Chapter 13: Growing

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:16:33

When I got home with my dad, carrying in the new weights we bought, I was excited to see how much faster I would gain muscle with these and quickly went to the backyard to start working out. Seeing me excited to work out, and curious about the new equipment we bought, Ethan also went with me to the backyard, accompanied by my father, who decided he would also start working out. Even though he didn't have much free time during the week, Dad said he would try to find some time every day to work out, or if that wasn't possible, at least work out on the weekends to maintain his health. I realized it was more a way for him to try to get closer to us, which I didn't expose, and I was just happy with what he was doing.


As soon as I started working out with the equipment, I didn't notice much of a difference, but within a few minutes I was surprised by a notification that appeared in front of me.

[Bodybuilding Lv 12 -> Lv 13:

Effect: When doing weight training, your muscles develop 13% faster and your body tires 13% slower.]

My Bodybuilding Skill leveled up in much less time than it had when I trained yesterday! Out of curiosity, I grabbed my phone and opened an explanation of a workout that a personal trainer had posted on MeTube and tried to do the workout exactly as he was instructing, and not surprisingly, my bodybuilding level rose even faster.

Ethan and my dad were curious about the training I was doing, so I started explaining to them what routines I had chosen and how each exercise should be done and because of my Skill Teaching, they were learning everything much faster than what they would have if they were to do it alone. Because of Ethan's age, I still avoided having him do any weight training and focused on calisthenics training.

After 30 minutes, Ethan was exhausted and went to take a shower. My father stayed for another 15 minutes after Ethan and also left exhausted, leaving me alone, still working out. Every few minutes I would receive a notification.

[+1 STR]

[+1 CON]

[Bodybuilding Lv 13 -> 14]

[Bodybuilding Lv 14 -> 15]

Because of the possible Gamer body I received with the System, the speed at which I was gaining stats with each set of reps I did was increasing by a lot. Of course, this was also because I was increasing the weight I lifted every time my STR went up a point, which made me demand more from my body and consequently increased the speed at which I would receive another STR point.

When I was an hour into training, I was surprised by who walked through the backyard door.

"Olivia?" I asked in surprise, noticing the workout clothes she was wearing.

"Do you still have time to work out with me?" she asked, a little embarrassed.

Smiling, I waved at her and asked back, "What do you want to work out?"

Looking at the equipment scattered around the yard, she was a little lost. Turning her gaze to me, I noticed that she was looking at the muscles that were beginning to appear on my arms with mild surprise.4

-------- Olivia's Commentary --------

Sitting on the interview couch, Olivia was still wearing her workout clothes as she looked at the camera in surprise.1

"Is it possible to develop muscles in just one week of training? Before he was training just using his body weight, without any training equipment, and just today he picked up a weight for the first time, and as he was wearing a tank top I could see that his arms were actually getting a little more defined!" she said with surprise as she shifted her gaze to her own slender arms.1

"I know he lost a lot of weight this week, but even with all the fat he still had, you could see the muscles starting to form on his body!" she exclaimed, still shocked.

-------- Commentary End --------

Seeing her look at my arm, I realized that from working out my arms for over an hour, the Pump I was getting was very visible, which gave me a bit of pride, until I looked back at her, waiting for her response.3

After thinking for a while, Olivia finally responded, "I've been wanting to work out my legs, but I don't know what exercise to do. Do you know what I can do?"

Thinking a little, I knew some calisthenics exercises she could do, but it would be a huge waste of the equipment my father bought to put her through exercises that didn't replicate that, so I was honest. "I know of some exercises that can help, but let me do a little research on the internet and I can find the best exercise for you. Wait a minute."

As soon as I said that, I put the weights back on the floor and searched on my cell phone for some serious exercises to train my legs. With my level 16 in Bodybuilding, I was able to understand the exercises a little more easily and started explaining to her what she should do: going with squats using a weighted bar, and the other exercises that the list recommended to me.

Even though Olivia was very beautiful, I think because I took on Noah's body, which had grown up with her always being his little sister, I couldn't even look at her with any sexual tension. Of course, I could tell that she was very pretty, but I didn't feel like looking at her ass while she did her squats. This was something that I realized she probably noticed too, since at first she was a little embarrassed to do squats next to me, but after realizing that I was just focusing on my training and sometimes looking at her just to check if she was doing the exercise correctly, she began to squat more carefree and focused more on the exercises, doing the workout correctly even if she was in a more suggestive position at times.5

Whenever she finished doing an exercise she would ask me what to do next, and I would patiently explain it to her, which continued to increase the level of my Teaching skill.

