Chapter 39: The fight with the Orc Lord

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:37:45

A minute after I had killed all of the undead the Orcs had begun to retreat towards the forest, towards their leader, the Orc Lord. The Lizardmen celebrated with most of them collapsing into hugs and crying sobs as they saw their friends and families laying dead on the cold wet ground of the swamp.

The Kijin were shocked at the power I showcased, Hakuro starting to show a creepy smile as his entire silhouette turned black and white. Benimaru smiled and hugged his sister from the side, his pride showing that he was glad she had found someone like me. Shuna was bright red at seeing my figure standing on a pile of ash and gazing out towards the forest. Yeah, i was posing for my woman, got an issue with it?2


At the same time I felt a disturbance as i noticed Rimuru hadn't been in the sky this entire time. The sound of exploding tree and snapping branches emanated from the tree line nearby. A blue-haired figure was launched out of the forest and lurched halfway through the air and coming to stop as blood lightly dripped from his mouth, bat wings extending from his back.

"Silviana! One of our friends is here and they are pissed... Deal with them whilst I take out the Orc Lord." A figure stepped out of the forest, one dressed in a bright Orange suit and creepy demon mask. 'Demiurge...'

In but a second I appeared just a little below Rimuru, my foe watching me as I ran. I could tell he was analysing my speed and most likely knew some of my capabilities from my previous fight. Demiurge was a very intelligent Devil and was also a very powerful physical combatant. Information on his abilities flowed into my mind seamlessly as my eidetic memory flushed my mind with every scene of his ever fighting.

"Leave him to me." Demiurge scoffed lightly under his mask as he extended his hands.

"You have all been chosen to serve under the Supreme One, the Essence of Death, Ainz Ooal Gown! Rejoice, for you will serve the supreme beings in body and soul for eternity!" Before he could monologue further I struck out with a Banishment spell. A haze of white fluttered and zoomed out of my hands, striking a barrier around Demiurge before seeping into it and attaching to his body.


"FOOL!" Before he could speak my spell activated, only to be completely destroyed in the next second as horns extended from his forehead and claws from his fingers. I could almost physically see and feel his rage, he did not like what I just did, not at all.

Using the moments I had gained him Rimuru darted through the sky back into the forest, slamming into something or someone not far away, the Orc Lord no doubt... Gelmud would come out soon and he was serve as fuel for the Orc Lord and Rimuru would have to win against him.

"Benimaru, Hakuro, Souei, Shuna... Help Rimuru."

"You Bitch! You dare ignore me!?" Demiurge rushed towards me at a speed approaching sound. My expression tightened and I instantly created a set of armour out of the shadows surrounding me. Shadowstar started to alight in multifaceted colours, the ring of pure shadow empowering my shadow armour and weaponry.

|Shadowstar has detected an item related to the Divinity of Hell, Shadowstar is suppressing said power.|

'Holy fuck...'

I took the full brunt of Demiurge's strike and went flying through the battlefield his strength completely outclassing me. He leapt through the air, wings extending from his back. In seconds he was diving after me. Retaining my focus on the situation I channelled some more of my MP into another spell.

"Maxima Ultima Bombarda!!" A glorious spectacle of exploding colours followed suit as the entirety of Demiurge's body was covered in explosions, the very air catching fire and burning around him. Not the best spell to use on Demiurge since he is immune to fire but the kinetic force would still knock him back enough for me to get my bearings.

Just as i had predicted the fire did nothing to him, but he was flung away from me. Moulding the shadows below me I pulled myself down to the Earth and began to concentrate more of my Magicules into another spell.

"Holy Ray!" A bright ring of golden light formed from my right hand and flashed out into the space surrounding Demiurge. An uproarious growl of pain followed as Demiurge fell out of the spell, collapsing to the ground. This wasn't the end and I knew it, so i didn't even hesitate...

|MP: 6,000/ 8,530|

"Polar Claw!" 

Using 3,000 of my MP I sent a massive icicle towards the area where he had landed. Flames extended out from his bod and met the Icicle but that was not enough. This was ice forged by the raging colds of the poles, even Hellfire would struggle against it and it did. The icicle landed and pierced into the leg of Demiurge as large dragon claws made of glacier ice slashed down at his body. More rageful yells emerged from the livid Demiurge. 


Fire spilt around him and instantly vaporised the glaciers surrounding him. His eyes glowed an ominous red and his wings had turned into those of a demon's. His claws started to drip blood despite the lack of spilt blood on his hands this battle. I didn't even speak and just drained another spell towards him.

"Crystal Lance!" A pure quartz spear formed and flew over towards him, colliding against his bestial claws. Sparks flew off to the side as his strength flexed and he slapped it to the side. Another round of magic escaped my hand.

"Diffindo!" A massive spatial slash flew out in an instant and landed, cutting his right arm almost cleanly off. Red began to escape into his surroundings as Demons began to be summoned, their red wings and evil smirks creating nightmares for everyone in the area.

'I need to get rid of his ability to use magic... He will cause the forest to become a Hell-scape.'

'Rip-off, can I use health as a currency for magic?'

|Yes, not recommended, but easily done.|

'Do it...'

My body started to spasm and burn all over as my very physical condition started to worsen, blood seeping into my Dantian and becoming pure Magicules.

