Chapter 26: Learning more Magic

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:29:10

Stepping down the stairs after gradually getting over my pains and aches I felt a cool breeze pass by me. The breeze whipped at my heels as my dress fluttered with the small tempest. Reaching the bottom of the stairs my eyes were met with a beautiful face, pink eyes lightly glowing from a gorgeous and pale face. Shuna moved around the kitchen, her attention completely absorbed by her task. She was cooking meals for us all, Benimaru, Hakuro, Shion, Souei and Kurobe still staying with me until other housing like my own could be made nearby. 


We were probably going to create a new district for the leaders of the village, just to make it easy for messengers to find us all in extreme circumstances. I had some ideas on how to not create a class system, and ways that we could in fact make the entire system merit based. It was important to ensure that in future people would have the chance to get into higher positions. My last life taught me that... Society can be cruel when all hope is lost to the common people.

Blinking my eyes to snap out of my thoughts I gracefully made way to the kitchen table, sitting down at my usual spot at the head of the table. All of the Kijin looked at me with varying reactions, Benimaru having an almost jovial expression as Shion just smiled kindly. Souei was his usual confident and calm self as Kurobe was dazedly staring off into space, probably thinking on Blacksmithing. Hakuro just drank tea whilst paying attention to everything that was going on.

"Morning everyone. How are you all?" The answers were all positive and came all at once the kafuffle of their voices making it hard to distinctly hear any one response. Shuna turned from her cooking and smiled at me, her movements causing the others to silence themselves. They all glanced between me and her as if we would grow dragons wings, breathing fire any second after that.

"I am glad you all are alright. Shuna, I apologise for what I said before it was crass of me to bluntly void your feelings... Despite the little time we have spent together I have given you my family name, thus, all I request is that we take things slow." Finishing my little speech, my heart beating out of my chest and my stomach feeling like it was going to drop out of my ass, I looked her straight in the eyes. Shuna looked simultaneously elated and saddened, i couldn't understand why she would be sad but I held back the question that layed at the tip of my tongue.

"Silviana, I am sorry that I started to speak the way I did straight away... In, Ogre culture, when one gives someone a name followed by a last name, it means that they are proposing to said person."

I gulped and facepalmed, I really had mucked things up...

"So when I gave you my own last name... I-"

"Proposed..." She blushed and seemed embarrassed, a touch of depression fringing her eyes as she gazed down at the floor. The atmosphere had gone really quiet and nothing could be heard but the small little sniffles that flowed from Shuna every so often.

'I'm a walking fucking disaster... Ughhh, fuck me... FINE! I'll just go along with it, why go against it when you find her attractive and were thinking of dating her anyway? I'm a sack of shit aren't I...?'

Taking my palm away from my face I took a deep breath, my eyes locking onto her supple lips and obvious emotions. It was weird seeing her so emotional considering how Japanese the Ogres seemed to be culturally. Maybe it was because of the sheer amount of them or because she was surrounded by 'family'. The chair beneath me skidded across the floor boards creating a small racket as i stood. Moving closer to Shuna I scooped her into a hug and cradled her head into my shoulder, her heart beating against my chest as her warmth filtered into my own. It was too comfortable, almost dangerously so, I almost didn't want to stop hugging her.

Stepping a little back I clasped her face with my hands and cleared tears away with my thumbs.

"Don't worry, I proposed... So I will uphold my part. Although I do not yet have romantic feelings for you, we can both foster those. Maybe a few dates and some time spent together?" 

It hadn't been that long since she cried but now it seemed that those emotions were nowhere to be seen. Her face lit up like fireworks during a festival as her blush spread, her body thrusting into mine as her hands clasped around me in a massive hug. No words were said but I reciprocated the hug and watched as the other Kijin gave thumbs up. Shion was especially happy as tears collected in the corners of her eyes, Souei even smiled, it was a crazy moment.

'Well... I suppose, don't fuck this up, me...'


From that moment on I had an eager Shuna following me around as I went around and checked some things. My work in the village was mainly that of keeping order and making sure everything was proceeding in the way Rimuru and I liked. Rimuru had argued against me doing it an insisted that he'd do it but I convinced him otherwise by using more time with Shizu as an incentive... It worked.

'Silviana uses Coercion! It was Super Effective!'

Anyway, that was how I spent the few hours after waking every day, that and grabbing coffee. I had introduced Shuna and Iralia to each other and got another person hooked on Coffee, Shuna enjoying the unique taste. I started to like her more already, especially when she asked for more. I hoped she wasn't trying to like everything I did.

