Chapter 28: Embarrassing Morning, Horny Bastards

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:30:23

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Breaking off my kiss with Shuna I exhaled, both of us were blushing and I particularly felt embarrassed as I had never done this in either of my lives. I brushed my hair back and took a step back, glancing at the dress and picking it up a second later. My carefulness with the dress was purely instinctive as my own emotions felt tied to the piece of fabric. 

Shuna smiled whilst I held the dress, her breath a little uneven as her chest heaved somewhat. We were both out of sorts in many ways, my own mind panicking over what I had just done. 'What have I done!? I ruined a relationship didn't I!? It was too soon...!' Thoughts pumped through my brain like a clogged pipe with too high a pressure water running through it. Eventually i got around to awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"S-sorry... I, kind of jumped ahead didn't i...?" I waited for a time, a response not coming from Shuna. My eyelids closed and worry filled my heart just as evenly as my brain now. Then, as if rain on a particularly hot day, laughter sundered into the awkward atmosphere, calming it down.

"You are so stoic sometimes Silviana! Hahaha, if anyone was the one to jump ahead it was me, remember?" All doubt and worry flushed away as a small smile emerged on my face, despite my best efforts.

"Yeah, i suppose you did declare me your wife... Maybe it was me who was being too slow..." 

I just looked at her as she stepped forwards. The room seemed to become brighter the closer she got to me, my own brain playing with my perceptions. 'Is this what they mean when they say a certain person lights up the room?' Now in front of me Shuna raised her right hand, grasping my chin with her hand whilst staring straight into my eyes.

"That's one of the things i love about you Silviana, you prefer to take your time and understand the people around you." Her words pierced my heart as the word love repeated in my mind. 'Stop it! Are you a lovestruck high school girl?'1


'Shut the fuck up Rip-off'

|Fine, but you have to be more honest with yourself.|

My conversation with rip-off was cut off by Shuna who then went onto her tip-toes and gave me a light peck on the lips. It was still surreal to me. In my past life I had seen many people do this, gay couples, straight couples, it was always repulsive to me in a way. Why would you need someone lese who could betray you, better to have someone who was just a friend or acquaintance. You couldn't be hurt by them... But at this exact moment, it was as if I had seen the light at the end of a metaphorical tunnel.

Without a second's hesitation, as she rescinded from me, I grasped the back of her head and moved her close, my lips meeting with hers again. I could give a fuck about the speed, she was too good for me and I didn't want her to disappear like my family in my past life.

"Mmmm" She attempted to speak but failed as the oxygen was all used on our actions. This lasted for a minute straight until I let go and turned, the dress in my hands.

"Thank you... I love the dress... I-i'll see you in the morning." I rushed away leaving Shuna to her own activities as my blood boiled over in embarrassment and happiness. 'The wish for a good life really helped... Thank you Gaia and Tiamat!'


Fully coming out from my meditation at six in the morning the next day I looked over to the dress. It was a beautiful vibrant green, the dark green seemingly fading in and out based on the time of day. Shuna was crazy skilled with her powers! Getting over my embarrassment from yesterday had been the main focus of my meditation overnight as it was now replaced by an kindling affection for the Kijin woman. I doubted I'd ever find a woman that could care for me like her, and if I ever did I'd be the luckiest Dark Elf Woman in history. At least, that is how I felt.

Standing up and moving over to the couch that the dress was spread over I ran my fingers of the silky smooth material, the looks being exactly how the dress felt. There was no real smell to the dress and not any part of it that made noise, even when I whipped it lightly in the air. Looking at it after I had tested if it could make noise I internally struggled with the idea of wearing it or storing it for safe keeping. Gradually my utilitarian side won out and I slid the dress over my naked body. The dress itself was comfortable to the extreme, each part of it perfectly fitting me. It made me question where she got my measurements but that particular query was answered moments later as a singular part of it was too tight. That tight segment then expanded and became more cosy.

