Chapter 24: A Problem With the NPCs?

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:27:55

Sitting behind his large polished desk Ainz steepled his bony fingers as the flames that represented his eyes lightly stirred in anger. He had checked the guild list earlier as he always does to ensure the safety of his and his friends' 'children'. One name had gone missing in the list, a name unexpected to go missing.

"Ainz-sama, we cannot find Sabas... From what we found out a golden glow surrounded him earlier this morning. From that point we have some strange reports of him conversing with an entity he said was in his mind. From that stage onwards he failed to report this change and disappeared at some stage three hours ago."

The flames behind Ainz's eyes intensified as his aura became more oppressive, the succubus Albedo struggling to contain herself in his presence. He was pissed and it wasn't just because he failed to report his condition, no, it was because he had experienced something similar just a few hours ago too.


A couple hours ago...

Standing in front of the mirror Ainz checked his robes, the fabrics and materials flapping lightly under the magical enchantments emblazoned upon them. Gold and Black made most of the piece of clothing. As he always did he opened his status screen, checking his abilities and skills for any changes since coming to the new world.

In the microseconds that passed since he opened the screen the entire construct fluttered in and out as glitches began to consume it. A pale yellow-golden light pierced the glitchy cracks before the entire screen was destroyed and replaced with a darker more gothic feeling screen. Blood seemingly dripped from the edges of it as eldritch lights made up the various stats, skills, spells and items marked in the status sheet.

These aspects of the sheet soon began to be erased. Panic flooded into Ainz's soul and body as he was concerned about being powerless amongst his subordinates... He could be overthrown and the NPCs left to just mercilessly follow their bad instincts. Tapping on the status screen his touch did very little to affect the situation as he slowly watched his entire game-time's worth of effort disappear before his very eyes.

"No! No...!" 


"N-nothing, just speaking to myself..."

"Hai Ainz-sama!"

The maid went away from the other side of the door as the status sheet finally emptied. Depression took him over for a millisecond before his emotional suppression system kicked in and vanquished the feelings. Anger fluttered around still however as the empty stat screen drew out his magic and made it go berserk within the room.

Bed frame and furniture cracked as if it was being crushed under the weight of a mountain, splinter fracturing into nearby walls and segments of the room. Feathers fluttered through the air before being disintegrated. Then, as if the universe was fucking with him, the Status screen began to fill up with totally new skills and spells, except in a different format

|Momonga (Ainz Ooal Gown)| 

|Species- Overlord \ Daemon Lich|

|Titles: Supreme Being \ Guild Leader \ Strongest Guild Mage \ Necromancer \ King of the Dead\ Death Incarnate \ Bearer of the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown \ Elder Lich \ Essence of Evil|

HP: 500,000

MP: 2,000,0000

STR- 2000

CON- 50,000

DEX- 3500

CHA- 10,000

INT- 200,000

WIS- 200,000


Unique Skills:

Meaning of all Life Is Death \ Super-tier Magic \ Wish Upon the Stars \ NPC creation \ Unliving Creation \ Undeath Aura \ Blessings of Death \ Unlimited Regeneration \ Daemon's Corruption \ Hellish Summoning \ Magica Domain \ Emperor's Haiki 2

Magic Skills/Spells:

(Section has been scrubbed due to Incompatibility with Magicules! Please learn new spells...)




Back in the present Ainz's mood was quite brutal as he processed his situation. He had lost all of Yggdrasil's magic and now had to relearn magic for this world... The only upside was the Unique Skills that he had received, most were unique and held secrets that even he had yet to explore. The most important issue however was Sebas's disappearance.

"Albedo, try to track him down with the shadows and demons... If you can't find him, make sure that this cannot happen again without us at least know that it is happening straight away."

"Hai Ainz-sama! It will be done."

There was a slight pause as Albedo waited for words, only to be left waiting. Ainz was currently attempting to understand the moves he would have to make. He was good at planning and processing information but never good at thinking many steps ahead.

