Chapter 22: A Dance to Remember

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:26:19

Riding into the village my check-in started. The space in-between the village and the edge of the forest was mostly clear. Past the gap was a small village with twenty to thirty second storey buildings and fifty one story houses. Carts and people thronged through the village, soon to be city. Work and effort was the main atmosphere of the village as sweat dripped off of bodies like ice in the hot summer sun. 

|⚅ You have rolled a 6... You will be given a Spell|

|⚄ You have rolled a 5... You will be given a Greater Spell|

|You have gained the Spell: Nature's Embrace|1


|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer|

HP: 2410

MP: 2410 (Current: 2150/2250)

STR- 271

CON- 271

DEX- 296

CHA- 252

INT- 271

WIS- 271


Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility \ Avatar

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \


I didn't know the exact effects of the new spell I had gained but I was sure it would help, especially considering how close to nature it was. My stats and spells were looking more and more druidic by the seconds and it made me slightly nervous as I didn't want to solely focus on magic. Anti-Magic zones would severely weaken me if I was solely focused on it and it wasn't conducive to survival in Tensura.

We entered into the town, the various members of the village greeting us energetically. My steed was also garnering a lot of attention as its flaming mane and hooves made for a very intimidating presence, visually. Too deep in thought however, i didn't notice the constant glances i was getting from Shuna. Demounting and unsummoning the steed I now stood in the middle of the village, Hobgoblins shouting in excitement as they got to see their leader, Rimuru, and myself, The Huntress, come back from a fight seemingly victorious.

"Rimuru-sama! Silviana-sama!" Shouts of our names continued for a while as we both stepped towards the temporary meeting hall. The Ogres followed us into the tall, stylish oak building. Polished doors were opened and the warm interior light and heat spilled out, touching all of our skin and embracing our wind-scoured bodies. Rimuru dropped into his slime form as I slinked into the shadows, reappearing on a chair near Rimuru's seat at the head of the table. Sitting down I watched all of the Ogres take seats on the opposing side to us, with Shuna trying to sit as close to me as possible without giving herself away too much.

'Heh, she's certainly attracted to me...' I looked at her and discovered a flush of red spreading through her cheeks as she noticed me looking. She was way too cute! Rimuru jumped up onto the back of his chair at the head of the table with Shizu sitting at the far back of the hall, eating some smoked meat.

"Now that we are back here, let me introduce myself... I am Rimuru, a slime. I am also the leader of this village." He turned his 'head' in my direction as I sighed a little, my eyes dropping away from Shuna and back towards the other Ogres.

"I am Silviana, The vice leader of the village, so to speak... Anyway, glad we could help you survive." Shuna had small stars in her eyes as the other Ogres looked at me with respect. Rimuru looked at me with a funny-looking grin on his slime 'face'. Shizu was looking at me for a few seconds after i stated my position, going back to her food as her adventurer friends came from out of the back, joining her in quiet conversation.

"I am the Ogre Prince, as I have stated before..."

"Hoho, I am the Sword Master of the Ogres."

"Ah, hello, I am a blacksmith and warrior."

"I am a warrior of the Ogres and bodyguard to princess-sama."

"I am the princess of the Ogres..."

All of them went one by one and me and Rimuru's eyes followed the order. I had a feeling Rimuru was about to offer something silly but I just held back and allowed him to do his craziness.

"Well, welcome to the village. I am sorry for what happened to your people and families."

The ogres nodded and listened to him intently.

"I can offer shelter, food and work for you all if you wish..."

I cut in after he tried to continue to speak, he was dancing around the issue and not discussing what needed to be said... Mainly due to his Japanese necessity for appropriateness. 

"Revenge is present on all of your minds, we know, Rimuru does not want to be inappropriate at this time due to the closeness to the tragedy. What we are offering is a place amongst the village and in high positions, you will be cared for, have work and a place to eat and sleep."

Shuna looked happy and saddened by the entire series of events whilst Benimaru and the rest of the Ogres nodded in understanding. Benimaru was broody whilst Souei became completely serene-looking. Hakuro, Shion and Kurobe stayed silent and just looked at Benimaru, the decision coming down on top of his head.

"I- I need time to think about the proposal..."

Rimuru stopped glaring at me and nodded at him.

"Take as much time as you need. In the meantime were going to have a feast to celebrate your survival and our first true combat... Feel free to join." With that we split up from the hall, Rimuru sighing afterwards and giving me a small pat on the shoulder in his human form.

"Hehe, let's go eat some meat!" His smile was infectious as I followed him to a large table outside, a rather large ensemble of meats and food stuffs arraying the table. The Ogres had stayed behind in the hall for a few moments to discuss the issue so there was no Shuna or Shion around to dance.

 For several minutes we enjoyed the meats and company of friends. I was mid way through eating some deer-cow meat when Shuna sidled up next to me on the table and began to eat also.

"Silviana-san, thank you for saving me..."

