Chapter 49: Violin

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:45:54

"What does the part 'plus all my clothes would fit' mean?" He asked confused.

Thinking about it, I didn't realize that I had just copied the original song and hadn't paid attention to that part of the lyrics.1

The original song was about a girl who was in love with another girl at a party, but who was waiting for the girl's boyfriend to leave the party to hit on the girl, saying that she would be a better boyfriend than her boyfriend.

This part of the song meant that if the girl dated the singer, they could both wear each other's clothes because they were both women.

Since I'm a man, that part made a little sense when I sang it.

But Mark didn't even wait for my answer before making an assumption.

"Are you imagining her boyfriend with a little guy? So she can't wear his clothes, but since you're taller than her, if she gets your clothes, she can wear them and feel comfortable?" Mark tried to guess, which made my eyes light up.

"Yes!" I replied in agreement. "In the music video, I was thinking of having the protagonist be a guy like me, and her boyfriend be a very skinny little guy. It would be an interesting part of the music video to have the protagonist wear his coat on her, which would match his personality and pique the interest of the girls listening to the song," I explained. I explained.2

"You want to do a Thirst Trap?" Frank asked in surprise as Mark started to laugh.

Smiling a little embarrassed, I nodded as I explained. "Stop laughing bro, it's not like I want to focus my career on doing TT's, but I thought it would be good to do a song like this once in a while to help my career in the long run, you know how female audiences are..."

Controlling his laughter, Mark agreed. "Yeah, I know it could help, but it's still funny."

"Do you have all the lyrics ready?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, it's written here." I said pointing to the computer screen. "If you want, I can also try out the rhythm I made so you can get an idea of how to add the bass and piano."

Nodding their heads, they both agreed and focused on me singing while I played the guitar.

If I knew how to play bass, I would probably know how to play the bass in the song and explain it to Frank, but I didn't understand it very well, and knowing how talented they were, I preferred to just sing and let them figure out the best way to do it.

🎶 ...

I would never have left you alone...


With each part I sang, they unconsciously started moving their fingers and feet to find the beat and play the imaginary instruments.

When I'd finished singing everything, the two of them stayed quiet while continuing to play the imaginary instruments, probably imagining the sounds they were playing in their minds.

I just stayed quiet and looked at them.

Ethan was also salsa dancing, but his eyes were shining because this was the first time he'd heard me sing the whole Boyfriend.2

Since I know he likes to sing my songs at school to show off to the girls, I think he must have seen the potential of this song to get the girls to like it and quickly grabbed his ukulele and ran out of the basement.1

I think he must have tried to play the song upstairs in our room.

Could he learn it just by listening?! I wondered, shocked at the possibility.

With how good his ear was at recognizing the car through the roar of the exhaust, it didn't seem impossible!

"I think I have something." Frank said as he picked up the bass to try and create the base of the song.

"Can I use your PC bro?" Mark also asked, pointing to the music editing program I had open.

"Yeah!" I replied as I stood up and started watching them work.

Since I had already done the lyrics, the rhythm and the main beat for the guitar, their job wasn't as difficult as making something from scratch.

They just had to make beats for the song that matched what I had already made.

After a while, my mom came down with some snacks for us to eat while she made the music, which made the atmosphere even better and got us more excited to continue.

What surprised me was that by the end of the afternoon I had gained some new skills.

As the two of them were doing things on the computer and explaining to me everything they were doing, I learned a lot from them, to the point that my Music Editing skill went up to Lv 11 and I got a new skill!

[Music Editing Lv 9 -> 11

Effect: +11% easier to understand and apply music editing concepts, +11% more likely that the audience will like your editing].

[Bass Guitar Mastery Lv 3:

Effect: Develops a deeper understanding of bass techniques, increasing skill and confidence when playing at 3%. This includes advanced fingering, rhythm, and improvisation techniques. It also improves music theory retention and practical application during performance by 3%. Gain a tangible advantage by absorbing the fundamentals of bass and improving your musical performance].

The Bass Skill was only at Lv3, but the increase in knowledge and application it gave me was huge!

So much so that when I was studying with Frank, I was even able to ask more advanced questions and make some suggestions based on what I knew of the original song, which I now understood a bit from what I heard, which helped us make an even better bass beat for the song!

It was the same with Mark.

As I watched him make the beats for the song, I started to learn even more, and when my skill reached Lv 10, I was able to understand even more about the things I remembered from the original song, and I was able to give Mark tips and ideas to put into the song he was making.

From what I observed of the two of them, Frank was probably around Lv 24 of Bass, while Mark was around Lv 19 of Music Editing, which wasn't much, but he was already much more experienced than me.

With their help, something that would have probably taken me days to study and learn was now much easier to do.

The only problem left was the violin.

But to my surprise, just as I was thinking about how to deal with it, I heard a violin noise coming from upstairs.4

Confused, I decided to go upstairs to see where the noise was coming from while Mark and Frank finished their parts.

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