Chapter 9: Siblings

Release Time: 2024-05-19 03:13:55

[New Mission Unlocked]

When I saw the new message, I was surprised to see that I had another mission after such a long time.

The first and only mission I received was on the first day I arrived in this world.

I got to the point where I thought I wouldn't get any more missions and that it was only for newbies.

[Mission: Get your song 1,000 views in the first 24 hours.1

Reward: +1 CHA, Mysterious Title].

Looking at the mission and the reward, although the +1 CHA is very useful, I was most tempted by the Mysterious Title.

My current title, [Endurance], is already extremely useful because it helps me exercise and train my physique, and that came from a reward related to a physical training mission, right?3

Since this mission came from something related to music or fame, the title can also be related to that!

Now, what can I do to get my song to 1,000 views in the first 24 hours?1

Just posting the song on MeTube and letting it generate organic traffic is out of the question, because relying on the algorithm to start promoting my song when it wants to can take several days.

Even if I have faith in the music, there's no point in the music being good if no one hears it, so I'd have to do it in a proactive way.


Looking at the notification that had just appeared on my phone, the answer came to me!

At present, my Twipper was growing very fast, as long as I post there to promote the song, it's possible that a few hundred people will click to listen to it, and as long as those people listen to the song, the likelihood that they'll listen to it more than once is high, not to mention that they can send it to friends, showing how good the song is, giving me a good start on the platform!

But there's a problem...

There's a very high chance that they'll suspect that I'm the person who makes these furry drawings, and I don't want my image associated with that...2

This was a problem that left me a bit lost.

Unsure what to do, I started pacing around the room trying to come up with a solution.

Several ideas came to mind, but within a few seconds I found something that would make it go wrong.

[+1 INT]

After thinking so much and working so hard on refuting my theories, my INT went up, probably because I was practicing my logical thinking.

Then I suddenly had a very good idea.

This idea might burn my image a bit for some people and make me look a bit desperate at first, but considering everyone's beginnings, maybe it will become something funny to talk about in a while.

My idea was basically to create a Twipper account for my profile as a singer and tag some pretty famous accounts, but from completely different genres, including my furry drawing account in those tagged accounts, so that having tagged that artist's account wouldn't look suspicious, and if JacobTheWerewolf shares the song, it will seem like a natural thing to do.3

As if Jacob received Noah's tag and really liked the song, so he decided not to repost it and let his fans go and see what song the artist they liked was listening to.1

Considering how problematic the Furrys' relationship with their parents is, it's likely that they're even more connected to music than other audiences.5

Wait, maybe I can even use this as an excuse to get Jacob to draw the cover of the song on MeTube because he thought the original cover was too ugly while he liked the song, so it will seem even more natural and the audience will be even more curious about the song!

Deciding to do just that, the first thing I did was work on my MeTube and Twipper accounts.

But here was the problem... I still hadn't decided on a name...

When I was thinking about a name, there was only one name that came to mind, but I still wasn't sure if I wanted to use it as my stage name.

Black Velvet.4

Considering that my last name is Black, this would really suit me, but the problem is the origin of this name...

Black was not only my last name, it was also the last name of my current father, as well as my asshole father in my old world, and that was the name he used to introduce himself when he met my old mother...

I wanted to think of something else, I even considered copying the name of a band that already existed in my old world, but come to think of it, in the end that was the name I went with.

Even though I hated that asshole, I think I'll use this as my only tribute and way of thanking him for asking God to bring me here.

So today Black Velvet was born.

For my logo I decided to just use the letters BV drawn inside each other in a cursive style, a bit simple but quite unique.1

I used this artwork on both MeTube and Twipper for my account.

In order not to leave Twipper empty, I decided to just post something simple.

"Hi guys, I might release my first single tomorrow, I'm excited!"

This was a very simple tweet that didn't get any likes and probably won't until I get my first fans, but just to avoid leaving my account empty, it was enough, in the future I can plan to post better things.

With the two accounts finished, I decided to start working on the artwork I would use for the cover of the song Numb.

The first cover would just be a simple artwork of a chain with the name Numb written in the middle, which "Jacob" came up with as something very simple and I'd make it better.

Using my [Digital Illustration Lv30] skills, I made a very good artwork.

Since the song was about a person who was used as a puppet by someone and finally broke free, I decided to make the cover a puppet doll that was being controlled by chains, but suddenly a padlock holding those chains opened, causing the doll to finally break free and come out of the dark into the light where it was more colorful.

This was the artwork that took me the longest to create, 3 hours!

But it was really worth it, it turned out much more beautiful than I had imagined.

While I was doing the artwork, my mom came to call me to eat, which I did, and I was surprised to see Olivia there too, eating in silence, but not using her cell phone this time.

Like Olivia, my mother didn't say anything, just helped Ethan eat and occasionally looked at Olivia with a slightly guilty expression.

But Olivia didn't even look at her to notice.

I was exhausted, but I still hadn't trained my muscles today and I had to go to the yard to train as well.

To my surprise, Ethan also put on a gym outfit today and came with me to work out.

"I want to get strong like you, Noah!" Ethan said excitedly as he flexed his arm muscles and looked at me expectantly.

"Haha, it's okay." I laughed as I explained the workout we were going to do.

Since I was only doing calisthenics due to the lack of equipment, none of this would be harmful to him, so I didn't see any problem in letting him work out with me.