"You don't have to continue thanking me, it was within my power to do so, so i did." I took a bite into the meat again, the juices and fats breaking down in my mouth creating a smooth and sumptuous sensation throughout. I closed my eyes and savoured the taste as I heard some small ums and ahs from Shuna.

"What does Silviana-san do in the village?"

"I do many things, mostly I hunt and study my magic. Other than that I talk with Rimuru, suggest things when needed and fight as necessary..."

She was listening to each of my words with rapt attention, her fingers interlacing with each other on her lap as her head tilted slightly to the right. Detaching her eyes from my face I could see that she had begun to look over the entire assembled village. A small smile crept onto her face as she saw many Hobgoblins dancing. Her eyes darted to me for a for few seconds before sadly turning back to those people as if it was impossible. My heart beat increased a few notches at the cute woman and her lack of confidence.

I suddenly stood, my chair scraping across the dirt as Shizu and Rimuru looked over at me. The rest of the Hobgoblins around me stared in curiosity, it was rare I did such a thing in a public place. Turning to Shuna, the woman still dazedly staring at the dances in jealousy, I extended my hand.

"Would you like to dance with me Princess?" My words snapped her out of her daze, causing a massive blush to spread over cheeks once again for the fiftieth time this day. Excitement soon took over any hesitation she held as she clasped my left hand with her own right hand. She didn't exactly say yes but the hand was enough to understand her answer. Lightly flicking my right index finger our chairs moved out of the way, the path to the dance area clear.7

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach uneasily as a small amount of enjoyment flooded into my being. It was an odd sensation, I hadn't felt like this since my last life and even then, never over a woman. Excitement over having food was one thing, this? Was another entirely. Her hand was a little clammy as she no doubt was worried about her dancing capability. I squeezed a little tighter and gave her a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not the best at dancing either... We'll just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" She was silent for a few seconds until she eagerly nodded and almost began to prance towards the dance area.

In a few moments we were now in the dance area, many of the people clearing space for 'The Huntress', me. To say it was worrying to be put in the spotlight like this would be understatement, yet again, I hadn't felt like this since my last life, on an auction stage in front of a bunch of weirdos. Snapping myself out of that train of thought I looked down at the fragile Ogre in front of me, the woman nervously squeezing my hand as her look intensified, she was looking for guidance.

Remembering a dance that I had been taught when I was a child, for the end of school meet, I slowly put her in a closed hold and began to guide the entire dance. This was ballroom dancing and the little I knew was rather rudimentary... I had perfect muscle memory which helped, but it was still like remembering a vague usage of my body decades ago. The dance started off a little clunky but after a while we both got used to it and I started to incorporate some more risky movements, stepping backwards so that she almost falls only to be caught by me and twirled into my embrace. Then quickly unravelling her from my close embrace until both of our arms were fully extended, holding each other's hand. Needless to say, my dancing wasn't masterful, but after my Superb Agility and Muscle Memory began to fully piece together fragments from my past life and words from my teachers back then, i began to own the entire dance area. 

Shuna was absolutely amazed and breathless after a minute of doing it, her body unused to the rapid movements and her mind equally blown away by the closeness of some of the moves. The music was mainly a drum and some string instruments learned by the dwarves who all had to learn a single musical instrument for Blacksmithing; as a test for whether they could understand the hissing of the fire and the tone of fine steel. Another minute went by and Shuna was finally starting to get used to it, we were both in the zone and just dancing our hearts out. I noticed Benimaru watching from the sidelines as Souei and Hakuro talked to him, Rimuru speaking about something with them, 'Probably the Orc Lord... All well.' 

Half a minute passed and we finished our dancing with an energetic move, I spun around and around with her in my grasp as she laughed aloud, her arms extended outwards in happiness. Then with a final movement I dropped to one knee, stopped her momentum, and clutched her over my knee. My face was close to hers and she was breathing heavily, her breath hot and very wet.

"That was fun, we should do it more in future."

"Silviana... Yes, we definitely should!" Laughter surrounded us as I lightly rose from my kneeling position, aiding Shuna as I rose of course. We broke off from the crowd as many Hobgoblins and Dwarves attempted to copy our moves, some of the Dwarven children doing their own versions that almost didn't end up in huge piles of bodies on top of each other. 

We continued to hold hands as we went back to the table, drinks brought over to us under Rigurd's command as he gave me a wink and a huge thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and thanked the waiter before fully sitting down. Shuna did the same and seemed much more happy and relaxed, her speech now fully flowing as many Hobgoblins came around to speak to her, interested in the Ogres and their culture. 

'I am glad that broke the ice... Phew, that was a little bit of a work out...'

|Skill: Dancing, has been acquired|

'I deserve that shit... Thanks rip-off Morgan Freeman.'

|Don't be thanking me now, thank your lady friend and her weird obsession with a weirdo like you.|

'The fuck? You can interact with me now!?'

Silence reigned within my mind after that mental question. Closing my eyes to resist lashing out at the rip-off I took some deep breaths, returning my mind to the night's festivities. Life was good and bad, luckily tonight was more good than bad.


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