'Holy fuck, self adapting clothes!? How much time did she spend on this? No, how did she do this?' I was utterly amazed at her ability. The dress was perfect for me now and I could feel the dress somehow affecting my MP.

|Dress of Lovers- Has a Magicule attracting array, increases MP regen by 100 Points per minute (1000MP per 10 minutes). Only active when the one who is loved by the creator wears it.|

I had to hold back my own tears as the care she showed me was way too much for my wounded self. She had no idea how long I had been searching for help in my past life only to be shunned by everyone and everything... Strengthening myself I made certain I looked good, checking in my bathroom mirror to make certain. Then, with much excitement and giddiness I stepped down the stairs. 

Downstairs all of the Kijin were sitting down at the table, Shuna also sitting down and looking at my bowl as if she was expectantly waiting. Hearing my tapping they all turned their heads towards the stairs, some of them ignoring my clothes and just greeting me. Shion had shining eyes as she gave a thumbs up to Shuna. Benimaru was the only one who reacted besides Shuna and Shion, a small cocky smile creeping onto his face, as if he was the one to give me the dress. Shuna was the main person I paid attention to however. She had stood as soon as she saw me, the green fluttering sashes hanging from my arms making me seem like a fairy queen coming down from her throne.

"Gorgeous..." Her words made me blush but I played it off as I swirled, showing off my new dress.

"The dress is very comfortable, thank you, sweetie." Benimaru whistled before getting struck by Shion and Hakuro, the two of them quietly scolding the young man. Shuna was absolutely shocked at my words, her face going completely red before she began falling backwards, fainting from the amount of blood rushing to her head. I activated haste and caught her, placing her down gently on her chair at the table, my gaze soft and caring as my dress fluttered around me. 2

Hakuro was surprised by my speed and was seriously gazing at me, as if considering something. I noticed this from the corner of my eye. When I had turned to inquire with him he had left the house, the front door opened.

"What's wrong with him Benimaru?" The prince looked at the door and turned back, his expression turning serious.

"You have now been considered for the position of inheriting his martial arts... Good luck..." He gulped before going back to his food, sweat drops fluttering down from his head as he slurped the milk in his oats. Shion also looked worried but ultimately went back to her food, refusing to acknowledge the actions of the old man.

'Its always something.'


After making sure Shuna was okay, I left her with Shion, taking of towards the main hall where we were supposed to discuss the future path of the village now turning town. I had a lot of plans to implement but we needed to start out with the basics.

Ten minutes later I entered into the hall, seeing Rigurd and some Goblin Elders sitting around the table. Alongside them was Benimaru who had seemingly left earlier than me. 'I knew he wasn't fucking pissing...' I gave him a little bit of stink eye before gracefully fluttering to my chair, Rimuru and everyone else in the room looking on in wonder and curiosity. I didn't answer their question though and just sat down, looking straight ahead.

We continued to wait as Kaijin and Iralia were yet to come. Talk between the separate leaders was soft and casual as we waited. I decided not to talk to anyone as they all would most likely ask where I got this dress and I didn't need the embarrassment of blushing in public and at work. A wooden creaking noise echoed from the front door as the two Dwarves entered the hall at the same time, both of them sweaty and tired-looking.

'HAH! Iralia, you horny bitch...' I brought the front of my right hand to my lips and held back a laugh as I dipped my head to the side. It was really hard to not make a comment, especially considering the familiarity we had with each other, we could be considered friends. 1

"Sorry we were late! We were working on something together..."

"Pfft..." I couldn't hold it and laughed a little, the others joining in with me as the two of them seemed awkward and uncomfortable. 'Everyone's Horny! Scanlan would be impressed!' (If you get it, you get it 😏).2

"Good... Now that were all here we need to speak on the future plans for the village, or as we may come to call it after this, the town." Rimuru's words brought a maturity to the table as everyone nodded, the two dwarves sitting down on their chairs. I calmed down and stayed comfortable within my chair, listening to Rimuru to gauge his own ideas.


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