"ANTI MAGIC AREA!!!" My words became more verbose and deep once more as the surrounding space around Demiurge sank into a bright purple filter. All magicules were now sucked out of the space and drained towards me, my MP refuelling constantly so long as all of my enemies stayed in there.

Using my regenerating MP I cast another spell from DND that was downright broken and could be used to trap someone somewhere indefinitely if needed.

"Prismatic Wall!!

A rainbow coloured wall emerged around the Anti-magic area, becoming spherical and blocking off all areas that could be used to retreat, including underneath the Earth. My MP was now slowly recovering as the very Magical essence of Demiurge started to supply me with MP and Magicules. I entered into a deep meditative state and followed the same path that I used to regenerate before, using my pores as a way to breath in Magicules. 


(Rimuru's Perspective)

I had left Silviana to fight Demiurge because as long as I take out the Orc Lord we would have the Orcs on side, or we could at least force them to... I grimaced as I heard Demiurge's words behind me. They were all fanatical bastards and tis only proved our caution right, we could not afford to let them have numbers. 

I was flying through the canopy of the forest and looked down, spotting the bulbous form of the Orc Lord, a gleaming red gem emblazoned upon its head. The scene of the Lord eating one of its servants followed. Feeling utterly disgusted at the act of barbarity I dropped from my flight and slammed down onto the head of the Orc Lord.

A massive explosion of force and pressurised air followed as the Lord dropped further into the ground only to come straight back up with its hand and try to grasp my leg. I flipped backwards and communicated to Great Sage.

'I'm counting on you! Defeat my enemy at once!'

|Understood. Activating Auto-Battle Mode.| 

A series of images flashed in my mind as The Great Sage began to filter through my current abilities and combined some to create new versions. My body fell under my skill's control as my sword was taken out of its sheath and sprouted on fire, the fire being the black flame Benimaru could use. 

Several slashes of fire traversed the space between me and the Orc Lord, cutting into flesh and attaching to the skin of the Orc Lord, like napalm. Guttural screams thrutched out from the monstrosity's mouth. The scream died down as quickly as it came and it tore off its own arm and narrowed its eyesight onto me. The Great Sage however was persistent and had created a flame spiral similar to the one that Ifrit had showed me when I was training with Shizu. This ability however was covered in black flame and was exactly the same as the previous bout of fire. Once again a growl and scream launched from the monster's large gaping maw.

The Great Sage dodged several attacks from the minions of the Orc Lord and soon started to counter attack with vertical and horizontal slashes of fire. In moments those that had attacked were crisped. 

The Orc Lord was not finished however as the Great Sage's voice echoed into my subconscious. 

|Target, Orc Lord, has gained Fire Resistance and Enhanced Regeneration|

'Let me take over Great Sage...'


'It'll be fine, thank you, i think I can take it from here...'

The image of the Great Sage's interface in my mind faded as I felt my body once more, my sword in my hands braced out in front of me as I waited for my foe. My plan now was not to slash the thing to death, but to eat him... I could get stronger through doing that.

Unfortunately as soon as I was prepared to do that a man in a white coat wearing a plague mask smashed into the ground in front of me. His eyes glowed an eerie red and purple as his very presence was slightly stifling, not enough to scare me but still noticeable.

'Who's this weirdo?'

|From previously collected information, this figure is Gelmud. |

'How are his powers in comparison to me?'

|Digestion and analysis within Predation would be required to fully gauge the answer. |

'So useless...'

|... HMph| 

'Did you just chuff at me!?'

|You imagined it.|

'Now do-'

"You bastards! How dare you interfere with my plans! Me! A Demon Lord!" The man's voice cascaded into the surroundings, making a small shockwave. I wasn't impressed. Benimaru, Shuna, Souei and Hakuro all entered the clearing with their magic and weaponry at the ready.

'Silviana, you still send help to me despite the enemy you face? I'll have to scold her for being too careless...'

"Why don't you all just die to the Orc Lord!"

I didn't answer the fool as he continued to speak... This went very well, as in the next second he shot a bunch of red globs of energy at me, some skill of his that was supposed to be deadly. I raised my right hand and consumed the entirety of his attack, the spell being recorded by Great Sage and analysed. 

He backed away from me, sweat dripping from his brow. He turned and ran up to the Orc Lord, who was now fully healed. "Orc Lord, no, Geld... Finish them and eat them all!"

"I am hungry..."

"YES! Eat them!"

"I am hungry..."

Gelmud turned triumphantly and began to cackle. 

"Hahahaha! You fools shall all fall to become food for the Orc Lord's ascension to Demon Lord! HAHAHAHA!" Geld, the Orc Lord seemed to flinch at the way Gelmud was speaking and took a step closer, his hand reaching out for a sword not too far away from him. I tensed and wanted to stop him but he was very quick.

Gelmud turned and watched Geld stand.

"Yes! Yes! Become a Demon Lord!"

Geld didn't even flinch at the 'demon lord's' display and just spoke once more.

"You look yummy..." In a flash the sword of the Orc Lord swung down and decapitated the 'demon lord' Gelmud. Just as quickly the Orc Lord picked up his body, starting to chew into it with his massive tusks and sharp shark-like teeth.

'What a fool...'


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