Chapter 25:Exposed Stream

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:24:34

[BV, are you there? I think we'll be able to stream today!]

Quacktus sent me a message on Voicord. When I saw this message, I got excited, because now I was excited to do this stream with Quacktus. Being patient had never been my strong suit, so seeing that asshole on the internet talking shit about being the original author of Lazy Song made me angry, but luckily I had time to prepare.2

My goal wasn't just to prove that I was the original singer of The Lazy Song, because from what I had seen of Logan's personality, being the typical influencer who grew up with controversy, lies, and just being an asshole that kids and idiots like, he wouldn't stay quiet even if I proved that it was my song. So instead of just showing him that he was wrong to lie about being the original singer of the song, I sat down with Olivia and got some interesting things to talk about on the stream.

Since Olivia had a lot of free time, I asked her to help me research the biggest controversies Logan has ever been involved in, and knowing what those controversies were, it was easy for us to find information about them on the Internet - moments when he contradicted himself in his explanations, as well as hidden things we hadn't imagined.

Unfortunately, my programming skills weren't very useful in helping to get this information, but I did get another useful skill.

[Investigation Lv 3:

Effect: Develops a better understanding of investigation techniques, speeding up the analysis of information by 3% and promoting more efficient interpretation of clues by 3%. Also improves retention of details and practical application during an investigation or interrogation. Gain a tangible advantage by absorbing the basic methods of investigation and evidence gathering].

Raising the level of this skill to 3 was a great help, because at one point while I was looking for a detail about one of the lies he told, I suddenly remembered that he had told another lie in one of his streams and I connected some dots, gleaning more evidence against Logan to use in the stream.

As for how helpful my new ability was right now, was 3% a lot? Of course not. But having an extra 3% on something positive was a big help.

[All right Quacktus, when you're ready let me know, I'll be getting ready here too] I replied.

After talking to Quacktus, I finished setting up the character I had made for the next song and put it on my profile picture. Then, to give my audience some satisfaction, I posted on my Stories that I was going to do this stream with Quacktus to prove that the song was mine and I was going to post some truths about Logan, which started to get more views than usual.

Since I started my Instabram, I've maintained a frequency of posting at least one story a day, and considering I had just over a thousand followers, 300 to 400 views on my Stories thread was already a good number, but this story I was posting was getting more views than usual. In just 15 minutes, it already had 200 views, and according to the statistics of this story, it was being shared by my followers to their friends.

Seeing this, I knew something big was about to happen, because if my followers were sending this to other people, it was probably because those people were Logan fans and my followers wanted to prove them wrong.

But convincing a fan that their idol is lying is no easy task. Even Quacktus saw my Stories post and reposted it on his Stories post to the thousands of people who followed him, so even more people saw the hype that had started to build around the stream.

Olivia also saw this and was excited with me as I tried to find out how people felt about it. Quacktus had scheduled the stream to start at 9pm, so there was very little time left for it to start. Of all the new views that appeared on my Stories, one that surprised me was from a verified account: Logan Steele.

He had also seen my post... This was going to be interesting.

I opened Voicord and sent the screenshot to Quacktus. [He saw my post... it's possible he wants to retaliate.]

[LOL, I hope he retaliates] Quacktus replied with laughing emoticons.

As someone who just wanted to get more of an audience out of all this, Quacktus would obviously want Logan to respond so that more bullshit would be created and more people would watch his stream, but that wouldn't be a bad thing for me either, because as a musician just starting out in this world of virtual celebrities, getting more of an audience would really accelerate my growth.

So I sent some laughs to Quacktus as well and just waited for the moment to stream while I checked all the research I'd done with Olivia. When the time finally came, Noah and Olivia were standing side by side watching Quacktus' stream start.

The stream opened at 8:45 pm with a "Starting Soon" screen to attract more viewers, and with the title: The Lies of Logan Steele and the Truth of The Lazy Song!. Many curious people clicked on the stream and waited for it to start.

Quacktus' streams, which usually averaged 3,000 viewers, now had 4,000 viewers and hadn't even started yet. Both Quacktus and I smiled when we saw this, because as long as we don't talk shit, we'll both get a lot of viewers.

Then, at exactly 9 p.m., the screen changed and Quacktus was sitting in front of the camera with a serious expression on his face and a dramatic title on the screen that read "EXPOSED! LOGAN'S LIE!" He held a piece of paper with notes on it as he prepared to speak, building up the suspense as much as possible.

Quacktus: "Hello, my dear viewers! Today we're going to reveal one of the biggest liars to ever appear on this platform! I'm here to expose the streamer named Logan Steele, who dared to deceive us all with his blatant lies! Or rather, he dared to deceive anyone who didn't follow me, because my audience already knew the truth from the beginning!"

When Quacktus said this, the viewers who didn't follow him were confused, while the viewers who watched the talent show were proud to know the truth!

[Yes, that's right!]

[I was here when the truth was told!]

[Justice for BlackVelvet!]

Putting aside the paper he was holding, Quacktus smiled as he spoke. "Although this is my channel, the one who will refute Logan today will be someone else already known to my audience. Welcome, BlackVelvet!"

As he said this, the stream's screen changed to show Noah's icon, a cute little chibi doll with hair that was black at the roots and bleached at the ends to white blonde, blue eyes, and a rock shirt. Since no one had seen this character before, when the public who already knew BV saw this avatar, they were shocked and excited by how cute this drawing looked.

"Hi folks, I'm BlackVelvet." I greeted the audience with a warm voice.

Quacktus: "BlackVelvet, is it true that Logan has claimed on several occasions to have originally sung and written a song called 'The Lazy Song'?"

BlackVelvet: "Yes, Quacktus, I think almost every viewer here today must have seen a video of Logan claiming to be the original singer of 'The Lazy Song.'"

[Yes, I've seen that video!]

[What does that have to do with anything? The voice singing Lazy Song in his video is identical to Logan's voice, it's obvious he's the one who sang that song].

[LMAO, it's funny that people are commenting on this with BlackVelvet on the stream].

[ikr? Lol, poor guys.]

[What are those people laughing at?]

Quacktus: "That's funny, right BV? Because if I'm not mistaken, Logan is not the real original singer of Lazy Song".

BlackVelvet: "Yes Quacktus. Haha, for sure the song wasn't originally sung by Logan."

[What do you mean? It's obvious that the song was invented by him, he wouldn't lie about being able to do that].

[Logan sings so well, it's obvious you guys are jealous].

[LMAO, I'm laughing with you both, these people really can't see that Logan lied to them...]

[How can you prove it's not Logan's song?]

Quacktus and Noah continued to talk for a few minutes, dropping hints and clues to attract as many viewers as possible to the stream.

Quacktus: "But BV, if it wasn't Logan who sang that song the first time, then who was it?"

Seeing the smile on Quacktus' face, the audience became even more curious.

The stream, which started with 4,000 viewers, now had 9,000 viewers, and that number kept growing as people loved a little gossip.

BlackVelvet: "To answer the comments of those who wondered how I was so sure that Logan wasn't the original singer of the song, it's because, to simply put, I'm the original singer of The Lazy Song."5


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