[Teaching Lv 15

Effect: When teaching others, as long as you know what you are teaching, they have a 15% more chance of understanding what you are explaining.]

The 15% Buff in how she would understand the exercise was very good, as she made fewer mistakes in posture and execution, which made our training have a very relaxing atmosphere.

We spent most of the time in silence, just with me doing my exercises and pushing my body to the limit, while occasionally helping her with something she had questions about or correcting the posture she was using.

After 40 minutes she was exhausted and stopped working out.

"How are you not tired yet?" she asked, shocked and panting as she lay down on the grass.

"I still have a lot of adipose tissue to burn. It's like I have an infinite supply of energy, haha." I laughed as I tried my hardest to get to the tenth repetition of the exercise.

I was also exhausted, but seeing the points increase as the workout went on was very addictive. I still wanted to make my [STR] go up one more point before finishing the workout.

"Adipose tissue?" she asked, confused.

Seeing her confusion, I explained. "Fat. Fat is a great source of energy, and I have plenty of that to burn," I said as I laughed and dropped the weight I had been lifting.

[+1 STR]

With the notification in front of me, I finally dropped my body onto the grass and breathed heavily.

Olivia and I sat in silence for a few more minutes as we both rested until she got up and went to shower first. Knowing that she would take a while in the bathroom, I continued lying on the grass and took out my cell phone to check how many views my video already had.

Black Velvet - Numb (2.477 Views)

Seeing that the video had slightly more than doubled the number of views since the last time I watched it approximately 3 hours ago, I was surprised and went to analyze the channel's Analytics. Of these 2,477 views, 2,301 came from external links such as the Tweeps that Jacob and other influencers made on Tweep, as well as the girl who promoted the song on Instabram. The other 176 views came from promotions that MeTube had started to make. This meant that now the music could really start to grow at warp speed!

Looking at the door Olivia passed through, I quickly thought of something. Opening Instabram, I quickly found her profile and opened the Stories she posted. Surprisingly, one of the Stories was her promoting my music!

With a big smile on my face, I liked her Stories and replied with a "Thank you".

But the next Story left me even more surprised. It was a photo of her taken in the bathroom mirror with a message.

[Today I started working out with my brother, and damn, he's better than many Personal Trainers I've seen out there. I think I'm starting to like working out.]

Seeing this compliment from her, even though I knew that no one would believe that a fat guy like me would know how to train and would probably take it as mockery, still warmed my heart, since I knew that she was speaking very sincerely.

Checking out her profile, I realized that my BlackVelvet profile currently had 90 followers on Instabram! On this social network, this profile only had a profile photo with the logo I had created, so I thought of a good strategy to grow my audience and accelerate the growth of my popularity, as well as possibly generating engagement for my profile.

Now feeling more rested, I got up from the grass and organized the workout equipment in a nicer way in the backyard and took a photo of it with the night sky in the background. As the quality of my cell phone's camera wasn't good, the photo wasn't as good as I imagined, but as I had the System, I had an easy way to solve this.

Opening tutorials on how to edit photos to make the quality more beautiful and have a cooler aesthetic, I spent 40 minutes learning as much as possible and I finally managed to make the photo look really cool in addition to getting a new Skill.

[Photo Editing Lv 2]

Although this Skill was still at a low level, it was much better than posting the photo without any editing, so I posted it with a caption.

(Thank you to everyone who listened to my song "Numb", liked the video, and commented. Know that seeing the feedback from each of you motivates me more and more to continue following my dream.)

Was this my dream before coming to this world? No, but the fusion I had with Noah is influencing me in some ways. One of those things is the great desire he had to reach out to and influence people positively with his songs. Even though the lyrics of the song weren't mine, seeing people's reactions to the song, seeing how it was positively affecting them - how it was slightly changing people's lives - was something that was really making me very happy.

I would even be able to improve my composition skill and compose my own songs in the future in addition to using already established songs from my previous world... but all this, all this change that is happening in my life... it's all so magical...

'I hope you're satisfied Noah. Our life is only going to get better from here on out,' I thought as I smiled, seeing Ethan bring me a bottle of water.


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