Chapter 12: The Orcs?

Release Time: 2024-05-20 11:19:52

Momonga or as he had decided to call himself, Ainz, stood in his room with his hand extended holding a book. The title of the book was a simplistic working title, 'The Road to Becoming a King?', the question mark was tacked on as if he was unsure if the book was a good idea.

His skeletal index finger tapped on a certain page of said book as he considered the information that the former NPCs had gathered for him. The new world was intriguing for him. He had heard from Demiurge not long ago that there were rankings of beings and many monsters in the world. The species were arguably more diverse than Yggdrasil ever had been with Oni, Orks, Goblins and hundreds of other basic species with all of their evolved versions and possible unique traits. 

'Hmmm, what should our moves be? First, I'd like to see if I could contact any players or even administrators, second issue is to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown so that any of my comrades could potentially find me if they too were dragged into this mess.'1

His finger tapped the book once more before he closed the inconspicuous book and extended his hand outwards, a dark pink and black portal opening to store it. As he finished storing his ongoing guidebook a wrap at his bedroom's doors echoed into the room followed by a delicate female voice.

"Ainz-sama, Lady Albedo has returned from her tasks and is ready with a report."

Looking over at the door Ainz sighed within his own mind before moving towards the door, his sonorous and deep voice flowing at as he traversed the small distance.

"Very well, I shall be in my study, inform Albedo to meet me there."

"Hai, Ainz-sama." The dull sound of footsteps continued for but a few moments as an electric buzzing noise replaced it and was soon subsumed by silence. Standing before the door Ainz looked at the ring that gave him spatial access to the entirety of Nazerick, a flash of data-like energy patterns smothering his form as he appeared within his large opulent study. Golden filigree and detailing covered the walls of the room with satisfying decorations and adornments scattered throughout, giving the entire aura of the room a sense of tranquillity. Book shelves lined the wall behind the perfectly polished wooden desk. The wood of the desk wasn't normal either, its structure being made from the wood of Treants and the cores of Dryads. Sufficed to say, every element of the room was the ideal of rich.

Strutting up to the chair he gracefully pulled it back, planting himself on said chair moments later as he gazed down at the various papers and documents left for his perusal. Despite the oddness of the situation Nazerick operated as usual, the only difference being the lack of victims for several elements of the tomb. Many denizens were a little perturbed by the lack of human sacrifices and food, the cockroaches being a good example of that.

Softly looking through the papers for a few minutes Ainz began to sign some documents, mostly ones pertaining to surveillance efforts and scouting missions for the surroundings of the Tomb, of his and his friend's home. Paper by paper he sorted through the monotonous issues of Nazerick until, amidst the signing of one of the papers, the main door that fed into the study opened. Stepping out from the opened door was a woman of stunning beauty and virgin innocence. Behind her back spread two black wings and from her head protruded black horns, creating a pseudo crown above her head. Her skin was pale as paper and her features seemed to be etched as if by the gods themselves, which many in Nazerick would connotate to the Supreme Beings, Ainz being the leader of them.2

"Ainz-sama! I have completed my mission!" Her voice oozed out in a high pitch as she almost printed towards the desk, a bright red blush running through her cheeks as she stared at the skeletal body of Ainz.

"Good job Albedo... What news is there." He set down his papers as the quill he was using floated away into an ink jar but a few inches away. The mood was odd and Ainz felt every second of the weirdness as he couldn't help but lightly stare at his follower's assets. A bright green light covered his body as his emotions settled somewhat.

'Damn it...'

Not happy at the dampening of his emotions he looked at Albedo plainly, the woman understanding the shift in mood and becoming more professional, the blush still present. 

"We have discovered a group of orcs moving through the desert. They seem to be starving and thirsting, this group has even resorted to cannibalism to stave off the lack of food." Her tone seemed simultaneously intrigued and upbeat as she was happy that she was the one to bring this information to Ainz whilst interested in their uses.

Ainz slowly drifted off into thought as he considered the madness of cannibalism and how he was oddly okay with it. Considering his species he quickly put it under the morality built into the species, his own human morals feeling revolted at the idea of accepting him whilst this new morality made him feel as if it were natural. 

"Interesting... what do you think of their ability to be used?"

She seemed to think for several moments before looking back at him, her eyes shining a bright yellow-black.

"Very promising, If we can subjugate them than perhaps we can get some information, a potential workforce, fodder for the various floors and also a stable supply of monster soldiers. Considering the fact that we do not know if this world has the materials to replace the things we took for granted in our past world, it is economically sound to accept them."

Nodding his undead head Ainz eventually stared off to the side, his mind working awake at the problem like an AI. A minute passed as he went through this thought process, his head turning back to Albedo soon after the minute was up.

"Let's head out and look for the leader... I wish to see them for myself."

"Hai! Ainz-sama!"


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