"Albedo... We need to research into the magic of this world. Not only that, we need to stay out of sight for a time. It seems this world is out of my powers and had some weird aspect to it. My magic knowledge has been rendered useless..."

A gasp resounded from Albedo as her wings flapped, her aura changing from one of neutrality and calm to utter rage. She was pissed on his behalf and even more angry that their most damaging aspects had been influenced in such a way.

"Ainz-sama, if this is the case, i suggest we cloak the city and disguise it... We cannot afford to draw attention more than we already have."

"I agree, do so immediately... Give the job to Aura and Mare. Could you also summon Demiurge to my office, i wish to speak to him about beginning experiments right away."

"Hai!" Albedo took off as her anger was evident in the fluster with which she left, ignoring decorum by not saying farewell to Ainz. he returned to his brooding as he tried to mess with his 'magicules' even more... 

'I'll get my magic back fully first and then I will continue to understand this world...'3


Meanwhile, in a small village with many Hobgoblins and Tempest wolves walking around.

"Ughhh, how long was I out?"

I awoke to find myself laying upon the floor of the hall. Above me was Souei who was calmly lifting me up to a sitting position. To my side was an evolved Benimaru, Hakuro, Kurobe and Shion. They looked exactly like the anime versions of them with all of them looking much more human and youthful. Benimaru was still an ikemen and had an aura around him that made him seem naturally more charming. Hakuro had gained a massive power up in his presence as I could tell he would be able to absolutely massacre me in a melee fight If i couldn't use my magic. Kurobe was just a regular Kijin, his aura more flame based than his past self but still just normal.

Shion was the one the received a good upgrade though. Because Rimuru had more magicules to spend amongst the four he named, more power flooded to Shion due to her potential and the admiration she had started to seed within herself about Rimuru. Fluttering my eyes a little I turned back to my two and noticed striking differences in their powers.

Souei was more human, his horns being able to be hidden completely. The horns were much longer however as they were almost like an arch-devils from DND. Shadow whipped at his every foot step and small traces of it were left behind only to vanish seconds later, i noticed this as he stepped backwards once I was sitting up. His charisma had obviously increased as his face was much more Ikemen than Benimaru's.

Looking around however, I noticed a lack of Shuna within the room. I looked at Souei questioningly as he looked to the entrance of the building. Following his eyeline I watched the front door. What came next stunned me beyond belief.

Shuna stepped through the door with her pink hair fluttering out behind her only to end in silver streaks. Her white horns protruded much like Souei's but ended with a distinctly black point. Matching my gaze her pink-purple eyes gleamed back at me, excitement radiating from her face as she dropped the pale of water and leapt into my embrace.

As soon as she impacted I coughed up blood, my physical condition still being worse than when I woke up this morning. Feeling as if I had woken up in a gutter with vomit all over me I managed to give Shuna a weak hug, my body failing me more than my mind ever had in my past life. 'Ughh, life feels shitty right now... Rip-off, what's my MP?'



|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer|

HP: 2410

MP: 2410 (Current: 271/2250 - 271 Magicules per ten minutes, regen)

STR- 271

CON- 271

DEX- 296

CHA- 252

INT- 271



Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility \ Avatar

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \4


'Is that enough to cast Cure Wounds?'

|You, are very stupid if i might say so... Rest is the best healing anyone can have. Take my advice, don't do much for the next day.|

'Fuck'n rip-off... Fine!'

Sighing I collapsed backwards, Shuna following after me as I felt her tears drip onto my clothing. I couldn't tell if she was happy or angry, or sad... It was a fucking puzzle even to me, a woman with Wisdom of the Arcane Observer!

"Good to see you Shuna... I'm, just going to, stay like this for a little... Ughhhhh..." I groaned my words out with a short breath as i felt like my innards were close to exploding if I didn't stop straining myself.

"I'm glad your safe, watashi no tsuma!"4

'What, the, fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkk...?'


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