But of course I lowered the intensity for him.

While I was doing 10 squats, I only asked him to do 5.

With my weight, even if I only did a few exercises, those exercises were already straining my muscles to a frightening degree.

As I imagined, after a few minutes Ethan couldn't take it anymore and fell to the floor exhausted, but I could see that he wanted to keep working out, it was just that his little body couldn't take it anymore.

But I kept going.

My title [Perseverant] kept me going to the limit.

[Persevering: Only those who persevere to the end in a difficult task receive this title.

Effect: +10% ease when doing a task that requires a lot of effort].1

Even though the 10% bonus from the title didn't seem like much, it really helped me to keep going when my body was telling me to stop.

When I finished, I stepped on the scale and my smile grew a lot.

| Weight: 142.3 kg -> 141.3 kg (313.7 lbs -> 311.5 lbs) |

For the first time I lost 1 kg in just one workout.

If this keeps up, I'll be at the ideal weight for my height in less than a month.

When I felt tired after showering, I couldn't stand it anymore and just lay on the bed and passed out.

Just like the other days, the next day I woke up as if nothing had happened the day before, with no muscle aches and no fatigue from the intense exercise I had been doing.

This is probably related to the "gamer body" I've seen in some novels in my previous life, but there was nothing about it in my statistics.

Even though it was Saturday, I woke up early because I had plans for which I needed free time.

As usual, my father was waiting for me in the kitchen with my breakfast.

Seeing how happy he was that I woke up early to eat with him even on Saturday, I think I'd be very sorry to disappoint him if I woke up later today without telling him.

The morning walk was more intense than yesterday, when I finally managed to walk 6 km (3.7 miles) in 1 hour.

When I weighed myself on the scale, I had lost another 1 Kg, of course counting what I lost while sleeping, but that brought my current weight to 140.3 Kg, so by the evening I would have probably dropped from 140 Kg to about 130!1

Unlike me, who woke up as if nothing had happened, Ethan's whole body was sore.

Seeing him walk like a robot to the kitchen table after getting dressed was very funny.

"How about it Ethan, do you want to work out with me again today?" I asked, smiling as I ate the eggs my mom had made for me.

I practically ate two breakfasts every day, with two pieces of toast with my dad before I went for a walk, and two eggs with bacon after I came back from my walk with my mom and siblings.

For the amount of calories I burned on a daily basis, eating these eggs was the best I could do, maybe even increase it a little, since this protein served as a nutrient for the muscles that were developing in my body.

Ethan looked at me suspiciously and asked. "How come you don't feel anything? My body hurts so much!"

Laughing, I replied, "I've been training for a week now, with time your body will get used to it, it's just that yesterday was your first time and the first time always hurts.4

Hearing this, Ethan still looked at me a little suspiciously and replied. "I'll try again today..."1

-------- Ethan's comment --------

This time, Ethan sat on the sofa with perfect posture, not because he was good, but because that was the posture that hurt his body the least when he sat down.

"You know, when I woke up today, I didn't want to train with Noah again..." He said. "I'm in so much pain that I think I'm going to turn into a real rusty robot, but it was really nice working out with him yesterday..."

"Since I don't have any homework today, I guess I can train with him, right? That way we can spend a little more time together." He smiled innocently as he looked into the camera.4

-------- Comment End --------

Looking at the little boy, I couldn't help but smile.

Ethan was very cute, just like everyone else in our family, he also had black hair, but because of his age, he still had cheeks with a little bit of fat, characteristic of children, and very big, curious eyes that stared at everything around us because of his ADHD.

"Can I too?" A slightly shy, deep voice spoke up.

Hearing her ask to join in surprised everyone at the table.

Olivia was so embarrassed that she quickly regretted asking to join us.

But I quickly replied: "Of course you're welcome. But why do you want to work out with us?"

Honestly, Olivia didn't need to work out.

While I was the fat and ugly one of the family, and Ethan was the short and very cute one, Olivia clearly showed why she was part of the popular group.

With long, straight black hair and white, well-groomed skin, she was one of the prettiest girls in school.

Hearing my question, I noticed that Olivia quickly looked down at her legs before answering. "It's nothing, it's just that I think I can lose some of the fat I'm gaining by eating a slice of bacon every day."

I realized that this wasn't the whole truth, as she had thin legs, she probably wanted to make her legs a bit thicker, and from the tone of her voice, I have no doubt that after our conversation yesterday, she really wanted to try to get things closer and this was just an excuse.1

-------- Olivia's Comment --------

Sitting on the sofa a little embarrassed, Olivia looked into the camera and spoke very quietly.

"I actually have two reasons for going to the gym." She began to explain.

"The first reason is that seeing Noah lose weight so quickly has motivated me to start working out and lose some of the fat that has started to appear on my legs and butt." She said a little embarrassed.12

"The second reason is that the conversation we had yesterday was really good, I thought if we work out together we could have more conversations like that, right?" She asked a little hopefully as she looked into the camera.

-------- Comment End --------

"Sure, so today the three siblings are going to train together!" I said a little excitedly, feeling how good it was for the family to want to be with me.

When we finished breakfast, I saw Olivia heading back to her room and called out to her.

"Hey Olivia, wait a minute, I want to ask you something." I called out, causing her to turn to me in confusion.


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