirsty combat, her power threatening to collapse my body at any moment... Unfortunately for her though, I was proficient in shadowstepping and agility based combat. 

Katana met halberd and sprang off each other, the ground below us turning into slushy craters at every blow. 'Rimuru, you better get here soon!'


(Rimuru's Perspective)

I could feel the level of the conflict at the other side of the forest but I trusted in Silviana and my allies. After the Orc Lord had eaten Gelmud he began his Demon Lord Festival, unfortunately for him I was a superior devourer and we ended up fighting by trying to eat each other... I was close to winning the fight and re-joining Silviana when I felt his strength increasing somewhat. Flaring my power more I drank numerous potions from within my stomach. 

'Combat Drugs for the WIN!!' I kept reforming over the top of him and gnawing at his entire body. It was similar to one ant colony fighting another, except when I ate him he tried to eat me in turn... It was a crazy process... My will and his were equally matched it seemed as much of our fighting was evening out.

'I need something to help me win!' I looked back at my allies, their eyes not knowing where to look as they held their magic and weapons back in fear of hurting me. Seeing my chance I sent a mental message to Souei.

`Souei! I need you to stab him in the throat three second from now!`

There was just a small mental grunt of understanding as Souei hunched down onto his knees, readying himself for the move no doubt. 'Take this you big ugly Orc!' I moved my body and left a large gap around the Orc Lord's throat. Souei didn't disappoint either, his daggers sinking deeply into the throat of the Orc Lord, his shadow powers activating and stretching the wounds wider. A submerged scream ushered out of the Orc Lord as he weakened slightly. 

'Chance!' I struck out at his open mouth and covered it, eating him from his throat and out. He couldn't breathe anymore and his form was starting to hunch. That was when I started to get shots of memories, starving from lack of food. Famine, lack of water, death, cannibalism... All of it was horrible. I continued to 'eat' and I soon saw memories of him running into Gelmud, then a day later running into Ainz. Ainz had offered much but wanted the enslavement of his people, he couldn't willingly take that deal so he offered himself as sacrifice, pledging his service to the 'Supreme Being'... Apparently Ainz had taken this deal in the understanding that his people would follow his rule.

The flashes stopped and I stood before Gelmud, the man who had sacrificed so much so that his people may prosper. The man, not the monster. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic to him and his people's plight... This all could have been stopped if the forest could have aided their people.

"Geld-san... There is no famine or death here, only the beautiful glades of the forest."

"It is, beautiful... T-thank you..." He went Dogeza on the 'ground' before me, tears cascading down his face as he saw the children he had fed the other day playing amongst the butterflies and glades of this paradise.

"Please look after my people...! I do not care if you kill me or plunder my soul, please aid my people!" I put a hand on his shoulder as I entered my human form.

"Do not worry, I will ensure the security of your people... They did not deserve this and I will see that they do not in future, as long as I am still alive." With my words he faded into his Eden, my own consciousness flickering back to the real world a minute later.

"Rimuru-sama! Some very powerful people have arrived and they are fighting, Silviana had fought both of them!"

'It never ends...'


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