Chapter 4: Encounter With Direwolves

Release Time: 2024-05-20 11:14:50

Just to cover my ass: I do not own Reincarnated as a Slime or Overlord, I only own my own characters!


After being accepted into the party all of the goblins moved back to the fires and continued to dance and have fun. Rimuru was close by to me, his mood obviously excited as he watched the goblins eating pieces of meat that they had recently hunted. He could not personally taste the food but it seemed he vicariously 'ate' through their expressions.


I was silent for most of the time eating some stray pieces of meat and wild vegetables. To be completely honest i did not eat much, but the things I did eat were much better than I had ever tasted in my last life. I did not know if it was the Magicules within said food and vegetables or if it was my species, i didn't really care at the time.

I spoke with some of the goblins as well, their reactions being cute or really endearing as they were just excited about having another ally in the coming fight. Rimiru and I did not speak too much, our little spurts of conversation being about how i got to the village and how he did as well. I believed that he wanted to speak tomorrow.

The party came to an end a couple hours after i arrived, the goblins going back to their huts and tents for sleep as Rimuru offered for me to stay in the same large hut he was sleeping in. I was worried at first, my mind warning me of the danger that could be incurred onto myself in sleep... Before i could get too far however he said that he'd stay with Rigurd in his tent for the night. He was very thoughtful, if someone were to think him an ignorant slime or person they would be highly ignorant themselves. 

Saying goodnight to everyone who was still awake I set off to the house, settling down for the night with several small rag-like blankets... My first night in this world wasn't very long or eventful but it was certainly productive. I soon fell into a 'sleep', if i could call it that... It was more like a meditative rest, I was conscious and fully able to comprehend my surroundings but at the same time feeling like my body was resting completely. The rest of my sleep, which was four hours long, slipped by as I honed my mind on sensing my surroundings and slowly gaining some energy from it. The four hours i spent felt more like thirty minutes to me as the energy of nature flowed in and out of myself.2

My eyes snapped open from my meditation as the loud howl of dire wolves reverberated across the small open patch of forest the village found itself in. The shadows seemed to lightly stir around me as I felt some threat from the howl. I stood quickly, my eyes moving to the front of the hut, the dirt ground crunching below my soft feet as I walked to it soon after. 

Exiting the hut I saw Rimuru exiting Rigurd's hut, Rigurd and several other goblins within the village also exiting and running for their weapons. The Dire Wolves were hundreds of meters away from the village but their presence could not be understated at this moment. They were nowhere near Rimuru's full power but they could still kill the goblins if things happen differently to the anime. 

Thing from that moment on happened much like the anime, the goblins shaking and squirming under the aura of the Dire Wolves, the creatures that had killed their warriors. Rimuru turned to look at them all, his expressions changing as he had the bad habit of forming a face on his slime body. He now sat in the middle of the 'palisade' and faced the currently halted forces of the Dire Wolves. In the distance i could see two wolves standing out the front of the pack, one with a star pattern, Ranga, and the other a slightly larger wolf with a basic navy-blue coat of fur.

"Turn back now, and we won't take any action. Leave this place at once!" Rimuru spoke aloud into the night's cold breeze, the sun still a couple hours away from rising. The response was almost instant, the larger wolf becoming enraged at Rimuru.

"Insolence! No mere slime can order around us Dire wolves! Trample that fence down!" The response of the pack leader launched an assault from the first wave of wolves as they launched forwards, fangs gleaming in the moonlight, aiming for the fence and Rimuru. I found the whole thing surreal as I had watched this fight in the anime and it was cool if a bit cliché but now, with it actually being in reality, it was more interesting. The Dire wolves did not just move awkwardly like they did in the anime but had a keen, natural, movement to them. The night wasn't just a backdrop to the showdown as it rustled the leaves and trees around us, causing a slightly chaotic feeling to swirl into the battle. It was all much more intense.

Several of the goblins stood back as the assault began. I walked up towards the fence, a meter away from Rimuru, as my concern grew slightly, i didn't want to see the cute goblins be murdered by some mutts who had a power trip. The Dire wolves sprinted across the small hilly plane, getting closer and closer, snarls and grunts cascading through the night as Rimuru seemed to tense his slime body a little, my senses picking up some slight Magicule disturbance around me. 

'He's using those threads... I'll step back, it seems he doesn't need me.' I literally took a step backwards as the goblins, seeing the use of magic from Rimuru, gained confidence and stepped forwards. Bows and arrows were hoisted into waiting positions as arrows were nocked onto strings. Seconds passed in nervous waiting as the last remaining warrior, who would later be called Rigur, held up his sword to indicate when to shoot.

The wolves got closer and string became lightly pulled upon as nerves started to get to a breaking point. That was when the Dire Wolves' first assault hit the wall of razor sharp wires that were set up by Rimuru, this moment was soon followed by the firing of the arrows, many of the arrowheads and shafts striking true and snapping inside of the Dire wolves. The archers reloaded with as much speed as untrained goblins could, meaning not that fast.

Enraged by the affront to his power and his species' power the leading Dire Wolf, who had a scar above his right eye, ran with a rapid fervoured pace towards us all. His anger and hatred was evident via his eyes, eyes that shone with a slight red tint, a sign of madness had i ever seen it before. The beast leapt through the air as he got closer, the goblins now abandoning their reloading to watch the currently unfolding events. I felt the need to facepalm at their laxness but i stopped myself as I too was interested in what happened next.

"Rimuru-sama!" Rigurd shouted out in his elderly tone, worry evident from his tone and the desperation he held within his cadence. Before the Pack leader or any goblin could speak however the Dire wolf's leader was strung up in the air, various glittering threads holding him up in the sky. Confusing sounds began to filter out of the wolf's mouth as he struggled against the threads.

"This won't hold me!" The wolf struggled against his restraints relentlessly but ultimately could not dodge Rimuru's next skill. A blade of water appeared from his slime body as it slashed upwards with a speed equivalent to a water cutter at full strength. A thing line of blood appeared on the beast's neck as the remaining water mixed with it creating small flows of bloody water that melded with the beast's coat. Blood poured out in spurts from the exit wound on its neck, the head falling to the ground almost immediately after the skill was used.

The next few minutes were less interesting for me as Rimuru simply let the body down and said his part to the Dire Wolves, their growls evident as they didn't like the fact that he had killed their boss. After he finished his speech the surroundings went silent. He spent a few seconds contemplating until he finally ate the body of the boss using his skill Predator. Soon after he turned into a Dire wolf, had another speech and proceeded to howl out in power. Honestly it wasn't very intimidating for me but it seemed to be working on the Dire wolves as they slowly approached him, crouched down as they did so, before completely submitting to him. There was a lot of wind from his howl but other than that everything around us was fine.

"Our pack yields to you." These were the words spoken by all of the wolves as they basically knelt down in a submissive stance. 

"U-umu... D-Did we win?"

"Yeah, looks that way. It's good that there's no need for fighting anymore. " Rigurd and Rimuru had a small conversation as he reverted to his slime form.

"Yep, yep. Nothing beats peace." After his words were finished the goblins did another round of celebrating as they abandoned their weapons to the ground and dancing as they went.

'... Didn't change at all from the main plot, i suppose this will change in future if i decide to interfere or include myself in combat.'

|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

HP: 180

MP: 230

STR- 18

CON- 18

DEX- 18

CHA- 18

INT- 23

WIS- 23


Unique Skill- Eidetic Total Memory

Unique Skill- Semblance: Umbral Assault

Unique Skill- Reincarnation's Blessing

Unique Skill- Growth

Unique Skill- Magicule Infinatatum Potentia


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