Chapter 11: Getting Kicked Out

Release Time: 2024-05-20 11:19:18

After being introduced to the orphaned children that Iralia had been looking after she guided me to a bunch of different people throughout the city. Some were miners who had been layed off because of recent mine collapses, whilst the rest were an eclectic mix of different professions, a perfect mix for our purposes.

This whole entire process took half a day, my growth skill pulling on the world around me to add different things to my physique. It felt different than usual as I felt a certain aspect of my physicality change, my strength. The weight of my clothes was next to nothing now as the small skinning daggers I had gotten from some Goblins in the village were equivalent to aluminium tubing in my past life despite the steel nature of the tool. 

Despite this change there was very little to speak of. The negotiations for the migration of these disparate craftsmen and women mostly included bringing their families and insurance of shelter, water, food and work. Some were more complex and had debts to the nation of Dwargon, which I had to deny their ability to come over to us, we didn't have any money... Iralia chuckled at me when I declined the debt-filled dwarves but I just shrugged it off as we continued to move.

Amidst the galivanting we were doing Iralia somehow received the trade map and handed it to me. There was a lot of information on the map including a pretty detailed recount of the current goods and services entering and exiting the city. Afraid to ask where the map came from I just tucked it between my breasts and moved onwards.2

Finally, after several hours of talking and gaining information we finally arrived out the front of Kaijin's forge. From outside i could hear the laughing and low mumbling of the dwarves and Rimuru. Stepping into the building with Iralia in tow I made my way to the back, past the innumerable swords, maces, spears and armours. I was attracted to some of the arsenal around me but I decided not to touch them. The entire room had a musky scent of oil and sweat, typical of a blacksmith or a military camp. At the end of the room was a counter with a door behind it, my own movements leading me behind the counter and to open the door. Iralia followed behind in mild interest as she was taking a gander at the various implements of death around her, sometimes stopping to admire a piece.

Entering into the forge room of Kaijin's forge i saw Rimuru dispense countless swords onto the ground, the Dwarves in the room looking gobsmacked and shouting aloud, except one that just hummed and nodded. 'Hehe... Speak!' I couldn't help the thought as I entered, the stunned faces of the Dwarves changing to one of complete safeguarding as I entered unannounced.

"Rimuru, I have a friend who wishes to join us and bring some more people along." My words made the Dwarves blink, looking towards the adorable slime who was now looking at me. 'I bet he's thinking that I am reliable...'

(Author: Damn... How does she know...!🤨)

"Ah! Thank you Silviana-san! I was also looking for people. Here, meet Kaijin, Garm, Dold and Myrd. They are craftsmen." Looking at each one of them as he stretched a part of his slime body to point I gave a small nod in order. They too gave me some small greeting gestures as I looked back at Rimuru.

"Do you want me to leave you to it?"

"Mmmm, you can stay... Plus, I just helped them complete their quota, Isn't that right?" Kaijin walked forwards and took up one of the magical longswords, his eyes gleaming a little under the intense magical glares from the metals. 

"Hmmmm, they do seem to be of the same quality and toughness. Its almost like they are of the same quality... Ha, Hahahahaha! In but a moment my work was surpassed!" He grinned widely as if he had just seen a new peak to challenge as a craftsmen. Rimuru, being who he was, spoke too. 

"It wasn't surpassed, I just used your pre-existing work to make duplicates..." Kaijin looked at him and grinned wider as his brothers in the background also smiled.

"Haha, this calls for a celebration!"

"Aniki, you don't mean 'that' place do you?"

"Of course I do!"

"But there is a lady in the room..."

They all turned silent at that, turning to me in awkward contemplation. I struggled to hold a laugh back as I knew they were trying to find some way to cover up their thoughts. 'Time for some chaos...!'

"If you mean a titty bar, I am not opposed." They all looked at me as if I had grown four wings, sprouted horns and was declaring myself an angel or something. Rimuru was especially speechless as his slime was making an expression akin to that of unadulterated shock. Myrd hummed a little in response, his face alighting with a slight red blush, his response breaking the atmosphere in the room into thousands of shattered pieces as Rimuru yelled out at him to just speak, a thunderous laughter following suit.


An hour later we were all seated within the Elf 'paradise'. The entire gathering was cordial and enjoyable, several Elven women fawning over me and Rimuru in equal amounts. Rimuru because he was a cute ball of slime that somehow had a charisma around him, and me because I was massively attractive, as far as the elven women told me. Right now I had a blonde haired elven woman with boobage equal to mine clinging to my right side and a smaller but more thiccc elf woman laying backwards into my breasts as she sat on my lap.

Life was good. Even Iralia got some attention, the stout woman attracting some of the younger elves thanks to her motherly aura. They didn't really hug or anything but she was having a good conversation with them. Rimuru, needless to say, was buried in the twin peaks above him, Kaijin's words falling off of his smooth brain as he luxuriated in the divine softness. The elven ladies near me chuckled and pressed themselves into me as they caressed my skin lightly, the move not going unnoticed by the owner who gave them a strict look. 

'Don't ruin it lady!' Almost yelling out, i stopped myself as I noticed the 3rd rate villain in the room, the Dwarven scientist who hated Kaijin... I knew he later turned into an asset for Rimuru and our future nation but it was still difficult to fully accept that as he looked at us all in hate, especially Kaijin.

Like in the anime he came over and did his usual villain speech, only to be crushed verbally by Kaijin who told him he'd finished the supply order. Following that he spilt drink on Rimuru and the elf lady he was resting on, getting a beating straight after. It was unfortunate I couldn't stay with the ladies that were practically oozing with sensuality but work was work and life was life...


Before the guards came I sent Iralia to gather the people we had spoken to and to take them outside of the gates to the edge of the forest. I sent one of the tanning knives with her as a proof of my approval, just in case she was considered a threat to the people waiting there. She slinked into the back of the establishment and meshed into the alleyways, disappearing easily into the gloom.

Once she was out, the guards were called and like in the anime we were taken in chains to the citadel. Now standing in front of the king of Dwargon, I couldn't help but sigh, the minister; i couldn't remember his name, was now dressed and 'treated' as if he was violently attacked and injured by Kaijin. I knew that he knew that we knew, he was full of bullshit. Even king Gazel wasn't fooled by his dog crap. 

The proceedings continued much like in the anime, Kaijin rejecting the call to service and eventually being thrown out of Dwargon. Rimuru and me were silent throughout the proceedings and did as we needed to, the Soldiers around us not scaring me in the least as i knew i could shift into the shadows and bounce when needed. Getting lead out of the castle, through the city and out of the gates we were finally let free and thrown the meagre belongings given to Kaijin and the three dwarven brothers.

"Good luck aniki... Close the gates!" The brother in the guards looked depressed and alone as he said goodbye to his closest friends and bros. I almost teared up at one point but shrugged it off as Rimuru turned and began bouncing towards the edge of the forest, a bright set of red hair showing that the people I had wanted to get were in fact there...

'Good! Now we can get shit started way easier!'

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

HP: 400

MP: 450

STR- 44

CON- 40

DEX- 40

CHA- 36

INT- 45

WIS- 45


Unique Skills:

Unique Skill- Eidetic Total Memory

Unique Skill- Semblance: Umbral Assault

Unique Skill- Reincarnation's Blessing

Unique Skill- Growth

Unique Skill- Magicule Infinatatum Potentia

Unique Skill- Wisdom of the Arcane Observer (Gained Through Past knowledge and Residual Unspent Reincarnation Energy)

Normal Magic Skills:

Skill- Wind Control

Skill- Lightning Control

Skill- Water Manipulation


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