Making certain that the changes were well under way I eventually split off from the village and went over to a training field, Shuna becoming intrigued by my venture to this place.

"Silviana, why are you coming here?"

"Training... I need to gain more magic and understanding of my new abilities."

Shuna became intrigued as she started to adapt her clothing towards a more 'training' style. Her sash was tied shorter and her Kimono was pulled upwards more, the ends coming up to her knees.

"May I join you?"

"Sure." I nodded as I closed my eyes, beginning to commune with nature. Visions of myself and the whole village entered my mind in entirety. I could feel my MP being drained as I did this but it was so surreal that it made me ignore the drain for a little. The flow of lifeforce in the trees and grass, the pulse of water below the surface, the wind blowing in the clouds above me, all of it was within my senses' grasp. I could count each Hob Goblin, each blade of grass in the area and ultimately the sum total of lifeforce in our surroundings.

'What spell am I using?'

|Nature's Embrace|

'Interesting...' I shut off the spell and felt my MP stop draining. The ability was rather costly as I had drained 400 MP within a few seconds. It was a nasty consumption rate but still, it had its uses. 

Shuna was looking at me as if admiring a beautiful painting, her eyes slightly glazed over as the wind blew her hair out behind her. I shook my head and snapped my fingers a small illusion of a boat appearing in front of her face. It was 'sailing on the winds' so to speak as I made it move around us. The spell did wake her up though as she traced the movement.


"Me? Or the spell?"

She blushed a little as she adjusted her hair, catching it and putting it into a ponytail.


Chuckling and giving her a wink I snuffed out the boat, 1MP being used in the process. From that point onwards we began separate training, her focussing on her new shadow armaments and armours. She constantly switched between weapons and armours, summoning a shield when her own shadows struck at her. This was how she decided to do training, making her own powers come at herself. It was possibly useful but lacked a certain difficulty, It was something to discuss with Hakuro. 

My own training was a mix of imagination training and implementation of said Imagination. I had focussed on DND spells so far and it was still a large part of the magic I wanted to learn... Especially the more powerful spells. Demi-plane would be unimaginably powerful, Anti-Magic Zone would aid in any battle with mages, True Polymorph, Prismatic Wall, Simulacrum. There were so many and so little time before conflict began once again. Taking the need for speed into account I learnt some basic Wizard spells that were integral in fighting within DND and would most definitely be powerful here too.6

Looking down at my hands I saw blurred patterns as my own form had been hazed, as if all of my atoms were now moving at a faster rate. It felt like it too as I moved my hand, watching Shuna slowly apparate a shield. Tensing my muscles I launched myself into a sprint and found myself going double or more my normal speed. I was across the field before I could even understand the distance I was going.

|You have gained the spell: Haste| 

Nodding my head and deactivating the spell I felt my speed drop significantly as my perception adjusted to normal vision once again. I waited until the spell's effects were over before continuing onto the next spell.

Three versions of myself appeared around me, my three clones and my real body flickering a little as if my actual body was moving when it wasn't. My skin had turned a slight rainbow colour as disco like affects submerged the area where I was.

|You have gained the spell: Mirror Image|

Shuna had noticed and was looking at me in surprise as she shouted aloud. 

"Which one is you Silviana!?" Her head continued to move as her eyes attempted to catch the real me, unfortunately for her this was a spell that was intentionally making it difficult. Unfortunately for me however, she started to dry-heave.

"Please stop, it's, ughhh, making me sick..."

I immediately stopped and rushed over to her, checking on her condition. Maybe the spell was very useful but sometimes just as harmful to allies as it is to enemies. Her dry-heaving had ceased and she was looking at me perplexed and also awed.

"I think that spell is very effective Silviana... Could you please not use it around me?"

"S-sorry... I'll limit myself from those types of spells in your presence." She looked sorry but I just patted her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead as a sort of apology. It wasn't much affection but it was all I could manage given the short time we had spent together. It didn't matter to Shuna however as she beamed a large smile at me, her cuteness and purity making me feel like I was bathing under the sunlight in spring.

'This woman is going to be the end of me one day, she swings moods so quickly I can't keep up...'

|You love it... |1



|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer|

HP: 20,4105

MP: 2410 (Current: 2150/2250)

STR- 286

CON- 286

DEX- 312

CHA- 268

INT- 286

WIS- 286


Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility \ Avatar \ Immortality

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) \ Dancing \ 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Shuna Solaris- Nightshade Kijin


Souei- Shadow Kijin


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