Chapter 21: Bringing the Ogres to the Village

Release Time: 2024-05-20 13:25:31

The journey back to the village had halted as the Ogres refused to just enter into foreign territory with no idea of our motives. We were now a kilometre away from the Ogre's town and the orange glow of fire could be seen still crackling. Rimuru was the first to notice the Ogres not following us and quickly asked Ranga to go back to the group. Shizu was calm as always and had a continuous defensive posture due to the nature of conflict we just left. 


I, well, I just dismounted Ranga instantly and remerged from a shadow near to the Ogres, Souei instantly looking at me and frowning a little. Knowing that this would be the part where we explain why we came to help them I took off my armour and returned back to my normal cloth shirt and trousers. It wasn't the best clothing but we hadn't started dyeing and advanced crops yet, so it was the best one could get at the current stage. Shuna looked at me and stepped forwards a little bit, only to be stopped by her brother Benimaru who looked at me with slight mistrust. Yes, we had helped them in combat and 'saved' them but that didn't mean we weren't helping them to use them for our own purposes. That is how they saw the situation.

Calmly stepping forward I gazed over all of the Ogres, from the wizened sword master to the venerable blacksmith. Shion was gazing at me with a weary caution as Souei didn't show it, but had several abilities ready just in case I was out for harmful intent... They were very alert to everything at this stage and that was only natural.

"I am sorry to start dragging you off with us and not explaining but we need to get away from this area..." Within an instant there was a response, mainly coming from Benimaru who was the new 'chieftain' or 'King' of the Ogres.

"No, we shall not follow you if you do not explain your motives in aiding us!" Shion nodded along with Hakuro and Souei. I closed my eyes for a second before re-opening them. Rimuru was standing to the side watching the Ogres and no doubt analysing them as i spoke to them... I think he was letting me talk at this stage because I was the one to bring up the Ogre village's destruction.

"I see. You know that I am a Dark Elf, an Elf proficient in Shadow Magic and several aspects of the Shadow." They nodded as i continued. "Some of my other abilities include communing with the forest and sensing events. One such event was the burning of your village by the Orcs. The reason we came to your aid is because we ran into Orc patrols near our part of the forest, followed by a very powerful adversary."

Shuna stepped forwards again, Benimaru wanting to stop her only to be stopped himself by his master, Hakuro who shook his head. The cute figure of the Pink-haired and Ogre stepping forwards was graceful and flowy as her white robes lightly swung in the wind, her red eye make-up making it seem as if she was crying tears of blood if one were to look at her in the distance. 

"Thank you for saving me..." She bowed lightly as a blush ran through her face somewhat, her right arm coming up to cover her mouth as her robe billowed out a little. I didn't exactly blush but it was embarrassing having someone thank me this deeply. I nodded and bowed a little myself before lightly tapping her right shoulder.

"It is fine, no one deserves to be eaten by the Orcs... If i could have saved your people I would have." Tears entered her eyes as she nodded, her brother in the background showing anger as he heard his sister's sobs. Stepping forwards I gave her a small hug, hoping that it would help her calm down, luckily I was right in doing what I did as she melted into my supportive embrace and openly sobbed into my arms. Looking towards Rimuru I gave him a desperate look. He understood immediately.

"I am Rimuru, the leader of a Goblin Village... We came to aid you after running into those people Silviana spoke about. If you could give us enough of your time to get back to the village and speak to you, it would turn out a lot better than standing here and potentially being attacked." His words were extremely calm and kind, his charm oozing out amongst these saddened and broken Ogres. I understood how he was able to convince people to join him and not fight each other now. I was just glad I was on his side.

"I am the son of the King of my tribe... I am now the new King..." The red ogre let his words die off as he looked back in the direction of his village. He drooped his head somewhat as he turned back to Rimuru, glancing at me and Shuna. 

"We will come back with you. So long as we can have shelter, food and water."

Rimuru smiled as Shizu came up behind him, they were both wearing their masks. From what I could understand this is why the Ogres wished to know our intentions since we aided them... If we hadn't aided them something similar to canon would occur where they operate under a misunderstanding. Patting Shuna's back I lightly pulled her off of me and wiped some of her tears away with my index fingers, the woman barely holding back another round of tears.

