Chapter 51: Boyfriend Reaction

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:47:52

Charlie stared at the computer screen, excitedly watching the countdown that appeared on the screen.4

Right now, she was lying on her bed in her room with her laptop open in front of her, waiting for the premiere of her favorite artist's new song.

Black Velvet had won her over with the first song she heard, Numb, causing her to add it to all of her playlists. After he released the song In The End just after her boyfriend broke up with her, she felt even more affection for this singer.

It was like he was singing all those songs to her.4

As if he saw her life and turned it into a musical!3

As a student at the most prestigious music school in the country, she knew how difficult it was. Not only the need for technical knowledge, but also the inspiration needed to make so many songs...

She saw that he was the singer, songwriter, arranger, everything of all the songs, which showed the immense talent he had.

When she followed him on Instagram, she saw that he was the same age as her, which surprised her even more because he was an independent artist who did everything himself!

Last week he had released the song The Lazy Song, which managed to be even more successful than his other songs!

While Numb and In The End had around 400 to 500 thousand views, despite being released for 3 and 2 weeks respectively, The Lazy Song, which was released just a week ago, had already reached the 1 million view mark!

Seeing this singer, who she met when he didn't even have 1,000 followers, now have more than 20,000 was something she was proud to follow.

What surprised her was the lyrics of "The Lazy Song," which, unlike the other two songs that focused on sadness, this time came with a lot of happiness, making this song the one that helped her stop suffering from the end of her relationship.

Whenever she felt bad, she would put on The Lazy Song, lie in bed, and enjoy the tranquility of the music.

Once she even tried to do what the lyrics said and put her hand in her pants, but being a girl, she didn't get the feeling that boys get when they do that, so she didn't try again.8

But that didn't make the song bad for her, because as the days went by she got better and better, until now she didn't care about her ex-boyfriend anymore.

The problem was when she opened his channel to choose a song to play while she studied, and she saw that he had a song scheduled to be released today in premiere mode.

That fact alone wasn't a problem for Charlie, in fact it was great news, the problem was the name of the song.

[Boyfriend - BlackVelvet]

"You're kidding me..." She said in frustration as she looked at the name of the song. "Just when I'm done mourning that idiot, you want to make me mourn again, BV?"

Charlie actually considered not listening to this song, afraid that it might actually make her feel bad again.

She had felt so good the last few days, she didn't want to lose that.

"Maybe I could just listen to some of the music? If it's bad, I'll stop listening and just go back to Lazy Song..." She said softly with a slightly insecure tone.

Charlie was in doubt for so long that she didn't realize she had wasted an hour thinking about it and the song finally started counting down to the beginning.

At that moment, 3,943 people were watching the live premiere of the song, which was a very large number for such a small channel!

That was almost 20% of his subscribers live on the channel ready to hear his next song.

[Looking forward to the song +1]




[BlackVelvet, don't make me suffer for my friend again]

[BV, be my friend!]

[Will this song be about another breakup?]

[I hope it's a happy song like the last one].

[I'm waiting with my hands in my pants].2


Reading the comments made Charlie laugh a little because there were some really funny people on the Internet.



As the countdown began, the comments died down and people focused on the video.



When it finally ended, Charlie saw the image turn into an animation, which excited her and the thousands of people watching.

Watching Lazy Song while watching the animation was much more fun than just watching a static image with the lyrics on the screen.

The beginning of the animation was a dark party, most of the other characters were just blurs.

But the protagonist of the song, the BlackVelvet character, was leaning against the wall, calmly sipping a drink and looking in one direction.

Unlike the previous songs, the beat of this song wasn't just guitar, Charlie could hear bass, violin and a good use of keyboard and electronic parts in the song, which surprised her a lot!

Suddenly, while the beat was playing, the camera showed what BV was looking at.

It was a couple, but instead of enjoying the party, the couple was arguing until the boy yelled at the girl and walked away, leaving her alone.

But instead of being sad, the girl got angry and went to get more drinks for herself, showing no intention of leaving.

"If I acted like that..." Charlie commented thoughtfully, comparing her situation to that of the girl in the video.

Suddenly, while the girl was getting a drink, the BV character came up to her and started singing.


I can't believe we're finally alone...

I can't believe I almost went home...

What are the odds? Everyone's dancing...

And he's not with you...


Seeing what happened, Charlie froze.

"He's not going to do what I think he's going to do, is he?" She asked herself in shock.

[I knew it! When I heard that song on Intabram, I knew it was a song like that!]


[Son of a b... Are you really going to take advantage of the BV girl?!]

[What a dream...]

[That son of a b*tch is an asshole, but who hasn't wanted to do the same?]


The universe must have seen this coming.

What am I going to do? Not grab your wrist?


When BV's character sang this, he put his hand around the girl's waist and a smile appeared on both of their faces.

On BV's face it was a confident smile and on the girl's face it was a mischievous, shy smile.


I could be a better friend than him.

I could do the shit he never did

Up all night, I won't stop

Thinking I could steal you from him

I could be such a gentleman

And all my clothes would fit


Watching him talk about how much better a boyfriend he would be for the girl, Charlie broke into a big, excited smile as he put himself in the girl's shoes in the video.1

"If I met him at a party and he talked to me like that..." She thought excitedly.

Remembering her asshole ex-boyfriend, she thought that maybe he deserved to be with another boy at the party if he did that to her.

Even more so when BlackVelvet's character put his jacket around the girl in the song when he sang "Plus all my clothes would fit", Charlie was thrilled to see it.

[I'm going to faint!]

[This... my God, I'm running out of air watching this...]

[Bro knows how to make a girl like him...]

[I need to learn more from you, Black Sensei!]1

[I just want my boyfriend to say these things to me, even though he's already my boyfriend, I'd think it was amazing...]


I don't have to tell you twice

All the ways he can't be enough

If I could give you one piece of advice

I would leave with me tonight

The universe must have foreseen this, mmm, mmm

Ladies first, baby, I insist


As he sang this part and left the party with her, enjoying a night on the town, Charlie imagined the same thing happening to her and realized that their relationship was very similar to the one in the video.

Although her ex-boyfriend acted like she wasn't enough for him, she realized that he wasn't enough for her either, it seems that she was so comfortable with the way their relationship was that she just accepted a lot of things.

But when she saw how much fun BV and the girl were having as they walked around the city after the party, Charlie realized that she'd probably never had that kind of fun with her ex-boyfriend.


I never would have left you alone

Here alone, glued to your phone

Never would have left you alone

For someone else to bring you home

I could be a better friend than him

I could do the shit he never did

Up all night, I won't stop

I will steal you from him

I could be such a gentleman

And you know my clothes would fit...


As Charlie listened to the rest of the song, a big smile appeared on her face as she realized that her breakup was actually a good thing.

Her idiot ex-boyfriend had left her alone, a beautiful, intelligent girl, when there was a lack of boys interested in her, wasn't her ex just leaving her alone so that someone else could take her home?1

Thinking that this was exactly what was happening, Charlie enjoyed the rest of the song while she made a decision, she would finish studying today and tomorrow she would go out with her friends to have fun.

"And I'll make sure to post this so he feels bad!" She said excitedly as she told her friends that she wanted to go out and have fun.

What she didn't know was that the next day she would probably hear this song live without even knowing that she was going to her favorite artist's first concert.2

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