Chapter 45: Improving Relationships

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:42:59

The amount of effort and focus I put into making the game on Saturday was so surprising that even my family came over to ask me what I'd been doing for so long.

When I told them I was making a game, the most excited was obviously Ethan, who wanted to be the first to play to test his brother's game, which I agreed to without thinking twice.

Liv was surprised and asked me to explain how the game worked, so I told her my ideas.4

When she heard that it was a music game where you could play the songs of the artists you liked, she got interested too, even though she had never liked electronic games before.

My parents just supported me, but they didn't really understand how it worked.

I knew that I could make a game like Flappy Bird and try to make as much money as possible from the people here if the game did well, but I know that Flappy Bird was successful in my previous world due to a large series of factors and coincidences that I could try to replicate here and make a lot of money from it, but at that point I would have already lost my original purpose of making games.1

I wanted to do it for fun, as a hobby.

If I just focused on the money, I'd have to think of another hobby, and even though my family wasn't in the best financial shape, it was only a matter of time before I could help them out even more.

My artwork was earning me around $5,000 a month, which was already a big help, not to mention my MeTube channel and Spokify, which were already earning me good money. Soon I'd be making over $10,000 a month, and taking some of that money to help my family would be enough.

I'd be able to use my time to relax and have fun until, in time, we'd achieve our financial freedom and I'd start earning even more.

I discovered that Rank C performers were already making an average of over $1,000 a night, not counting how much Rank B and A performers were making.

So I wasn't so desperate to trade my hobby for a way to get rich quick.

Although I spent a lot of time developing the game, I didn't neglect training with my family.

To my surprise, even my mother joined us today, so the whole family stayed in our backyard to train.

Liv stayed away from our mother for a while, and I could see that they were both getting hurt a lot, so I knew I had to do something about it.

They were both having trouble controlling and expressing their emotions, and it was really affecting their relationship.

I didn't want them to become best friends, I just wanted Liv to stop trying so hard to get away from her.

So after they finished training and I was the only one left doing my Krav Maga training, I asked her to stay a little longer.

"Hey Liv, can you wait a little bit?" I asked, making her stop and turn back to me.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she looked away.

From the way she was acting, I knew she knew why I called her.

"You're still not comfortable with Mom?" I asked.

When Liv heard my question, she sighed. "She didn't even apologize to me..."

This was a problem. From the conversations I had with my mother while we were cooking together, I knew that she was sorry and that she wanted to improve her relationship with Liv, but if she didn't even apologize, it was hard to improve.

"If she wants to make it better, are you willing to give her a chance?" I asked as I punched the air, thinking it would be a good idea to buy a training dummy.

Looking at me a little suspiciously, Liv replied. "I don't know, what if she starts acting crazy again?"

Smiling, I stopped hitting her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Have you forgotten that your big brother is back? If you need help with anything, I can help you, protect you, don't worry."2

Looking at me, Liv was surprised to realize that it was true.


Looking at Noah with his hand on my shoulder, I was surprised that I had him now.

I used to feel really bad because I had no one to complain to or protect me. Whenever she and I had a fight, I had to run to my room and cry alone.

Ethan was too young, Noah would just stay in his room and look at drawings on the computer, and my dad, who I trusted, was hardly ever home, and when he was, I didn't want to stress him out with things like this.

It's not like she ever hit me or anything, but I think the expectations she had of me were so high that it overwhelmed me when I couldn't meet them.

To see her frustration and me not being able to reach the level she was awful.

But now that Noah was getting better, I had someone to confide in.

When I was sad, I knew he could help me.

If I was having trouble with something, I knew he could teach me because he's obviously a genius and just never wanted to show it.

It's not hard to see how quickly he learns anything he tries to learn.

He started learning to play the guitar and was already performing on stage with professionals!

He started learning to sing and had an amazing voice.

He started studying harder for school and now Ethan had a great teacher by his side to teach him every day.

Even in our workouts, Noah explained each exercise so well, he even explained what each exercise did for each muscle, why he asked us to do that exercise, and surprisingly, he developed different workouts for each of us!

"I guess I could try." I replied a little embarrassed, but with more confidence.

With him by my side, I know I can do it.

And when I saw the smile on his face after I said that, I was happy to make him proud.

He's been helping me so much lately that I feel a little obligated to help him back.

Especially with the success he's having, it makes me so proud.

When I saw the smile on his face, I realized how different he had become.

His big cheeks were almost gone, leaving a very charming smile on his face.

His body, even though he tried to hide it with baggy clothes, I could see that he was much thinner than before.

Hehe, I can't wait to see how he'll shock people when he actually decides to show this transformation.

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