"We have plenty of both, if you wish you can stay in my house." I offered this because i could keep an eye on them and be close to Shuna, who I still had a pull towards. It was a fucking weird sensation, like someone was lightly pulling on every part of your mind and soul to just get as close to her as possible. In the attempt to come up with ideas for why this was happening I tried to think of magic that could be used to do something similar. Not impossible, but very hard to do and would require either knowledge of DND or a Unique Skill from Tensura. Deciding that I could figure it out later my mind came back to the situation at hand and realised that everyone had tacitly agreed that they'd stay at my house.3

'Ooof, I should stop getting so distracted... Is this an elf thing?' I couldn't even figure if that was the case or not. Shaking my head I realised that every wolf and slot in the troop was taken. My shoulders slouched and I felt a minor headache creeping up.

'Fuck it!'

Calling on my magicules I began to form the image of the spell in my mind, my Unique Skill binding the ideas to the magicules and basically communicating in the base code of existence of how to achieve this. Within second the spell was manifested in my mind for my own deployment at any time.

|You have gained the spell: Detect Life|

|You have gained the spell: Phantom Steed|

As soon as the notification came through, so did the magic circle needed for the creation of the creature. Rising from the magic circle was a steed of pure black and orange, looking as if it was a hell-steed. Smoke rose from his hooves as its eyes glowed a bright golden yellow. A saddle of pitch black and silver formed, followed soon by armour and various other elements of horse riding. This was a warhorse, something used for combat. 

The creature was not actually alive but was more like a realistic illusion, something that could touch, smell, hear and see but was not truly killable. It sounded OP but it wasn't, it could do very little actual damage and the main attribute of it was its infinite stamina and speed. It was roughly double the speed of a normal horse. In my past life I had ridden horses once or twice as a requirement for a job I once had, so I just stepped up onto the stirrups and hoisted myself into the saddle. Grabbing onto the reigns I quickly got control of the horse, my skills rusty but still there.

|You have gained the Skill: Mounted Movement; It becomes much easier to learn how to ride mounts and to move on said mounts.|

This gain was a vestige of my past life, something that I was grateful for now but hated at the time. The horse under me neighed a little as i drove it up to the side of Ranga. My horse was half the size of Ranga but it definitely had style points as Rimuru was looking at it in mild jealousy, his expression funny as hell. Coming to ruin my momentary victory however was Shizu who kissed him lightly before putting her mask back on.

'I don't know, i save a bitch and she just teases me by basically saying "You're single, ha ha..." ' 

Sighing and looking to the front I started to wonder when she was going to go back to her students... It wasn't like they were fine being alone without a proper teacher and ultimately I had no clue how the whole time travel Chloe thing would go...

'So much shit to worry about... And these fuckers are still kissing.' I huffed and started to prance my horse down the road, the steed being very fast. Ranga began to move as well, knocking Rimuru and Shizu out of their make out session and causing the other tempest Wolves to start following us. I expanded my senses into my Growth Ability as I payed attention to the forest in my proximity, my steed still working through the forest with ease. My pace was such that even Ranga could barely catch up at full speed. The only downside to this was the constant expenditure of Magicules, specifically 50 MP per Minute. I could basically last three quarters of an hour; more than enough to reach the Village at the speed I was travelling.

The journey wasn't long and didn't have any hiccups, my Growth Skill allowing me to feel that the Spirits of the Forest were pissed. Many trees had been cut down today and not only that, they could tell that a very powerful enemy was targeting the forest. I knew that this was the Orc Lord but there was the small doubt whether they were truly thinking of that specific being or just a group of them. Communicating with nature was very difficult to fully comprehend and needed a lot of interpretation of emotions. Because I wasn't in contact with the Dryads or other forest spirits I couldn't ask directly. 

Knowing that they would come soon to ask for aid I decided to work on some of my spells more, gain more check-ins and maybe even focus on knowledge as some stage... Knowledge and information was power, the more I could influence the power of Tempest, the more secure I would be.

|Initiating Daily Check-In|

'Well shit...'


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