Chapter 48: Help From a Friend

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:45:08

"Have you ever driven the car hidden from me?" my father asked, confused and suspicious.

Which was understandable, since my driving skill had already increased twice in just one hour of training.


[Driving Mastery Lv 3].


This meant that at this point, I was practically a person who had been practicing driving for three months, more than the time it took to learn to drive and pass the driving test.

So if my dad took me to the driving test today, the chances of me passing were very high, since I had only learned for 2 hours with him!

While I was driving, he was looking at me all the time with eagle eyes, trying to find some flaw in my driving technique, and he did find some because I was still learning, but as long as he told me once, I wouldn't repeat it.

That's why the skill increased so fast. My father worked harder than I did to get me to learn, which raised my level very quickly because every little mistake was immediately corrected.

Even though I didn't have a buff like cooking or school, it still went very fast.

"I swear this is the first time I've ever driven a car, Dad." I said, but he still didn't believe me.

"I think with your level we can book your driving test this week and you'll pass." He smiled at me, which made me smile back in excitement.

Being able to drive had always been a dream of mine, so to see me so close to it was nice.

"I'll arrange it for this week then." I said excitedly.

"Okay, now go back to the house, you can take us now." My father said as he relaxed in the passenger seat and I enjoyed the experience of driving on the road for the first time.

I must admit that it was a good experience, even though I was driving an old car, it was a well-maintained and comfortable car, so I just enjoyed the ride back and increased my skill by another level.

[Driving Mastery Lv 4].

When I got home, I went to help Ethan learn to play the ukulele, while I tried to learn how to make electronic music in computer programs.

The tip in the message I received yesterday was very interesting and made me curious to learn it.

But to my surprise, this kind of music beat I was making on the computer, instead of giving me a new skill, actually gave me a level of a skill I already had.

[Music Editing Lv 8 -> Lv 9].

Since the program was the same as the one I used to edit music, the mastery of both was combined into the same skill, which was good for me because I found it even easier to do.

Boyfriend in my old world was a multi-instrumental song.

As far as I remember, the song had bass, piano, violin, but the main thing was the electronic beat of the music, which gave the song a macabre and attractive vibe.1

I didn't have a bass, but I could simulate it with the guitar and some editing, which wouldn't be bad.

For the piano, I could use the keyboard Selena bought, which would also be fine.

For the electronic beat of the song I would try to do it in the editing program I was just learning.2

The problem was the violin.

The violin sound in that program wasn't very good, it sounded very artificial. I wanted a better quality.

My previous three songs I had done with just my voice and acoustic guitar, mainly because of lack of money, but also because I wanted to maintain the image of an indie artist who was starting to grow.

I still wanted to maintain that image, so I wanted to do two versions of the song, one acoustic style with just my voice and guitar, and another version of the song with all the original instruments because that would probably go more viral.

But I was still missing the violin to use in the song...

Putting that thought aside, I thought about the other instruments and remembered Mark and Frank, who I had met at the bar.

They were both very talented musicians, maybe I could get them to help me with this song?

They already know that I'm BlackVelvet, so it wouldn't be like I was telling them a secret.

I think it's worth a try.

Picking up my cell phone, I sent a message to Mark first.

[Hey bro, how are you?]

He replied within a few minutes.

[Hey Noah, you haven't texted me since we exchanged numbers. I thought you lost touch with me lol]

[Nah, I just haven't had time haha, how's the band going?]

[Not so good. Apparently Harry saw the performance you did with us and got jealous. Now Jannet's mad at him, he's mad at us, and it's just me and Frank with nothing to do while they fight].

[What the fuck, brother? I'm making a new song, you want to come over here with Frank? I need some help with bass, keyboards and an electronic beat, are you good at that?]

[Another song? Didn't you just post a song on your channel?! What kind of talent is this guy?] He sent back shocked. [But we can help, Frank is good with keyboards and knows a bit of bass, I also like to play around a bit with making my electronic music beats, so I can give you some ideas].

[That's cool! When are you guys coming? I'm working on it now].

[Jannet and Harry are fighting and I think it's going to go on all night. I talked to Frank and he said he wants to get out of here as soon as possible. Send me your location and we should be there in a few minutes].


After sending them the location, I went to tell my parents that two friends were coming to help me with the new song I was working on, which made my dad excited and my mom worried.

She wasn't worried about who my friends were, but what she could make for snacks.

Knowing she liked it, I didn't stop her and let her make the snacks she wanted.

After 15 minutes, I heard a loud exhaust noise outside the house, even though I was in the basement.

To my surprise, Ethan, who was very focused on learning to play the ukulele, heard the car's exhaust and stared blankly for five seconds.

"Subaru WRX..." He said softly, startling me.1

"No way... I thought, wondering why he said that.

As we left the basement and headed for the front door, a blue Subaru WRX was parked in front of the house, with Mark and Frank taking the instruments out of the trunk.

"Damn buddy, did you guess the car just by the sound of the exhaust?" I asked in surprise as I ruffled Ethan's hair.

"Hehe, that sound is very recognizable... if you knew it, you'd recognize it too..." He replied embarrassed but proud that I noticed he recognized the car.1

This little boy's ear was very good, even with the [Tuned Ear], I knew that I wouldn't be able to recognize the model of the car with the exhaust, especially for an exhaust that probably had a downpipe and maybe other modifications, I didn't even hope to know which car it was from the rumble without listening for a long time.

"Sup guys!" I said smiling as I walked over to the car and looked for something to grab to help them.

"Hey Noah!" Mark said smiling. Looking at Ethan from my side and seeing our resemblance, he also said hello. "Hey lil Noah!"

Hearing Mark call him Lil Noah, Ethan was confused and replied. "My name is Ethan, Noah is my brother."

"But you two look alike. You look like a little version of your brother, so I called you Lil Noah." Mark explained with a smile, causing Ethan's expression to take on a surprised look.

As I helped them move the stuff down to the basement and set it up, I talked about the music.

"I didn't know you were good on bass too Frank." I said as I looked at the bass he'd brought.

With that I wouldn't even have to use the guitar as a bass.

"I like bass, but I only like to play slap style." Frank explained with a laugh. Frank explained, laughing. "Harry hates it, so I only play keyboards in the band."4

"What's this song you're doing? Didn't you put a new song up on your channel this week?" Mark asked confused.

"You follow my channel?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course I do! I was already following your channel when I met Numb, now that I know I played with you in the bar, I've even turned on the notifications so I know when you release a new song." He replied laughing.

"Thanks bro, this song I'm doing is to try a different style." I said as I picked up my guitar and started singing the chorus of Boyfriend to them.

I could be a better boyfriend than him.

I could do the shit he never did...

Up all night, I won't quit...

Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him...

I could be such a gentleman...

Plus all my clothes would fit... 🎶3

Listening to the song and me singing it, Mark and Frank's feet started tapping the floor in rhythm, enjoying it.

But Frank asked a question I hadn't thought of.

"What does the 'Plus all my clothes would fit' part mean?" He asked confused.

And that confused me too, because I hadn't thought about it.9

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