Chapter 15: Magic Montage?

Release Time: 2024-05-20 11:21:50

After firing off the fireball I was met by many Hobgoblins and even Rimuru himself. They saw the fire and were worried that some sort of attack was imminent or even that I was fighting with someone. Unfortunately for them I was just training my magic. When i told them all that they were perplexed, especially Rimuru who had a large question mark above his head, literally made from his slime.

Sighing, i just went back to the village, spending the rest of the day and night explaining why I was training out there. Needless to say I was exhausted after going through the interrogation, they were all so worried over such a little thing... Well, the fireball wasn't small, but that's not the point.

I now sat in my empty house, the insides warming due to the influence of the previously spoken about enchantments. I didn't sleep because my species didn't really ever sleep but I meditated to rest, my senses joining the harmony of the forest as the little sensations of animals and creatures came to my mind. An image came to my mind, one of four figures sitting around a campfire. One was a blonde woman that seemed to be elven, two of them were male and seemed like decent guards for her... It was the last one that drew my attention, Shizue Izawa, or Shizu. My heart tightened a little as the memories of the anime came back, Ifrit would destroy the village and we would have to rebuild it... If i didn't do something to stop it...

'I only have three days to find something to stop Ifrit. Better get to work!'

Four hours later I awoke and immediately set off towards the training grounds. I planned to abuse Magicule Infinatatum Potentia, so I was going to do it. Remembering spells from my past life that I had heard about or read about I decided to go for something a little more powerful than a fireball. At the end of the training area were several dummies set up for training, these were my targets. Lightning crackled between my fingers and hands, arcing in large bouncing arc as my eyes lightly flashed a brighter purple. Choosing the first target of my spell I pointed my right index finger at said target.

In a flash a large sundering lightning bolt flew from my fingertips and hand into the first target, the lightning covering it and charring it. Then, as if driven by its own will, the lightning flung towards another target, then another and another, ultimately reaching all of the targets in the training grounds, melting them into charcoal. The acrid smell of burnt grass and cloth emitted from the training dummies, no sound to wake the villagers and no fire to alert the guards. I was giddy with the result my status sheet showing that the spell only used around fifty of my Magicule Points. The cost was a little expensive but in relation to the potential for damage it could do against large numbers of people, it was awesome.

|Spell: Chain Lightning, has been added|

Thinking of some other spells from other stories I had read, I ended up pointing my finger at the now destroyed dummies. "Repairo" In but a moment, each fragment of charcoal began to piece back together, the different elements that made the dummies returning to the state they were in but thirty seconds ago.

|Spell: Repairo, had been added|2

Seconds later the dummied were back to what they were, my MP pool now down by 100. I was currently at 540 MP our of 690. Feeling that I had a few more spells in me I decided to use a spell that I thought would be particularly useful against Ifrit, considering the fact that he was an elemental entity and could technically be considered a foreign entity to this material plane, at least by DND standards.

Focussing on one of the dummies I envisioned a space being created, tendrils of my magic reach out to grasp the entity and then banish it to said created space. I was attempting to use the banishment spell from DND, a spell that was both useful against foes and as an escape mechanism in times of crisis. Energy drained from my body like sieve as my magicules unleashed towards the dummy. I could feel every inch of my magic as it reach out and then the sensation of it wrapping around the dummy. It was almost like an arm that I hadn't realised was there before. An instant later the dummy disappeared and an image appeared in my mind, a vast space filled with stars, a dummy floating in the middle of space.1

"YES! Awesome!" I jumped up and down in joy as my experiments had surely succeeded. 

|Spell: Banishment, has been added.|

|Prerequisites achieved, creating title: Magic Researcher.|

|Silviana Solaris|2

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher|

HP: 850

MP: 850

STR- 85

CON- 85

DEX- 120

CHA- 76

INT- 85

WIS- 85


Unique Skills:

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Wisdom of the Arcane Observer \ Superb Agility

 Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment


Right after the update my daily Growth occurred a massive growth flooding my being as my MP section returned to full. Before it returned however I did see that Banishment had cost me 300 MP... It was a costly spell but ultimately it could turn out beneficial in the long run.

'I wonder if I'll be able to create a demi-plane in the future, that shit was busted in DND let alone here...'

A few guards walked by the training field, waving at me and asking me if I was okay. I told them what I was doing and asked them to ignore any flashes or noises they hear from this area. They were happy to and walked away, apparently it was a thing of status within the village to speak to me personally and get me to respond... I don't know why, but it was funny. No doubt those two guards would speak about how they held a conversation with me tomorrow.

Digressing from those thoughts my mind turned back to my experimentation. I had accomplished a rather complex spell in its most basic form, now I needed to get some basic spells under my belt and increase my capabilities. 

For the rest of the morning I attempted to learn different small spells, cantrips mainly. In the end I learned Eldritch Blast, Mending, Sacred Flame, Light, Mage Hand and Ray of Frost. Cantrips had a cost in this world unlike in DND and actually cost around 5MP per use. If you held the magic for a duration then it would only consume 5MP per minute. It was very efficient and made me happy that I got them. Cantrips may seem useless but they were practically infinite to use and could be used in place of a greater spell for a fraction of the cost. 1

|Spell Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Mending, Sacred Flame, Light, Mage Hand and Ray of Frost, have been added|


Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) 

Spells: Fireball \ Chain Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost


(PS: The Daily Check-In will happen in the next chapter!)


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