Chapter 30: Compounding Upon Ideas

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:31:34

"The Apprentice and Mentor system is good but what about family education?"

"Ah, are you asking what would happen between family members?" Rigurd nodded as some of the other Hobgoblin elders backed him with their own expressions of agreeance. The Dwarves stopped and thought on it and Rimuru had his eyes open widely.

"Well, Rigurd-san, it is natural that parents teach their kids and give them the best they can offer. To avoid abuse of power and nepotism we have to make the system completely based off of merit. That's what I believe Silviana-san has been working towards, she doesn't want a lazy rich class or middle class and she wants the poor to be able to climb out of the mud with their own conviction and strength." 

All of their eyes flickered to me, I was currently drinking some tea as I thought on some things that we could work on. Windmills were a good idea because they could be used for grinding wheat and other such crops, they could also be changed into wind turbines in future. More garden spaces in the village for children and to make sure that in the future that we can preserve the beginning of our village. On the part of Education we need to start slow and then ramp up. Elementary School then into Highschool... University is optional for more specialized vocations and therefor can wait for a little while. Kindergarten is a bad idea from the very beginning as it promotes parents ignoring their kids and allowing them to be indoctrinated from a young age. I never did like that system in my past life.

I wanted to promote the family unit's strengths and ensure that the kids of our town will have good families and starts. Pay for teachers should be high to incentivise quality of education and happiness in schools. Hours for teachers should also be controlled carefully to ensure that the work is done but also to leave them with time to spend their money. If were also working on a pay system we should work on a tax system, a flat tax of 5-10% on transactions would be good for starters. The Taxation office would be another job that we would need to educate people on.

'We don't want our people dumb and stupid, they must be intelligent so that our future nation can thrive... I am not going to be the fucker responsible for leading us down the path of modern Earth!'

Snapping out of my thoughts I realised mostly everyone was focusing on me.


"Silviana-sama, we asked if you liked the idea of building a wall around the city to ensure security. Benimaru-san recommended it..."

I looked at Benimaru and considered the topic. A wall around the village would be good but it would also promote classism through the planning of structures. You would easily find a certain class of people living in the inner most walls as the place expanded more walls being made. No I didn't like that idea right now.

"Rimuru, do you have any qualms against it?"

He entered a thinking pose as he was no doubt looking through the positives and negatives with Ciel. I believe that Ciel would see the downsides of the creation of the wall, if the Sage could get through the stubborn brain of Rimuru.

"I see no issue..."

I sighed and facepalmed. He cocked his head to the side as if he didn't understand why I was frustrated. 'Ciel, you have it rough huh...?' I swear I could almost hear the sighs within his mind.

"I do. A wall at such an early time would suggest that we are unconfident in protecting the village. Not to mention the labour it would require and the effort, It would be unfeasible in the short term. The wall would also lend itself to zoning as it would make the inner most parts of the town more expensive as they are the most protected, making it more likely that a class of rich people would be created. To make everything more fair I believe we should attempt to make housing as inexpensive as possible whilst limiting people's purchasing of houses to one or two."

"So that we don't get land lords... Fair call, but doesn't that also mean that we are overreaching into the private sector?"

"Well currently we own all the houses and our people just live in them, that sounds like Communism and that doesn't really work for long. People look for incentives and ways they can better their situations and family's, we need to think of these things." 2

Rimuru looked puckered out already, he acts as if he doesn't have people to do things for him. A chuckled a little and adjusted my new dress, it really was perfectly form-fitting.

"Do not worry Rimuru, we will work on this stuff, you are not alone and we are all here. I think I'll say a few more things and then I should be done..." He nodded and smiled, Shizu watching this exchange with an impressed look on her face, her mask draping to the side of her face slightly.

"I would say hold off on the walls for now, maybe once we have our industries up fully and have more manpower. As for projects to work on in the short term, we need Windmills for the agricultural industry. It would also be good if we can create more gardens and parks for the people. If we expand more in future it may turn into a very monotone space, if we don't have parks and gardens... So, we implement them now and then watch as people can be much happier amongst nature in future. Also, we should put importance in planting tree alongside the roads, it helps split up districts whilst also ensuring nature is a large part of our city."

From there the conversation was rather tame and people had begun to mark down what was needed to be done. Rimuru was ultimately the one to sign off on ideas and even some of my own ideas were thrown to the wayside at this point. He explained that trying to do too much at once is the road to failure. I agreed with him and put aside the gardens/parks concept for now. We were now focussed entirely on the Military and Industry, the two most arguably important aspects of society, other than its people.


Leaving the meeting it was now late into the afternoon. Benimaru was walking with me as we headed back to my house. We had some light-hearted banter about Iralia and Kaijin, many people in the village greeting us and offering us food as we went. The people of this village that would be called Rimuru were truly kind-hearted and caring. It lightened my heart to see many families walking around, the kids playing amongst each other as the parents watched over them lazily.

These scenes were all over the village as we walked, most of them fading as we came upon my home. A dull fire-glow radiated through the windows as the front door opened, the pink colours of Shuna's eyes and her kimono piercing the darkening atmosphere.

"Silviana-san!" She leapt at me and hugged me, Benimaru laughing as he smiled wickedly.

"Oh, you don't care for your brother now that you have a wife..." Shuna turned her head at him and smiled ominously, her aura changing as her eyes became more deadly.

"No i don't, go inside now if you want food." Benimaru acted shocked and hurt before strutting off into the house, a sly grin forming on his angular face. He was such a troll, as in he was a sarcastic fucker that didn't know when the fuck to chill out.1

"How did it go Tsuma?"

"It went well..." The word wife made me pause for several moments after affirming how it went, Shuna was sly and her face was also so cute and innocent... 'Fuck, I definitely can't deny her calling me Tsuma anymore, i just responded to her calling me it.' I just embraced the change and slung my arm around her waist, turning her back towards the house as i put my head down next to her left ear.

"You'll have to take responsibility for moving this relationship much faster, W-I-F-E..." She shivered as her face turned pink. She was usually so bold but as soon as you did something like this she turned as shy as a kitten.

'She played with fire and now she is about to get burnt...'

|You're Horny in other words...|

'Shut up you!'



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