Chapter 5: Experimentation

Release Time: 2024-05-20 11:15:41

After the Dire Wolves had joined the village they were all pulled into a large group, the ice being broken by Ranga as he talked with Rigurd and some of the other goblins. The atmosphere had turned lively since then and conversations created a general loud din.

I was off to the side, my attention focussed on my hand. In it was a green tornado, a recent gain from being exposed to the generally windy environs. Leisurely it spun, its funnel moving over me palm, spattering bits of sensations up my arm into my shoulder. It was interesting because when I felt the pull of my Unique Skill- Growth I had originally thought it was my stats increasing, but no, it was informing me of my acquisition of Wind Control. When i had summoned this it had cost me 10 Magicule Point, MP for short. That was just the initial casting however, as soon 2 points were draining every ten seconds.

I calculated exactly how much points that would be in a minute, 12 Points, and the expanded that into an hour... The total was 720 Points, to sustain this spell for an hour total. It seemed to be inefficient. 

Watching on as the small tornado vigorously rotated around my palm, its very existence being fuelled by my Magicules, I began to slowly experiment. Attempting to use the wind in the natural environment was my first move as it would possibly cheapen the entire spell. My Magicules spread into the area surrounding me, the wind caressing it softly as a burst came from a nearby mountain. In that instant I put my intent into my magic and wove the natural wind into the Tornado on my palm.

My points expenditure was dropped from 2 every 10 seconds to 1 every 20 seconds. 3 Points per minute, 180 Points per hour... I could now hold this spell like this for an hour with my current Magicule pool. Relief washed over me a little as I considered the possibilities of such a discovery... Lightning would be powerful because static electricity existed everywhere. Fire, Heat and Cold would be very easy taking into consideration how precipitation and Thermoregulation worked.

Looking at my status screen I could see that my mana total was unaffected despite gaining a new skill. This was unusual for Tensura as usually your total would drop to account for the required needs of implementation of a new skill. Tapping my left index finger over my lips I began to test some other powers, the meeting beyond me continuing as Rimuru began to speak on teaming up and rules. I first tried lightning, pulling on the static electricity in the air with my magicules. At first it was a little difficult to imagine static electricity but it started to get better when i envisioned lightning swirling in and amongst my fingers.

With electric blue spark of light an instantaneous flash of light began to curve around my fingers. The drain on this was more intense than the wind control skill as this one was draining something around 4 point every ten seconds; 24 Points/Minute, 1240 Point/Hour. I grimaced at the cost, it seemed that even with using the natural electricity around it was quite expensive. Now i had gained a more thorough understanding of why Rimuru was scary, he could hold that black lightning for minutes, even longer, without getting tired.

I let go of the lightning and shot it at a nearby rock... It was, unfortunately, a bad idea as within the blink of an eye the rock was sundered and a massive lightning crack sundered into people eardrums. It left me particularly stunned as my ears were extra-sensitive, ringing permeating my mind as I saw part of the rock become molten slag before the electricity grounded itself.

Everyone was now turning to look at me, confusion and amazement flowing through their expressions as Rimuru just seemed tired. Blushing, I soon walked off further into the village for some privacy... 'Next time I'll experiment in the forest!' 1

After that small incident Rimuru went on to name all of the goblins in the village, going onwards to name Ranga before falling unconscious. If i remembered correctly he would take 1-3 days to recover, something highly unusual for most people in Tensura because he should have died from exhaustion of magicules... But this was nothing for the cute little slime as he had the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest backing him up. Looking on as the goblins took Rimuru into one of the huts I decided to get more powerful soon. I needed to have a strength about me to be able to fully survive this world... Not only was there future conflicts but there was also the unknown. I didn't read everything of Tensura, I don't know everyone's powers nor do I know if this is an AU or a faithful canon version of Tensura. All i did know was that I needed to figure out my magic capabilities and test out Umbral Assault.

'Time to go experiment some more...'


Meanwhile, In a wide open desert North of the Beast Kingdom Yuurazania, a large tomb-like structure emerged in a massive flash of white light. If anyone were here it would blind them. Amidst this flash came a shattering of space and then the re-knitting of it, like a mirror being shattered only to be rewound to its previous whole state.

The structure itself was desolate and seemed to be ancient. Broken pillars, old reliquaries and catacomb entrances were some of the features to the exterior. What trumped all of them however was the large entrance to a mausoleum of sorts, this entrance sitting in the middle of the tomb. If one were to look around and gaze upon the structures they would find otherworldly languages and text, ancient yet indiscernible to anyone within Tensura.

Below this simultaneously grandiose but barren tomb were many levels, ten to be precise. In the central throne room of this tomb, a figure of utter despair and death sat upon a large golden throne, the room around him opulent and golden as well. Filigree and detailing's were superbly common in this room as its' sheer size and expansiveness gave the sense of immense power and prosperity. This figure currently sat on his throne, his skeleton face peaking out from within an overbearing mages' robe. Beside him floated a large staff of golden might, entwining the staff were 7 golden squirming serpents with each head ending at the top of the staff, gems of power being held within their mouths. The entire staff was oozing power of unimaginable power.



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